Sequel: Roses and Butterflies
Status: I ***ING LOVE YOU ALL <3 thanks for the eight stars! be sure to comment/read/subscribe to the sequel: Roses and Butterflies <3

Don't Love Me

d i e c i n u e v e .

Ellarie's Point of View.

Dr. Ramirez moved the wand to another section of my stomach. "Would you like to know the gender?" She asked.

I looked up at my mum and she shrugged. "Don't look at me, your the mother, it’s your choice?"

I bit my lip, wondering what to do. It would be easier if I knew what my baby’s gender was. I’d be able to determine what kind of clothes to buy. I nodded, “Sure.”

“Let me see here…” She moved the wand some more and stopped a certain place. “Ah! Here we are! You’re having a baby girl!” She exclaimed.

Hear that, Gabriel? We’re having a baby girl!

Gabriel's Point of View.

I hugged my mother, father and sister good bye. I was boarding a plane to London for college and was determined to get through it fast and easily. "I've got to go now... I'll call and stuff, and be back as soon as possible." I told them.

"We'll count on it," Janine said, hugging me tightly once more. "Do you have to go?"

"You know I do, Jan." I whispered. "You know what to do if you see her, right?"

Janine smiled and let me go. "Yeah, I'll totally tell her if I see her."

"Flight 280 to London, England is now boarding."

"That's me," I told them.

Then nodded and we all hugged once more.

♠ ♠ ♠
The last chapter.
I want to thank all of you who stuck with me and read this story (:
I espically want to thank those who commented and subscribed.
Sequel will be up ASAP.
Subscribe to it.
I really hope it'll be bigger than this xD
I made her have a girl cause no one said anything > >
Aha, I asked my friend >__<
So thank you all, my dears and I shall [hopefully] see you all in the sequel!