Emotional Break Down

"Enrico, come on ... Please... Please wake up..."

I spent longer than i thought drawing him and realised that Supper was going to be ready in 10 minutes
"Aaah come on we gotta get back!" I laughed. I closed my art book and grabbed his hand. We began running as it began to pour it down. Rain? Strange. We ran and began laughing. We got to cabin 4 and jumped in through the door. Silence. We doubled over in hysterics laughing at each others hair that stuck out in eleven different directions. Cathy gave us towels and we sat down to a huge plate of spaghetti and toast. Mm! Once Supper had finished i slowly walked back to my room. I was tired and decided that i needed to write in my diary. I went into the room and heard a huge sigh.
"Oh hey Kameron, whats wrong?" I smiled at him.
"Nothing" He said through gritted teeth.
"Ah yeah funny, tell me? Whats up?" I sat down next to him on his bed.
"I have anger issues. Seriously get away, now." He said bluntly turning around.
"Okay, but if you need some one to talk to, you can talk to me..." I walked out leaving him to his thoughts.

**Enrico's POV**
Why can't i just tell Kens that i like her? It can't be that hard... I've never had a girfriend before, i was to busy trying to deal with my Dad. Ugh this is all because of him. Stupid Dad. I wanted to find her and tell her that i really liked her. I went to our room and just as i saw her i saw that she was sat on Kamerons bed. Was there something going on there? I left. It looked like she was into him. I guess i should just forget about anything happening. I went over to the bench where Kens found me. I sat down wishing she would show up. Make everything better again. It had started to get dark but i didn't want to go back to our room. I walked off in a furious rush to where we had our art lesson. I sat under the tree where I had drawn Kens. i played with a flower thinking of everything and i felt drowsy and fell asleep on the soft grass under the twinling stars and just then i heard a soft rustling

**Normal POV - Kens**
Where the hell is Enrico?! Cathy is going mental I'm sure that her happiness is going to run out any time soon!
"Cathy any news?" I said worridly
"No sweetie, do you know where he could be?" She frowned. I thought ... I was in a small silk nightie and the weather wasn't as warm as usual but i still ran out. Cathy didn't follow me thankfully. I went to the pool and the bench but there was no sign of him. Why is it that as soon as i get attached to some one that they disappear. When i finally have some one to help cope with.. their gone. Wait. Did i just admit that i liked Enrico? I think i did. Woah. Thats a first since ... before. He said he felt happy in that area in art. I jumped off the bench and sped towards the art cabin and behind it trying not to trip up on the branches and leaves. I heard whimpering coming from near by.
"Enrico? Enrico is that you?" I yelled, i looked around and saw some one curled up next to a tree, "Enrico?"
Some one whimpered. I got closer and saw it was Enrico, he had a huge branch on top of him and he had scratches on his face and his legs. He had a deep cut in his cheek.
"Enrico what happened?" I gushed, i tried to move the branch off him but it was to heavy.
"CATHY!" I screamed, "CATH-YYY!" I began to sob, this bracn could NOT be doing any good for him and some one had to get it off him now! I heard a rustling as Cathy and Mark came behind me.
"What happened?" She look bewildered
"I don't know, i found him like this but we haave to get it off him, its crushing him!" i sobbed.
The three of us managed to push it off him.
I bent down next to him and whispered in his ear, "Enrico, come on ... please... Please wake up..."
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I hope you liked it :) Good ending eeeeh ;)
keep reading x