Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

You're Pretty When I'm Drunk.


Well Shit.

When I got to the party, Deano was sitting on the curb, and looking completely out of it. I pulled up in front of him and rolled down the window. Why did I agree to this?”


He gasped and looked up at me, wide eyed, until he figured out who it was. That took a long time. Damn drunks.

“Oh, HEY!” he giggled. He seemed less drunk on the phone.

“Get in.” I commanded.

He got up from the curb and attempted but fell back down. He got up again and fell down again. He stabilized by the third try. Then he collapsed into the passenger seat.

“Tha-Thanksss…” he slurred. Great.

“Ok. I’m gonna take you home.” I stated and started off towards our houses.

“No! No…no. My parents. Um…they’ll be mad. I..think. I’ll be in lots of pwoble.” Pwoble? What the hell is pwoble?

I sighed. “Shouldn’t have done it then, should you?”

He whimpered and crawled over the center console, partially on top of me.

“I’m driving! Get off!”

Please! Help me out. Can I uh..crash at yours.”

I pulled off the side of the road because he was fully in my lap now. I didn’t want to crash. And he was crushing me. He ran his fingers over my chest and pouted.

My face instantly caught fire.

“Please. I’ll do anything.” he spoke huskily and bit my ear lope.

I figured that he was horny when drunk, but it really wasn’t turned me on. Maybe it was the fact that he was smooshing me. And my manhood. Plus it was just awkward and embarrassing.

“U-Um…I-If I say yes, w-will you get b-ack in your seat?”


His fingers played lower and lower.

“YES!” I screamed, just to get him back in his seat.

He giggled and rolled back to his side of the car. “Thanks babe.”

My blush had yet to fade and my breathing was oddly erratic.

“You are, like, so cute.” he squealed.

I choked on air as I started to drive again. He must have been SUPER drunk.

“You can sleep in one of the guestrooms, if you want.” I mumbled.

“Aww…why can’t I sleep in your room?” he pouted. I’d never seen this side of Deano before. Usually he was mean and cold. It was kind of weird.

“Because Sky is in my room.”

“Oh. Of course.” Deano grunted. “Did you guys fuck?”

Once again, I choked “What?! No!”

He snorted. “That’s a shock. I’ve would’ve.”

“I’ll remember that next time I invite you to stay in my room.”


The rest of the ride was spent in silence. I felt kinda bad. I may have hurt his feelings.

When we got back, I had to help him into the house the best I could. I tried to get him down the hall and into the guestroom, but he was making to much noise. I had to shush him plenty of times. I got him in the room and to the bed, where he collapsed, giggling.

I sighed. “Go to sleep. I know I am.” I yawned.

“Yea, Yea. Go back to your lover.”

“Oh My God. He’s not my lover!”

“Whatever you say.”

I rolled my eyes and went back to my room. Who knew drunks were so exhausting. Sky was still laying exactly where I left him. I slipped back under the covers.

Sky stirred. “Where were you?”

“Just got a snack.” I lied. He’d find out in the morning, but if he found out then, then he’d freak and wouldn’t get any sleep.

“Oh. Okay.”

His arms went right back around me like a magnet. All of it felt so wrong. All of his family was so nice to me. I didn’t deserve it. And it felt so wrong, because I liked it. I shouldn’t have but I grabbed Sky’s hands and tightened them around me.

It would end soon, may as well enjoy it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait.
You're Pretty When I'm Drunk-The Bloodhound Gang.