Torn Into Thr33

Chapter 2

"And this is the copy room," I stated as I opened the door to the copy room, watching him lean in slightly to take a quick look around.

His eyes flew to me as he leaned back out and I let the door shut, "Don't tell me the tour is over," he leaned against the wall behind him and crossed his arms over his broad chest.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "I'm afraid so." I quickly turned around, my blonde hair whipping after me. But, unfortunately, he followed me. "I'm sorry, did I not so you your office?" I pointed in its direction, "It's that way."

He smiled, "Oh, I know where my office is. I just want to find out where yours is."

"Why?" I asked quickly.

He shrugged, "Oh, you know, to bug you with errands until I get myself an assistant." he seemed proud of himself.

As I walked to my cubicle, women began to poke their heads over their cubicles to take a look at the new "piece of meat" they could sink their teeth into. I scoffed at them and rolled my eyes as I walked faster.

"What was that for?" Dario asked, referring to my scoffing.

"Women." I stated. I rounded another co-workers cubicle and finally sat down in mine.

"Oh?" he looked up and smiled that same smile he used on Rachel, flashing it to all the women who were ogling him. "Ladies." he winked and my jaw dropped as my eyebrows knitted together in slight disgust and annoyance. He looked back down at me, "I know. Women. Amazing creatures, aren't they?"

I gapped at him, "Creatures?!" I glared at him as his eyebrows raised, "They aren't creatures!" I looked around at them; they were lurking over the cubicle walls like odd... creatures. "Okay... maybe. But not all women."

"Oh, of course not. Your an exception. You intrigue me." he smiled.

I crinkled my nose, a habit I got when I was confused, "Oh... kay..." I shook my head slightly and opened my e-mail to check for any new notices.

"You seem like you don't want me around you," he stated, tilting his head slightly.

I sighed and turned to him, "You're right. I don't want you around me. For the twenty minutes that I have known you, I already know you're childish and completely full of yourself, two things I hate in men; but you're not really a man, are you? You're a child. A boy." I huffed and quickly turned back to my computer.

He walked around my cubicle and looked down over the small wall at me with a great smile on his face, "I like you. You're not afraid to be honest. I like that." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a toothpick and put it in his mouth and began to chew on it. "I think we're gonna get along just fine."

I glared at him, "That's likely." I mumbled sarcastically.

Loud booms rang in our ears as the windows shattered to pieces with screams erupting from people.
I hadn't noticed, but I was now on the floor under my desk with a heavy body on top of me. I was frantically looking around, watching feet run quickly, and listening to screams.

"Are you alright?!" the body yelled to me, yelling seemed necessary because my ears were still ringing.

I hadn't made eye contact with the guy, my eyes seemed to be shaking as I tried to focus and grasp what was happening.

More explosions; more screams; more confusion.

"Hey, Sulley! Look at me!" a hand grasped my face as it forced me to look at Dario who was crouching over me. "Shit, you're bleeding..."

"What's going on?" as I watched him get up and look around my desk, grabbing my tissue box and pulling out the tissues and pressing them against forehead. I tried to sit up but he forced my down with his hand.

"Don't move. Just stay. " he ordered as he quickly got up and looked around and then running away suddenly.

I didn't listen.

I slowly sat up and my head began to throb and my vision went black for a moment as the blood rushed to my head. After a moment my vision cleared and I looked straight ahead to no longer see the frosty glass of Rachel's door, but instead saw right through it and the glass pieces all over the floor and the debris that filled the whole floor and her office.

"Rachel!" I called out in a slightly rasped voice as I leaned forward and caught myself with my hands, now crawling on my hands and knees. I crawled towards her office and reached up to the corner of my desk and pulled myself up with shaky legs.

The building suddenly shook violently and I grasped my desk tightly with both hands until the shaking subsided. I slowly walked into her office, my shoes crunching on the broken glass that was covering every inch of the floor.

Wind was blowing everywhere because the window had been blow away by the mysterious explosion. I noted that in fact the whole wall had been blown away. I ran around Rachel's desk and saw large pieces of the wall laying on her; leaving her upper body free as she lied motionlessly faced down on the floor.

"Oh - shit! Rachel!" I yelled. I quickly reached down and began to break the drywall apart and lift it off of her with ease. "Rachel!" I called to her unconscious body. "Rachel!"
♠ ♠ ♠
here is chapter two.
I've already written to chapter 6, but there has to be spaces of anticipation in between so don't be thinkin' I'm going to update too soon!!
comments are very, very, very, much appreciated
so ppwweeaassee comment!! ^^

Always and Forever,