Sequel: Letters From Ellie
Status: Completed :)

Forgive and Forget: A Billie Joe Story


"No," I scream through my sobs.

"Will you shut up already," Billie says angrily. "The more you fight me the more it's gonna hurt." He holds my hands over my head on the pillow as his other hand roughly unbuttons my jeans.

"No," I cry and scream at the top of my lungs. He smirks as he kicks my pants off the bed. I think quick and knee him (hard) in his crotch. He yells as he rolls over off of me. I jump up and run out of the room and down the hall. I run down numerous other halls until I hit a dead end. I see a shadow and spin around, pressing my back against the wall.

"Tysen," I gasp as he runs over to me. He wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck. We pull apart but he keeps his hands on my hips.

"What happened," he asks, moving hair out of my eyes.

"It's Billie," I say, trying to catch my breath. "He never changed, he's trying to get me! You have to make sure he-"

"Billie, I found her," Tysen calls, looking down the hall. Billie appears and starts walking slowly toward us. My heart starts pounding as I struggle against Tysen's strong hold.

"Tysen, let me go," I say, my voice reaching a scream on the last word. He pushes me back against the wall, hitting my head off the wall, as Billie stands in front of me.

"Thanks, Tysen," Billie smirks. "I'll take it form here." Tysen lets go and I fall to the ground. I put my hand on the back of my hand and then look at it, seeing blood covering my fingers. He starts walking down the hall.

"Tysen," I scream as new tears spill over my cheeks. "Don't do this to me!" He disappears and I look up at Billie. He just stares down at me with that disgusting smirk still on his face. I slowly shake my head as he bends down so we're at the same eye level. He reaches up and wipes a tear away.

"Shh," he whispers. "Don't be scared of me, baby."

"Don't do this," I whisper back. "Don't put me through it again." His soft gaze turns to a glare as he backhands me. I put my hand on my cheek as I back up quickly into the wall. He stands and kicks me hard in the side. I hold my side as he picks me up in his arms and carries me back to his room. He drops me on the bed and crawls on top of me after pulling his jeans and shirt off. I don't do anything as he pulls my shirt off with my bra and then my panties. He takes his boxers off and I suddenly come back to reality. He sees my eyes turn scared and he grabs my wrists, pushing them down on the pillow like before.

"No, please, don't," I cry.

"You're in my world now, girl," he hisses in my ear. "No one will save you this time." I take a deep breath as he pushes himself in.

"No," I scream, sitting straight up with tears streaming down my face. Someone grabs my arm.

"Ellie, what's wrong," an alert and very concerned Tysen asks me. My door opens and the light flicks on. Robbie is standing in the doorway. My breathing slows and I rub my eyes.

"Just a nightmare," I whisper to myself. I look back at Robbie and see the shocked expression on his face. I turn my head and see Tysen's angry look. Robbie walks over and sits on my bed.

"What was it about," he asks quietly. I see Billie appear in the doorway.

"What happened," he asks, alarmed. I tense up and Tysen notices.

"Go down to the kitchen, Billie," he orders. Billie immediately knows why. He obeys without question. I look at Robbie.

"Billie tried..." I swallow. "He tried raping me and I ran out of the room, so I ran down a bunch of hallways. Tysen found me but then he called for Billie saying that he found me." I look at Tysen. "You left me with him, knowing what would happen. Billie kicked me and took me back to his room. Then he..." Tears form in my eyes again and Ty pulls me closer.

"I will never do that to you, Ellie," he murmurs as I cry into his shoulder. Robbie silently leaves after clicking the light back off. I fall asleep only a minute later, but wake up again after hearing Tysen leave the room. I stand and leave, also, walking to the end of the stairs. I hear Robbie talking, so I sit down on the first step. It's too dark so they won't see me.

"Do you know what just happened," he asks Billie calmly.

"She had a nightmare about me," Billie answers quietly.

"You need to get the fuck out," Tysen snaps angrily, pointing his index finger at Billie.

"Tysen," Robbie warns. He turns back to Billie. "That's the same thing that used to happen when she first got here. Different dream, but the almost the same thing happened: you tried raping her." Billie runs his hands through his hair, showing that he's stressed.

"Only this time," Tysen says, "you did do it, and you pulled me into it. She could be scared to death of me now."

"I'm sorry," Billie whispers. "I just..." He looks up at both Robbie and Tysen. "I'd give anything to take everything I did to her back."
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. Interesting :) Comment!!!... please?
I shall update again on Monday :)
Comments make me happy. A lot of crap's been going down with my friends so =it'd make me really happy to see a bunch of comments :) thanks guys.
<3 - Katelyn