Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

Not Convincing


Last night had been a bore actually. I just walked Talulu around the neighborhood and watched some T.V.

I almost paid a visit to Mrs. Sweet but I knew that would’ve turned out bad. So I didn’t.

Dinner was a frozen pizza that would last me the rest of the week. I never feel the need to eat much. Not that I’m like anorexic and I starve myself or anything. I’m just never very hungry. Always thirsty though.

Anyway, off to school.

Once again I placed myself in the seat in the back corner just as the bell rang. With my iPod in hand, I began to ignore the drones of the teacher. Blood on the Dance Floor rang through my ears.

“It’s so hard to be a diamond in your Rhinestone world.
I’ve got a heart and it’s beating for a girl.”

The sounds of the world were drowned out for a few moments. That is until the door came crashing open causing me to jump a tad.

I looked up at the cause of commotion.

The beautiful green eyed boy.

“I’m so sorry I’m late. I got lost.” He stammered.

The teacher smile warmly as if to abolish the dread the boy was feeling. “You must be Sky Sweet. Welcome.”

Sky. What a nice name. …Sweet? That was the name of that lady. I was right. This must be her son. Well now I’m glad I didn’t go over there cause then I would’ve ran into him.

“Well introduce yourself.”

“Umm…I’m Sky Sweet. I have three siblings. I play football….I like fruit?” everyone giggled. All the girls blushed, they probably thought he was cute. The guys cheered, the football thing.

There’s no way he’s gay like me.

“Ok. Now to put you in a seat.” She ran over the seating chart. She’s so fucking stupid. We all know that the only two open seats are by me. But she wouldn’t want to put the new kid by me. I might try to kill him.

Whatever. Bunch of ass wholes.

“Well there are two seats in the back…next to Dakota.” she spat my name.

His eyes searched the room for the two seats spoken of. As soon as eye contact was made between us I broke it by looking out the window. I could feel the burn of his curious stare all the while as he look his seat…right next to me.

You’d think he’d chose a seat in front of me so that he wouldn’t have to look at me, but NO! He made a big mistake.

Everyone made noises of disgust and distain as he chose the seat. They can all fuck off.

“Hi.” he whispered.

I gave him a look and a nod.

“Hey. Do you think you could help me catch up?” He asked.

I shook my head.

“Umm…why not?”

I shrugged.

“Well…that’s not a very good reason.”

Another shrug.

“Fine. I’ll just beg until you give in and say yes.”

Eye roll. Is this kid dumb? I don’t think he gets that I don’t want to be around him. Well…I do, but I shouldn’t.

The bell rang.

Oh thank God this class is over!

Off to Biology.

“So…there really is no reason that you don’t want to hang out with me?”

Shrug. Since when did it go from helping him with school to us hanging out? But I didn’t say that out loud.

“Well that’s dumb.” he growled.

I huffed and continued to class.

“Do you not like people or something?”

Shrug. Eye roll.

“Nice way to welcome a new student to the school.”


“Ok. Why can’t I just be your friend?”

Now I’m getting pissed off.

“Because! You obviously have a social status. Becoming friends with me would just ruin that. No one wants to be friends with a freak. Especially one like me.”

“Who says you’re a freak?”

I scoffed, “Everyone.”

“Well not me.” yea, ok “If you don’t mind me asking, why do people not like you?”

“None of your business” I grumbled.

That conversation lasted all the way to my biology class.

“Ok. But I still want to be your friend.”

“You’re not going to give up are you?”

He giggle, “Nope.”

Eye roll.

It’s for his own good. No matter how gorgeous he is…

“So dumb.” I mumbled.

This class was usually boring. Once again, Sky was seated next to me. This time a girl was seated to the left of him. If not for the missing rainbow streak, she could have been Delilah.

“Hey sweetie.” Sky said to her.

“Hello Honey Buns.” She chirped. “What’s up?”

What? Second day and he has a girlfriend? Why the hell is he so worried about me being his friend. Obviously he doesn’t have social problems.

“Well,” he started, “Your big brother made a friend.”

Oh…never mind.

“Oh hello. I’m Dina.” she said to me.

I nodded, not looking in her direction.

“This is Dakota. He doesn’t talk much.”

She gasped. “Can I be your friend too?!”

I growled. “I never said I was Sky’s friend.”

Now it was Sky’s turn to roll his eyes.

“He insists on not having friends.”

She nodded and laughed. “Tough Shit”
♠ ♠ ♠
Today's update.
Hope you like.
C? V? S?
HAHA CVS! That's a drug store.