Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

Night Sky.


I love the night time. I used to be afraid of the dark. Being home alone a lot changed that. It’s so quiet and peaceful. No hustle and bustle to get to work or school. Everyone was sleeping peacefully in their beds. Dreaming sweet dreams. The stars were so bright in the sky at night. You could hear the crickets chirp.

I was out on my balcony taking in all in. It’s so beautiful. Sky, Delilah, and Dina were all asleep. When we had gotten back, they all played games, watched movies, ate, and other stupid things.

Finally at 1 A.M. they decided it was time to go to bed. The twins took a guestroom and Sky, well he took my bed. After an hour of him kicking me, I decided to just get up. Stupid Sky.

I heard a groan from the bed room. “Dakota? Where are you?”

“Outside,” I said.

“Why?” his voice was groggy from sleep.

“You kept kicking me.”

“Oh…sorry. Come back to bed.” he commanded.

I groaned and trudged back into the room. I got into bed, laying on my back, staring at the ceiling.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

Sometimes I just want to k… That’s what’s wrong. He drives me crazy. Like the way he was laying on his side. His eyes were scanning over mine face for answers. The way he brought his hand up to brush the hair out of my eyes.


“No. It’s something, I can tell.” he insisted.

“I-I’m just t-tired.”

“Oh. Ok. Go to sleep then.”

I tensed when he set his head on my shoulder. His arm was draped over my waist.

Oh God.

“S-Sk-Sky?” I squeaked.

I got no response. He fell asleep…on me.

What the hell? I’m not gonna fall asleep now.

Whe director yells cut
But the camera’s still rolling
This is my life
And you can’t fast forward it

I heard a phone ring from somewhere.

I pried Sky off of me to find the source.

I found Sky’s phone in his bag. It was still ringing. Who the hell would call at 2:30 in the morning?

“Hello?” I whispered into the phone.

“Sky, I need you to pick me up.” a deep voice demanded.

“Sky is asleep” What the hell?


“Who is this?” I asked.

“Deano…duh!” he sighed. Moody much?

“Oh. Well it’s 2:30 A.M. and he’s asleep.”

“Whatever. Bye.”

“Wait!” What am I getting myself into?

I had to make sure I didn’t wake Sky. I didn’t.

“What?” He snapped.

“I’m pick you up.”


He explained the directions to the party he was at. While I put on my shoes and got a jacket. I checked on Sky before heading to my car.

Oh boy. This should be fun
♠ ♠ ♠
very filler-ish.
OMG I just downloaded Adam Lambert's CD last night. Fuckin Amazing.
I love all of you who have commented so far.