Within You, Without You

Lucy Loretta Maude is an orphan, who grew up living in foster home after foster home after her parents died when she was six. Only memories of them are left for her, along with fleeting images of London, where she was born. Her and her parents moved to the United States when Lucy was two, and then left her alone in the world four years later. Being fed up with all of the loveless and horrid families that "took her in," Lucy decides to go back to London, following the directions of a letter sent four years ago.

this is a story involving mainly Fred Weasley.

Features Harry Potter characters, that I do not own. The only characters I own are the ones I make up (Like Lucy), and this plot. Everything else is a big thanks to JK Rowling.
I've been thinking about this for a long time. Please don't take any ideas of this story. It'll make me very upset
