Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

Giving In? Hardly


Honestly, how the hell did I end up here?

Where am I, you ask?

Well I’m sitting at the Sweet’s house on Sky’s bed, helping him catch up. It’s not that hard. He only missed 4 weeks. Most of this stuff wouldn’t matter anyway. But he’s so damn persistent.Not that I don’t want him to be.

“Thanks for this Dakota. I really appreciate it,” he said

“Mhmm,” I grumbled.

“So someone at school saw us talking and they said some stuff about you.”

Oh no! They told him stuff. What kind of stuff? Not…SHIT!

“Oh yea? Like what?” Thank goodness my voice didn’t convey the angst I was feeling.

“Well, they said you are umm…gay? Is that true?”

Well at least they didn’t tell him anything else.

“W-well um…y-yea.”

“Oh. That’s cool.”

Did he just…He just played it off as nothing. Umm…

“Boys! Dinner!” Mrs. Sweet called.

Sky rushed out of the room and bounded down the stairs before I was even off the bed. As I walked down the hall I noticed that the walls were filled with school and family pictures. They all seemed so happy. I had that once. Many years ago. Not anymore.

I walked slowly to the kitchen where there were seven chairs. I’m guessing that the seventh was for me.

“Hello Sweetie. I’m glad to see you took me up on my offer.” Mrs. Sweet chirped.


“Hi Dakota.” The twins chorused.

Yea, I’d learned that Dina and Delilah were twins. Sky was the middle in age. The twins were younger and they had one older brother, which I hadn’t met yet.

I wondered if he had that same beautiful green eyes like Sky and Delilah. Mrs. Sweet too. Dina’s eyes were vibrant blue. Just like Mr. Sweet’s.

“So Dakota. Tell us about yourself.” their father boomed.

“Umm…I’m seventeen. I’m in the 11th grade. Uh..what else do you want to know?”

“What kind of grades do you get?” he asked.

“Usually A’s and B’s.”

The only reason I get such good grades is because I’ve got nothing better to do.

“Good. Good.” I smiled. “Any sports?”

I shook my head. Me play sports? HA!

“What about extra curricular activities?”

“Umm…I’m in the choir.”

And to think I never thought that would come in handy.

“Oh. That’s nice. Well do you have any pets?”

“A dog. Talulu.”

“Big dog?” he questioned.

“Golden Retriever.”

“Nice. Good hunting dog.”

I smiled and nodded.

I shouldn't be here. This is bad.

The rest of the time they talked about how their day went. Mrs. Sweet liked to know everything that happened at school and such. Everything that had to do with her children. I wish I had a mother like her. Too bad they aren’t.

After dinner Sky and I returned to his room, while the twins went to theirs. And they turned up the music really loud. I knew this because it was shaking Sky’s bed slightly.

“So, have you ever had a boyfriend?” Sky asked.

I almost fell off the bed. “W-What?” I shrieked.

“Have you ever had a boyfriend?” he spoke softly.


“Oh. I’ve only had one. But that ended not so great.”



“Oh. I’m bi.”

Oh thank the heavens! My dreams have come true!!!

No. This is bad! But it could be good. Not once...not once he figures me out.

“A-Awesome” I stuttered out.


The awkward silence that followed was enough to make me jump off of a tall building.Maybe I did have a chance.

“So. What’s your brother like?”

“He’s…nice. Sometimes. Ok well most of the time he’s moody. But he’s a good big brother…I guess.”

I nodded. His tone seemed to state that he and his brother had some issues.

A knock on the door scared me.

“What, are you talking about me?” a deep velvety voice asked.

I turned to the door. A beautiful black haired boy stood in front of me. His frame was lean and muscular. Almost like Sky’s but the boy was a little taller. I was guessing that the boy was Deano. The black hair covered his eyes. The things I wanted to see the most.

Is it bad that I felt nearly the same amount of attraction to him that I did Sky?

♠ ♠ ♠
Sry this took so long to get out.
Busy Busy.
C? S?
Oh listen to this song- Swimming In The Flood by Passion Pit.