Status: Maybe?

I love you; I love you not.

Welcome back.

“Ryan, stop!” Sam said laughing as Ryan lifted up her shirt and began trailing kisses up her stomach.

“Why?” Ryan said in between kisses smiling against her.

“Because we’re on the couch in the middle of your living room and it’s the weekend.”


“Someone might walk in!” She replied giggling.

Ryan skillfully managed to lift her shirt off over her head and threw it across the room.

“Um…Am I interrupting something?” A voice said clearly amused from by the front door.

Sam immediately pushed Ryan off of her and off the couch in the process. She instantly grabbed a pillow to cover up her body while frantically looking around for her shirt.

“Looking for this?” The voice said again. Sam, completely embarrassed, turned her head slowly afraid of who she would find the voice belonged to. What she saw made her jaw drop. It was Hunter Night, Ryan’s brother, only he looked all grown up. It’d been 3 years since he moved away to live with his dad.

“Wow shit! Hunter?!” Sam shouted excitedly jumped up from the couch, running up to Hunter, and throwing her arms around him.

“How are you? Oh my gosh look at you, you look great!” She animatedly told him pulling away.

“Thanks you look good too Sam, very good.” He said smirking, his eyes looking down. Sam’s eyes followed his and she realized why he was smirking, he still had her shirt in his hand.

“Gah! Ryan!” Sam said running into the shelter of her boyfriend’s arms. She could feel Ryan laughing beneath her.

“Hunter, give her the shirt man.” Ryan said between his laughter while holding her.

“I don’t know, that hug felt pretty nice.” Hunter replied jokingly.

“Ha, ha, fuck you. Give us the shirt.” Ryan said, his laughter ceased, but you could still hear the smile in his voice.

Hunter threw the shirt at Ryan and he caught it in the air. He helped Sam pull it over her head before she turned around to face Hunter again.

“So, little Sammy and Ryan are together. How’d you manage that bro?” Hunter asked, casually leaning against the wall behind him.

“What can I say, she just couldn’t resist me.” Sam laughed smacking Ryan on the arm.

“Ha, yea right. I didn’t agree to go out with you until the…I believe it was the eighth time you asked.”

“Eight times? Man bro, you’re persistent. I have to admit though, Sam, you’re just way too good for my bro.” Hunter said looking her in the eye.

“Hunter, you’re just jealous. Everyone knew that you had a crush on Sammy here when we were younger.” Ryan teased his brother.

The eldest Night brother was always Sam’s favorite. Hunter and her were very good friends when they were younger. When one looks the way Hunter does, it’s pretty hard not to have a crush on him.

Hunter slightly blushed, immediately looking away, “Maybe a little one. Anyways I better go unpack. See you later kids.” He turned around and walked up the stairs.

Ryan and Sam walked back over to the couch and sat down. He put his arm around her and she leaned into his side as he grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

“So your brothers back huh?” Sam asked nonchalantly.

“Yea, my dad kicked him out after some fight they had. He’s going to get a job and then start college in the fall.”

“Why didn’t he start last fall?”

“I guess my dad told him college was for pansy’s and was making him pay half of the rent or something.”

“Oh…that sucks.” Sam couldn’t help the feeling of disappointment that crept up. She always thought Hunter was very smart, and with college, she felt he could really go far. She didn’t think it was fair that he didn’t get to start the year before like he was supposed to.

“Yea.” Ryan said laughing at her.

“Hey, what time is it?”

“Almost nine babe.”

“Crap really? I need to go then.” Sam said, yet she didn’t bother moving because she was far too comfortable.

“I wish you wouldn’t.” Ryan said kissing her temple. Sam turned her head and grabbed his face pulling it down to hers. He immediately responded, deepening the kiss and things got heated quickly. Reluctantly, Sam pulled away because she needed to get home before curfew.

“I especially don’t want to let you leave when you do things like that.” Ryan said smiling.

“Walk me to the door?” Sam asked getting up of the couch and heading out to her car. Once outside Ryan backed her up against her car and put his hands on her hips.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked while kissing her neck.

“Definitely.” Sam replied smiling as Ryan leaned in and kissed her lips one last time goodbye.


After leaving Ryan’s Sam called up her best friend Kat.

“Hey, I’m coming over okay?” she told her.

“Alright, doors unlocked, just walk in.”

Sam pulled up to Kat Burn’s house and parked her car. She got out and walked in through the front door.

“In the kitchen!” She heard Kat call out.

“Hey dude.” Sam smiled when she saw Kat.

“So what brings you to my humble adobe at such a late hour?” Kat asked.

“Guess who’s back.” Sam said voiding her face of any emotion.

“Abraham Lincoln from the dead?” Kat asked, her tone purely serious.

“No. In fact I’m not sure I even want to respond to that. Why would you even guess that?”

“Well sorry! I don’t know who?”

“Hunter Night.” Sam replied coolly, attempting to sound like it was no big deal.

“Seriously!? No way when?!”

“I just saw him not too long ago while I was at Ryan’s.”

“How long is he here for?”

“I guess until the fall.”

“Wow…so what was it like seeing him again?” Kat asked, after all, she was one of the few people who knew how serious this was.

“Weird at first, he walked in on my and Ryan making out on the couch, and Ryan threw my shirt at him.”

“You mean he saw you shirtless! Poor guy, he’s probably wishing he never left now.”


“No reason.”

The truth was, Sam was wishing he’d never left. She had really missed him. Now that he was back though, she couldn’t help but feel guilty for being with Ryan. It got really quiet in the kitchen as both girls contemplated what exactly Hunter’s return meant.

“Um…does Ryan know about-“

“No.” Sam whispered, “and frankly I don’t think I ever want him to find out.”


“Well, I should get going. Thanks for letting me come over.”

“Yeah, thanks for telling me. Keep me updated okay?”

“Of course.” Sam said still a little dazed with the whole situation. “See you later.”


Sam got home and went straight to her room. Lately she hasn’t been able to stand being downstairs when both her parents are home, it’s like being in a freezer. She wasn’t sure what exactly was going on between them, but whatever it was, it couldn’t be good.

Once in her room she began getting ready for bed until her phone began beeping. She checked her phone and noticed she had two new texts, one from Ryan it said,

Goodnight babe, see you tomorrow ;)

The second one was from a number she didn’t recognize but once she read it she knew exactly who it was from.

I take it Ryan doesn’t know?

She stared at the text deciding how she should respond. She couldn’t help but feel guilty as she typed out her reply,

No, and we should keep it that way. Welcome back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey so this is a new story i'm trying out. Let me know if you think I should continue it or not. Thanks! :)