Ghost of You


The dew was wet on the grass all around us. We hadn’t bothered bringing a blanket. We never did. This was our meadow, our place. We had stumbled upon it a week or two after we had finally admitted our feelings for each other.
“Must you leave?”
“I have to, Seren”
“No you don’t Reece! We could… we could run away or something!”
“That would only make things worse, look in a couple of months, I will be back, we will have out wedding, and live happily ever after”
“But I’m scared for you.” I mumbled into his shoulder.
“I’m scared too, but everything will be okay,” He reassured me, kissing the top of my head.
“Promise me you’ll be waiting here for me”
“Reece James York, do not even think of thoughts like that, I will stay faithful to you until the end” and then I tensed up, realizing what I had just said. Reece was being drafted out to the war, the war that contained all of the worlds’ super power countries, tomorrow. We both feared that he wouldn’t be able to make a safe return. I adjusted myself so that my face was level with his, and kissed him. He deepened the kiss, and took it a little further sliding his hand up my shirt, while I tugged at his belt. This all seemed familiar; this was the first place that we had had sex in. It might be the last.
Don't you dare believe that!’ I scolded myself as we carried on.

Wives and families were all over the place, wishing their fathers, husbands, brothers, a good bye and good luck. I turned towards Reece and latched my arms around his neck, wishing that I'd never have to let go. Tears started to stream down my face as I thought of the worst again.
“Shh baby, stop that, I will see you in 6 months, I promise.”
“But I don’t want you to leave,” I said once again.
“I know, I know, but think of it this way, I will be helping people that are dealing with bigger shit then we could imagine!” He said enthusiastically. At times I thought that he was just saying that he was scared so I wouldn’t feel so alone, he seemed so excited. At times.
He bent down to my level, and kissed me more passionately then ever before. A whistle blew in the background, and we pulled apart. I wasn’t the only one with tears streaming down my face from crying. As he leaned down and picked up his duffle bag, I saw others doing the same. I waved to him once he had gotten situated and I could now see other women doing the same. Not every ones’ lives will be the same in 6 months like they are now. I was only praying, hoping, begging, that we would be one of the lucky families.

2 and a half moths later.

I had put on weight, missed a couple of periods, and started getting sick regularly. I had made a doctors appointment for later in the day, and was excited to tell Reece if anything was accurate to my beliefs. I had received five letters from Reece, and written six back to him in the time that he had been gone. I was anxiously awaiting the next letter. I was still planning the wedding, and preparing for the gossip. Even though we have been engaged since we were 18, we only announced it 4 monthes ago.
I walked out of the house, and down the street to trolley cart on my way to the doctors.
Once there, they took a blood sample, and was told to go home, and wait for the results within a couple of hours to a day.

When I woke up I prepared breakfast for myself, and sat down at the table for another lonely meal. The door bell rang, the second I sat down.
“Of course” I grumbled.
I opened the door to my horror to two men standing on my stoop with an American flag in hand, with dog tags resting on top. I fell to my knees, not needing to hear anything.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but we have to regretfully inform you that your fiancé Reece James York has passed away while serving our country in its time of need. We would like to offer this flag of the United States of America to show our gratitude.” Helping me back to my feet one of the soldiers handed me the flag so that they could get on with their days, and probably deal with more women like me. I made my way back inside setting the flag down on the counter, and started straight to the bed room. One my way, the phone rang from the kitchen, directing me from my course.
“H-hello?” I answered sniffling.
“Ms. Seren Pattson?”
“I'm calling from Dr. Willers office to discuss your test results from your previous visit.”
“Oh?” I asked sniffling, trying to hold myself together so this stranger wouldn't have to deal with a hysteric woman.
“Your test results for the pregnancy test the doctor ordered came back positive, and he would like to schedule a follow up appointment.”She continued. The phone dropped out of my hands as I started to sob again, thinking about the my life, waiting, ahead of me.