Status: Currently On Hold

There's No Price On Love

Life Goes On

To be completely and utterly honest with you, if I had known how badly cheating on someone hurt, I would have never done it in the first place; mainly because karma hates me possibly more than any other person on the face of the earth or because simply I was born rich with a shit life. Most people would probably scoff at this statement, saying “How could you have a bad life with lots of money!?” Truthfully, I’d give every cent I had for the truth and love that people without money are rich with.
His name was sending little twists of disgust at the one syllable. As angry as I was at him right now (and the whole world, I may add), I couldn’t help but feel like I had this coming all along. The scenes with William were something thought that I could easily keep quiet, without guilt or remorse, but somehow along the way I gained maturity and a sense to do what is right.
Now what good is that to me if all it does is pretty much try to destroy my entire life each and every second?
The covers pulled over my head were trapping so much body heat that I could feel sweat beginning to bead on my face. I let out a small noise of annoyance and reluctantly pulled them off of me, exposing myself to the cruel world. I rubbed my eyes and got to my feet, stopping to glare out the window at the darkened sky of night, looking as cold and horrid as I felt right about now.
To my surprise, Jace hadn’t knocked on the door or barged in once the entire time that I had been in my room. What he had said to me had been rude and rather unexpected, even for him. Considering that he had formerly lived in a residence much like my own, you’d think that he’d have some sort of social filter in his brain to sort the right things to say from the wrong. Who am I kidding? Jace is Jace.
I ran a hand through my knotted hair and reached for the doorknob, hesitating slightly. Did I really want to go out of my room to set myself up for another moment of humiliation? I pondered slightly on this thought before shrugging and turning the knob. I’ve endured this much embarrassment today, a little bit more wouldn’t bruise my barely-existent ego.
The hallway, to my luck and surprise, was empty. The only sound within the house was Brett’s rap music blaring from beneath the door of his room. I bit down on my lip and stepped out of the room, the sound of my feet was almost deafening.
The fact that I was almost truly alone in this house was a nice feeling, considering it didn’t happen very often. I trudged down the spiral staircase and into the kitchen, surprised to see that it wasn’t ransacked by a certain hobo.
There was a note on the counter.
Went out, don’t even think about trying to stalk me.
I placed the note back onto the counter, a small frown tugging on my lips.
Where on Earth would Jace have to go?
“He said he went out to see his sister.” I swung around so fast that I nearly tripped over my own two feet.
Brett was leaning against the counter, his gangster hat crooked on the mop of strawberry blond hair. He glanced up at me with a serious expression, so serious that I couldn’t actually tell if he was joking or not. Ironic, isn’t it?
“His ... Sister? I didn’t know that the Fox’s had a daughter in their family.” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest insecurely. Brett shrugged and picked up Jace’s note, tossing it in the garbage for me.
“If you actually paid attention to what’s going on in other people’s lives besides your own then you might have known that.” Brett murmured before leaving the kitchen without another word. The surprise on my face was obvious, mainly because Brett has never said anything so outspoken to me about myself or my actions. The sad part was that I knew he was right more than anything.
The bowl of apples was empty on the counter.
--Jace Fox--
The streets of L.A were always overcrowded and busy, no matter what time or where you were headed. The cars were always backed up in traffic, people were always scampering around like the rats they were, and everything always felt like it was in such a rush. Life was always a giant race here, there was no room to stop and smell the flowers.
It was nice to be walking in fresh, clean clothes and shoes that didn’t have holes in them or dirt packed across the fabric. It had been so long since he had actually had something that felt crisp and new, it was as feeling that he’d almost forgotten. If it wasn’t for Krista, he would have died a long time ago.
Krista was Jace’s senior by five years, the older and successful dental hygienist that she always claimed she was going to be. Valedictorian, the envy of every girl in the school and the female Casanova of the school, Krista was the perfect daughter.
Although he’d cut off contact with her after her graduation and when he had gotten into the wrong crowd of people, he’d finally swallowed his pride on October 17th, 2007. The day that he was officially disowned from his family. Krista hadn’t taken him in but she had given him free dental from her own practice, food, water and blankets. It was more than Jace could hope for.
Krista had decided that it was safer if Jace hadn’t lived with her, only to assure her father that she had cut off contact with him as well; then that way there would be no high suspicions and an easier (or at least in Krista’s position) life. All Jace knew was that it didn’t stop the cold from biting his bones through the night or the scars that came along with the territory.
Krista lived on the other side of town from Emma’s place and couldn’t make it to pick him up for his dental cleaning. Apparently, John needed her to head home considering her stepmother was recently diagnosed with Huntington’s disease. If Krista hadn’t told him, Arielle’s diagnosis would have been a secret kept from him for awhile.
He wanted to see her, considering she had been more of a mother to him than his own, let her know that somehow she could still live while she can. This was so false, so ridiculously fake that for a second he actually felt pity towards himself. Arielle would die the typical painful death of a Huntington’s patient.
Krista had said that once he reached her house, he was to sneak the key from under the bricks making up the ‘fence’, beneath a loose brick. Krista would be the only person creative enough to choose a hiding spot like this, not trusting the keypad on her door that worked much like a lock.
Jace ruffled his blond hair and sighed. Maybe he should’ve told Emma where he was going rather than leaving a note. Knowing her, she’d be pacing back and forth in the kitchen with worry on whether or not he raided her mother’s jewellery box (which he could have done without Emma noticing if anything was missing. The old broad had more jewellery than a store) and then would begin to walk out the door, stopping only to realize that she wouldn’t know where he went. Well, she probably did since he told Brett for a ‘just in case’ thing, but he made sure not to give any addresses. There were as many Foxes as Smiths.
A pang of guilt surged through his body at the thought of Emma. He shouldn’t have been so harsh with her; he could have at least tried to be sympathetic. The girl was giving him a place to stay and even bailed him out of jail (even though it was her fault), he should be thankful. But rather than thankful, he felt a livid anger boil through his veins. Her life was perfect, she cheated on her boyfriend and when he dumps her, that’s the worst possible thing to happen to her. Her life was so simple, so easy. It was the life Jace threw away for William Theoret.
He stopped in front of Krista’s house, large but not considered a mansion. Black shingles places on top of a light grey Victorian-style home with a brilliant red door. He picked the key from under the brick and made his way up the little porch to the door, placing the lock in and turning the key. It was the first time Krista hadn’t been home when he was supposed to see her. The feeling of unlocking a home, having a place that could represent a home, was something he hadn’t gotten to experience for awhile.
He stopped for a moment and ran his hand down the door, pausing for a moment to imagine that this was his home, that inside there were people who cared about him and wanted him in their lives. A small smile formed on his lips as he envisioned the dog whining by the door to be let out, the smell of his mother making supper, the sound of his younger sister’s ballet music floating through the air.
The feeling of longing shot through his body like a bullet and he quickly opened the door.
Krista’s home was modern and simple, like something out of a Good Housekeeping magazine. Everything was perfectly organized and missing any flaw, just like Krista herself. Although she was currently engaged, Jace couldn’t see his older sister being the one giving up her home to be ruined, the guy was going to have a hell of a time keeping everything in check.
He made his way into the kitchen, resisting the urge to light a cigarette as his hands shook, and reached into the fridge for something to eat. His stomach grumbled loudly in agreement as he picked up a plate of ham and scalloped potatoes.
The phone rang as the microwave hummed, the sound almost making him jump in the silence of the home. He bit his lip to hold back a yell and listened, each ring repeating over and over until the beep of the answering machine took place.
“Hey it’s Krista, leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you when I can.”
“Krista? It’s just me.”
His mother’s voice, his real mother’s voice.
“Listen, I haven’t heard from you in a little while. Are you upset at me honey? For talking about Jace that way? I’m sorry; I just don’t know what to say.”
There was a heavy sigh.
“I’m just... I’m just worried that he’ll hurt you the way he hurt me is all. I don’t want you to think he’s over that phase in his life. I know it’s harsh of me to say but listen to me Krista. I love my son, but I love you as well. Don’t expect him to be there for you.”
A small sniffle and then a long pause.
“Just... Give me a call.”
The sound of a phone hanging up ended the message just as the microwave beeped. He made his way over to the answering machine, pressing the play button to listen to it again. When it finished, he played it again.
Minutes passed and then an hour, he kept pressing the button. The distress and worry in his mother’s voice... Did she ever use that when it came around to him? Did she ever wonder if he changed? If he made something out of himself?
His lips tugged into a deep frown and the food he warmed up in the microwave was now cold. He chewed the pieces of ham without tasting, his thoughts completely wrapped in his mother. It had been so long since he had heard her voice. 6 years had passed and not a day went by without him wondering if she ever missed him or still cared.
“He’s not my kid!? How could you... How could you keep this from me?!” John screamed, throwing her clothes into the suitcase on the bed. Rachel pressed her fingertips to the temples of her head, her face reddening.
“Because it was better if you didn’t know! Do you really expect me to just waltz up and say ‘hey sweetie! I cheated on you and our son really isn’t considered ‘ours’!?” She exclaimed back. Jace shifted uneasily on his feet, placed between the two. He felt awkward and misplaced, having been stuck in the middle of a fight that was his fault.
“I’d expect you to be honest, you bitch! I want you out of here by tonight!”
“Fuck you! I really don’t care! You know what? I don’t regret any second of it! You can keep that little bastard too!” She pointed at him. His eyes brimmed with tears, she was right. He was a bastard child.
“Like I want to keep a kid that isn’t even my own!”
“Well if you aren’t taking him then I’m sending him off to Miriam’s!” John slammed the lid of the suitcase down and shoved it into Rachel’s arms. She staggered slightly and spit on him. John lifted a hand to wipe the saliva from his face, chuckling slightly. His face was dark red, eyes livid with anger as he focused on Rachel’s face.
“I’ll see you in court.” He murmured, his voice low and rough with hate. Jace’s eyes followed him as he left the room, slamming the door soon after.
It was just him and his mother now, the tension in the room was thick and the anger boiling. He could literally feel the heat radiating from Rachel’s body.
“Go pack your suitcase, Jace.” She whispered, placing her own suitcase on the bed. Jace didn’t respond, he couldn’t help it. His tongue was tied. Rachel turned back to meet his frightened gaze, no longer of a fourteen year old boy but one of a child. “Go pack your suitcase!”
“I...I don’t want to go stay with Aunt Miriam.” He muttered, the tears now starting to roll down his tanned cheeks.
“Then you would have kept your promise and kept your fucking mouth shut!” Rachel shouted, grasping his arm and dragging him out of the room. “Thanks to you, I’m stuck trying to figure out how to fix my life!”
Jace ripped his arm away from her tightening fingers.
“Then you wouldn’t have cheated! You would have been honest and not some... NOT SOME CHEATING BITCH!”
A loud slap echoed through the hallway and Jace found himself staring at the wall, his cheek stinging horribly. His mother’s hand was still raised, tears now forming in her eyes as well.
“Go pack your suitcase.” Rachel repeated before going back into her bedroom.
“Jace?” Jace shook his head and blinked, glancing around the room. Krista was standing across the room, her hand still outstretched to place her keys on the table. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a sloppy ponytail and her mascara was smudged beneath her eyes. The keys were set down and she made her way over to him. “You looked lost in thought.”
“I was.” He muttered and ran a hand through his hair. He could almost feel the stinging on his cheek the way it was that night. A shiver ran through his body and he tried to hide it by shifting his position on the couch.
“Sorry then. How are you?” Krista slipped off her designer coat and hung it on the back of a chair. She picked up his empty plate and went into the kitchen.
“Fine, as always. Yourself?”
“Good, been incredibly busy. Things have gotten so crazy after Arielle was diagnosed. I’m not even sure what to do or say around her now, I mean, what can you say?”
Jace pursed his lips and sighed heavily with a nod. There was a moment of silence between the two.
“Mom called.”
Krista stopped in her tracks and gave him a sideways glance.
“Did you answer?” She asked softly, making her way toward him. Krista sat down in the empty spot beside him, angling her body slightly. He shook his head.
“She mentioned me though and how you shouldn’t bother helping someone who’s just going to hurt you in the end. But... It was nice to hear her voice.” His voice broke slightly.
“Well Jace, I don’t know about you but I think I’m capable of watching over myself.” Krista replied with a small smile. Jace allowed his lips to curve slightly.
“Why do you even bother Krista?”
Krista blinked a few times before laughing. She patted his shoulder fondly and got to her feet.
“Because you’re my little brother Jace and nothing in the world could ever change that.”
♠ ♠ ♠
See? Just a hint of boredom. Anyway, please comment. I'd really love some feedback on this badboy.