The Truth of Christmas

The Truth of Christmas

I woke up to the sound of something breaking downstairs in my living room. "What the hell?" I said out loud, grabbing my alarm clock. I looked at the time, 1:22am on Christmas Day? Oh god! Just my luck, burglars in my house, stealing the presents under the tree. The stupid chavs must have knotted the tree over. I climbed out of bed, put on my dressing gown, picked up my cricket bat and headed into the darkness of my house.

It was strange. My parents, nor my sisters, had got up to see what the noise was, if I heard it, they must of too. I began to walk slowly down the stairs, trying not the creak them. From the lighting available in the room, I couldn't see the burglar. What I did notice was that the guy was not wearing any Nike or fake Burberry. He was wearing a hooded cape and snow boots, and was trying to pick up the tree.

Oh crap! I creaked the stairs he must have held me. He did, he's looking in my direction. I ran over to the lights and switched them on, and ready my bat in pre-swing. The burglar looked at me in shock, gasping with her hand on her mouth. "I'm so sorry!" she said quickly in a sweet, heavenly voice. "Please forgive me!" She began to bow, I got confused.

"You… trying to trick me?" I asked, "Trying to steal from my household?" I grabbed my bat with both hands, ready to hit the intruder. "Oh no! No no no no!" she innocently spoke, "I'm not a thief." "Then who are you?" I questioned her. The room went silence. "My title is known as the Lady of Winter," she began, she looked up to my face and smiled, "but my real name is Sandy Claus."

"Now you're bullshitting me!" I shouted. "Believe me, Salmir. Everything I say is true." She innocently stated. My expression changed. "How… How did you know my name?" "I know a lot about you, Salmir. How you fell in love with someone who is a few thousand miles away on a social network called Second Life. How you wish you could be by her side everyday. How you wish your dick was…" "THAT'S ENOUGH!" I yelled.

She smiled again, "Knowing your past is just one of my many abilities." She then stated. She turned around and without touching the tree; she lifted it up and placed it back into position. I dropped my cricket bat in shock. "H… How… How did you do that?" I asked, still gob-smacked. She giggled, "I'm the Lady of Winter, silly." She replied and sat down on my sofa. "Hang on then," I responded, sitting down next to her, "Are you saying that you're the Real Life Santa Claus?"

"Well, in a way, I am." She responded, taking off her hood to reveal her long icy blue hair. "I made up the whole story of Santa Claus, to protect my image" I felt enlightened, "Tell me more, please." I asked, she smiled and giggled again. "When I realized my many gifts and discovered the purpose for them, I knew I couldn't let anyone know about my powers. At that time, female icons weren't around and if i revealed myself, I would have been called a witch and killed." She paused and began to sigh, "I had to create a character that could re-direct people away from me. So I thought up the idea of a fat, jolly man you know as Santa Claus." I nodded to her. "What I don't understand is how the idea change from green suit to red suit?" she pondered.

"Blame Coca Cola for that." I said with a smile, and so did she. I looked at the tree, looking under it. She knew what I was thinking. "Here, let me change that." She said softly and reached out her hand. Suddenly, presents appeared under the tree, wrapped in beautiful gift-wrap and bows "Yet another power you have?" I questioned and she nodded with a smile.

She then got up, "I think it's time I leave." She stated, brushing herself down. "More houses to go to? You have reindeer up on the roof then?" I asked her, it had to be asked. But she just giggled. "No, silly! I stop time." She responded and pointed at the clock on the wall. 1:22am. "Whoa. That's creepy." I said and she smiled. She walked toward the fireplace, but paused. "This is strange." She said in a curious voice, "Your the first person i met who has broken the time hold? Are you like me?" she then ran over to examine me, I stood back "Not that I know of." I responded.

"Hmm…" she pondered. "You'd better get some sleep." She then said. "And promise me one thing," she wrapped her little finger around mine, "don't tell anyone about me, lets keep it our little secret." She eyes twinkled as she said so. "What do I get in return?" I asked her, she smiled. "You'll see," she said as she walked back to the fireplace. "Till next time, Salmir." She said and she magically turned into a ball of magical energy and floated up through the fireplace.

I turned off the lights and ran upstairs to my bedroom to look out the window, Sandy was outside waving goodbye; I waved back to be polite, closed the blinds and when back to sleep, with the knowledge of knowing the world's biggest secret ever!

3 Days later after Christmas, stuffed on Turkey and preparing for New Year. All I could think of was the Lady of Winter's visit. How did I break her time hold? What is my future holding for me? And also, what will I get for knowing this secret? At that point the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I shouted and ran to the door. I opened it to see a girl, a head size smaller then me, with blonde hair and a beautiful, glowing face, smiling at me. And the only thing I could say was, "Mayleene?"
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Orignally written in 2008
Editted in 2009