Status: Complete

I Think I'm Falling for You

Was That Too Harsh?

I stared at Paul for the longest time with my jaw resting on the bed under me. Did he just…? He did… Seriously???

He began fidgeting after I didn’t say anything and then sighed and laid back.

“I didn’t mean to pressure you or anything. I’ve been thinking about this for a while and we live together and I love you—“ I shut him up by kissing him on the lips.

“I was beginning to think that you would never ask me,” I smiled softly against his lips and kissed him once more.

“We can go ring shopping tomorrow,” he said holding me close. I wrapped my arms around him in return and rested on top of him.

“I can’t wait to tell everyone! We’re getting married!” I kissed him again just because I was so happy about being engaged. I thought that marriage would bring stress, but I could only feel happy about it. I stood up and stretched very aware that I was still naked.

“I’m taking a shower now and you can join me if you want,” I said with a grin. Paul smirked and hopped out of bed.


Paul and I walked into the first ring shop and a lady pulled out a tray of engagement rings. I think I spent at least an hour looking at them. I bit my lip because I didn’t know if Paul had a budget or not.

“Get whichever one you want,” he whispered in my ear before kissing my temple. I smiled and slowly picked up the ring I wanted. The band was white gold and had one simple diamond in the middle of it.

The lady helping us smiled and rang it up. Paul paid and didn’t let me see how much it was. He took the ring and faced me. I blushed when he took my hand and gently put it on my engagement finger.

“I love you,” he whispered because we were still in the store.

“I love you too.” I stood on me toes and kissed him quickly before pulling him out of the store with a smile. We got into the truck and drove home, to our home. Our home, our family, our life. I love the sound of that.

My smile dropped when we pulled up to our house though. Lola was outside leaning against her car. She saw us get out and put on her “sexy” smile. Paul linked our hands as we approached her.

“Do you need something?” I asked. Lola ignored me and was eyeing Paul up and down. I would be too. He was wearing a white v-neck and faded jeans that left little room for imagination.

“You said you would change my oil,” she said poking her lip out. I rolled my eyes and looked at Paul.

“Yeah, I’ll do that. Be right back, I need to go get my things.” He kissed my cheek before heading to the garage where he kept his “manly” things. I took a seat on the porch swing and Lola sat in a wicker chair next to me.

“Where’s Dylan?” I asked wondering if he had left yet or not.

“How should I know? The dick dumped me yesterday when I got back from school and then just left.” She sounded peeved that someone didn’t want her. Serves the bitch right.

“Well, I was thinking about dumping him anyway. It was getting boring in the bedroom. I bet Paul is the last thing from boring,” she smirked at me, trying to get under my skin. I smiled at her.

“You’re right; he’s not boring at all. I mean last night he took me so hard it was difficult getting out of bed. And then he went for round two when we were in the shower. He has an unstoppable sex drive. Too bad for you he finds sluts unattractive,” I said smiling sweetly at her again. Lola raised her upper lip in anger.

“All guys are horn dogs, it won’t be hard to stray him away from you. I mean it was almost too easy to get Dylan. At least it will be more of a challenge with Paul.” I wanted to laugh, but held back.

“Whatever you say,” I said looking away from her and resting my hands on the barely existent baby bump. I tapped my fingers as we waited for Paul.

“What’s that?” I looked at Lola in question. She pointed to my engagement ring and I smirked.

“Paul and I are getting married,” I said looking away again.

“Married?! He’s only marrying you because he knocked you up,” she laughed.

“Lola just because you’ll never find a man to make you happy doesn’t mean that I’ll be the same. I give you permission to try to take Paul from me. Seriously, just try and see how it works out for you,” I said being completely serious because I trust Paul more than anyone else.

“You're going to regret it,” she said with a cocky smile on her overly glossed lips. Paul came back carrying a small toolbox and set it down next to Lola’s car. She hopped up and skipped over to him, holding his arm.

“You’re arms are so muscular, you must work out a lot,” she flirted. Paul raised an eyebrow before shaking her hand off of him.

“I’m a mechanic, I need to be strong.” All I need is a pillow and some popcorn.

Lola kept throwing small remarks to him about his great physique and attractiveness, but Paul wasn’t really paying attention to her, but I could tell that he was getting annoyed because he couldn’t finish her car so she could leave.

When she finally slid her hand into his back jeans pocket, he got mad. He pulled her hand out and pushed her away.

“Lola, I don’t like you at all. You’re too skinny, you’re tan is obviously fake because you're orange, you have no butt, your unnatural blonde hair turns me off, there’s too much makeup on your face which causes it to break out and you dress like a two cent whore which matches your nasty personality. Melanie is the perfect girl for me and I would never want to mess that up. Take your car and leave,” he ranted, breathing heavily. Even I was surprised because I didn’t think he paid that much attention to people.

Lola blinked in shock before slowly getting in her car and leaving. And the bitch is gone. I smiled at Paul as he walked over to me. He sat down next to me on the swing and wrapped an arm around so I could lean into him.

“Was that too harsh?” he asked.

“No, she needed a wakeup call whether she wanted it or not. Hopefully now she can get her life back on track be productive.”

“Let’s go see Sam. The pack is hanging out at his house so let’s go tell them our news.” He stood up and I took his hand again as we walked to Sam’s house. He was right when he said everyone was there. They were all in Sam’s backyard hanging out and drinking soda.

“Paul!” Jared called and high fived him. I looked around and saw that everyone was there except for Leah. I frowned wondering where my baby’s godmother was.

“Where’s Leah?” I asked. Jared shrugged his shoulders and Paul didn’t know either. Seth over heard us and answered me.

“She met some guy and has been hanging out with him all day,” he said rolling his eyes and eating a sandwich Emily had made. I smiled happy that she was opening up again.

“Guys! We have even more great news!” Paul said. I laughed remembering we had said something like this before when we told them I was pregnant.

“God, is it twins?!” Quil asked in worry.

“No… Melanie and I are getting married.” Everyone smiled and a few of the guys wolf whistled. Emily hugged me and congratulated me.

“Honeymoon week, here Paul comes,” Embry joked. Paul punched his arm playfully and laughed. We all started relaxing and hanging out again.

“Mel, Leah’s here and with the guy I was telling you about,” Seth said pointing to them. I need to get my jaw fixed so it won’t drop all the time. Leah walked into the backyard holding Dylan’s hand.

“Woah…” Paul mumbled beside me. I could only nod. When did this happen? Dylan left Lola yesterday and I thought he would already be on a plane back to Chicago. But here he is and with Leah…

“Everyone, this is Dylan. I imprinted on him last night,” Leah said softly with a blush. Sam looked at us and I shrugged my shoulders. Dylan and I made eye contact, but I wouldn’t talk to him until after everyone settled down again.

“What’s the world coming to?! Paul’s actually getting married and Leah imprinted!!!” Quil yelled being crazy. Embry smirked and smacked him on the back of the head, shutting him up. Paul and I went over to Leah and Dylan.

“Congratulations on the engagement,” Leah hugged me. I smiled at her.

“Thanks, when did you two meet?” I asked slowly. Dylan didn’t really look at me.

“Dylan was walking down the road with his luggage and I asked if he needed any help. I imprinted the moment he looked at me. It was the craziest moment of my life. Dylan and I talked all night and I explained everything to him. He’s sleeping on the couch until we figure out how this will all work,” she said shyly. I’ve never seen this side of Leah. Usually, she’s blunt and emotionless.

“Mel, I’m really sorry about how I acted to you. You and Paul didn’t deserve that and I wish I could take it back. I didn’t realize how close of a bond imprinting is. I never want to leave Leah. I understand how you feel about Paul,” he said sincerely. I couldn’t help but smile and forgive him.

The rest of the day went by smoothly and I have a feeling there won’t be any more drama for a long time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay get this, I planned on having Dylan imprint on Leah the whole time, but I got a comment from flight risk. saying:

"I wish Dylan could just like imprint on Leah on his way out of La Push or something so that the revealing of their secret wouldn't be wasted....and that way theres someone for everyone, lol."

I swear she's some kind of mindreader or something haha(: But that was the coolest thing I read. Good job flight risk.(:

Only the Epilogue is left(: Get ready!!