Falling inlove with the enemy

The Warning

Falling in love with the enemy

Chapter One

“Heads up!” I heard a short while before something smacked me in my head. Ouch! The impact of the hit made me fall flat on my butt. “Humph,” I grunted out, while the sound of laughter from practically the whole student body and maybe some teachers invaded my ears. I grudgingly got off my bottom and glared at the assaulter. Nicolai Blaze. I didn’t even need someone to confirm my assumptions that the person who threw that football at me was indeed Blaze, the amusement glittering in his Pecan brown eyes, the slight tinged of pink on his chiseled cheekbones and the mocking upturn of his “oh so perfect and delicious lips” as some girls at my school creatively put it, gave me all the evidence I needed to prove it was him. I picked up the football off the ground and had a stared off with my least favourite person in the world... my menacing enemy. He had cut his hair luscious wavy brown hair, it now fell below his eyebrows and ears; before it rested on his shoulders, his body was said to define everything considered sexy. It has been so since freshman year. The well cut out eight pack he had was the most famous topic discussed by most, if not all (with the exception of me obviously), girls at my school. That and the “master skills” he possesses ... if you know what I mean, but none of this care to draw my attention, Nicolai Blaze could be a combination of Taylor Lautner, Matt Bomer and Johnny Depp and I still would have the same sentiments I had for him now. Hatred, RAW UNADULTERATED HATRED. Can one guy be so despicable? He has been torturing me since the seventh grade. Now it’s the last semester of senior year and he still persists to annoy the living shit out of me. WHY? I have no idea, ARGH! “What’s your problem, Blaze?!” I yelled at him, my blood boiling with fury.
“You.” He simply answered
“Dude I don’t even notice you, nor do I care to.”
“That’s the problem, I notice you... I don’t want to, but I just do.” He began walking towards me, his strides long, arrogant and determined. Bastard. I clenched my jaw and held the ball tighter to control my anger. I’m usually patient, I know it’s hard to believe, yet when it comes unto Blaze my fuse is short and anything he does makes want to me explode. “Then leave me the hell alone and you won’t notice me.” I seethed.
“If that was the case Nastassia,” He stared at me intensely “I would more than definitely leave you alone.” I frowned at his words.
“Whatev dude just stop bugging me. I don’t need this from you, I got too much crap dealing with right now and I can’t add your crap to the plate.”
He smirked at me, his brown eyes twinkling. “On the contrary, Nastassia, my crap will be added to your plate.” I inclined my head to what Blaze had just said, but didn’t say anything why comment when I’m lost, he’s so vague.
“Anyways.” He sighed. “I loved that ball, but keep it as a remembrance of this little conversation we just had, kay cutie?” he turned to leave me but halted to a stop.
“Oh yeah, be careful today...” His voice was deep and ominous though the wink he gave me showed all playfulness. Some girls who saw his wink started blushing, others giggling and one I think might even just fainted. Idiots, all of them. Me, on the other hand just stood there fuming like a deranged maniac thinking about a million ways to kill that jerkass with a spoon. One way kept popping up in my head... trade in that spoon for a gun and shoot the bastard. I smiled sinisterly, that was a good plan too bad I’m too much of a wimp to kill anybody and his crazed fan girls probably would murder me before I stepped one foot near him.