Falling inlove with the enemy

V-card still intact

Chapter 2

Nicolai’s P.O.V

“Hey dude, saw you talking to Nastassia Tanners again today.” I slammed my locker shut and faced Revvy, my best friend, since pre-school. We were both in the boys’ locker room, changing from our football gears into our school uniform. Football training had ended half an hour ago but Revvy and I stayed back practicing our catching, passes, blocking and touch down dances.
“Oh and...?” I asked. Revvy always had these uncanny views on everything and my constant teasing and annoying pranks played on Nastassia have received one of those uncanny views.
“Dude, I know you like her. It’s quite obvious.”
“No I like bugging her, there’s a difference.” I retorted, sheesh, can’t a guy bug a girl nowadays and not be pestered by annoying friends who want you to admit some secret like you have for the girl.
“Whatever man, you are so Middle school. Ask her out.” Revvy ordered me.
I scoffed, “What for?” I demanded of him.
“Hmm...” He started, putting on a thinking face. “I don’t know, maybe, well because you like her.”
I chuckled at Revvy, at times he can be so ignorant. “Revvy, hombre, I do not like Tanners. Why is that so hard for you to grasp. It’s a simple fact. I know when I like a girl and Tanners isn’t one of those girls.”
“Yeah, yeah sure.”
“I’m being serious Revz, she isn’t my type.”
Revvy grabbed his gym bag and gave me a skeptical look. “Why, ‘cause she’s a virgin?”
I frowned. “She’s a virgin?”
He nodded. “Yep, you didn’t know?”
I shook my head incredulously, “Nope I thought she lost it a long while ago.”
Revvy swung his gym bag on his shoulder and looked at me. “And why is that?”
“Well simple, she’s hot.” I answered nonchalantly.
Revvy shook his head at my response. “Mhmm, that’s a good enough reason for someone to lose their virginity.” He replied, sarcasm thick in his voice.
“Shut up and how did you know that she’s a virgin?”
“Girls gossiping.” He informed me.
I snickered. “You listen to girls while they gossip, I usually listen to their moans when I have them underneath me. Other than that I don’t hear them.” That wasn’t entirely true, I always hear one girl‘s voice, her laughter. It was one of my favorite sounds. Even when she’s more than a mile away I still hear her, in my head, yet I have no feelings for her other than making her life a misery. Yep that girl is Nastassia Tanners.
“Well I heard it from Kacey and you can’t not hear her. Girl gossips so frickin’ much!”
I grinned at Revvy. “Who is this Kacey?”
Revvy eyed me disbelieving. “You got to be kidding me.”
I stared at him puzzled. Was I supposed to know this Kacey person? “Nope. Am not, now who’s Kacey?”
“Dude, Kacey was the girl you had sex with yesterday. The junior that wouldn’t stop talking.”
I remained clueless. I do not recall sleeping with a girl named Kacey yesterday.
“We met her in the club we went to.” Revvy told me. Club, girl in club, I remember going to a club with Revvy and some other friends but no Kacey ...then it clicked, I distinctly remembered a girl with a squeaky rat voice who kept rubbing herself on me. She claimed that she goes to my school and was a junior.
“Oh! You mean Karrie.”
“No, Nic, her name was Kacey.” Said Revvy.
“Whatever, never said I was good with names, now, back to more important matters. So you’re telling me Tanners is a virgin.”
Revvy groaned. “Didn’t we just establish that?”
I smiled, Tanners still got her V-card, though I have never taken a girls V-card since it was against my rules and regulations of the female gender, Nastassia Tanners with her V-card had strangely became appealing to me, so appealing that it made me want to forget about my stupid rules and regulations just for her... but not that much.