Love Game


“DeLeon!” Jack squealed, stretching out the ‘eo’ in DeLeon. He jumped onto him, wrapping his legs around DeLeon’s waist. Singer blushed.

“So that’s how he wants to play it?” I muttered to no one in particular, from the other side of the hotel bar. I put my drink down and approached them. Jack crawled off and went to bother someone else.

“Hey.” I greeted, grabbing Singer into a man-hug. “It’s nice to see you.” I whispered in his ear.

His blush deepened.

Throughout the night, I and Jack were in competition for Singer’s affection. Jack took the “make him smile” route whilst I turned to teasing him. My hand was either on his shoulder or his knees, giving him reassuring strokes or squeezes whenever he seemed to need them, which was a lot of the time considering how drunk everybody was getting.

As DeLeon yawned quietly, I seized the opportunity.

“You tired?” I asked, pretending to be concerned.

“No, not really.” He replied, before yawning again. “Sorry.”

I laughed.

“Make your excuses, I’ll be waiting upstairs.” I whispered.

I sighed loudly. Most of our group turned to look.

“I’m going to bed; I got to go the gym tomorrow.”

Alex laughed drunkenly.

“Zacky boy, you always got to go to the gym. Even when we’re on tour, you go.”

There was more drunken laughter.

I left before even more jokes were made about my supposed gym obsession.

I didn’t have long to wait for Singer to show up. Half an hour after I had left the bar, he was knocking on my door.

“You didn’t tell me what room you were in.” He panted.

“Sorry about that. Sit down.” I apologised. He joined me on the bed. I put my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes.

“Do you forgive me?” I pouted.


The stutter confirmed it. He wanted me.

Did I want him?

I made my move anyway.

I leant forward and captured his lips with my own. He immediately let out a loud groan, before tangling his hands in my hair. He put himself into my lap, kissing me harder.

He gasped my name into my ear, in the rare moments that he left my lips alone. He attacked my neck, still repeating my name. I grinded my hips into his, which made him louder than ever.

Singer’s hands went for the buttons on my shirt, trying to undo them. I distracted him by running my hands over his body. It didn’t work.

“Zack.” He pleaded, as he put his fingers on my belt buckle. He kept his fingers in that area.
I came to my senses.


He got off me and sat down on the bed. When I looked at him, he was blushing again.

“I should have known. I mean, you’re not the type of guy who’d do that first.”

I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

“I’m sorry. Maybe another time.” I lied.

He left my room.

“Night, Zack.” He said wistfully.

I put my head onto my pillow.


Just before I got to sleep, there was someone knocking on my door again.

I groaned. Singer was a nice guy, but if he thought that I’d be willing to do anything at this time of night, he was mistaken.

I opened the door.

“Hey.” Jack waved awkwardly. “I couldn’t hear DeLeon, so I figured something was up.”

“What do you want?”

He was surprised at my anger.

“I’m not allowed to see how you are?”

“No, you’re not.” I hissed.

He put his arms round my neck and looked into my eyes, like I had done to Singer.

“What’s wrong?”

For a second, it seemed like he cared.

“I’ve just done to him, what you more or less did to me. Difference is, it didn’t get as far as him telling me he loved me and me rejecting him because I only wanted his body.”


“Forget it, Jack. Just leave.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun dun duuuuuuuuuun :P