What Happens in Greece


I opened my blinds and looked across the water at the far away island I would visit tomorrow. This was only the beginning of my journey. The money I had been saving up to buy a house was now being used for a two week journey exploring the beautiful wonders of Santorini, Greece.

Books were piled high on the desk, an empty computer screen flashing in front of me. Philosophy of Education. The cursor blinked, taunting me. I didn't know the material. I didn't have a stand on the philosophy of education, and even if I did, there would be no way I would be able to hand in a ten page essay in three hours. I closed the lid on my laptop and pushed it out of the way, then retrieved a worn duffle bag from the depths of my closet.

Rachel lifted her head from her pillow. "What are you doing, Dahlia?" She asked groggily.

I continued to shove clothes in my bag, then grabbed my passport from last summer. "I'm leaving."

"Leaving? Where are you going?"


"Greece? What the hell, Dahlia? Are you sleepwalking?" She pulled out of bed and stood beside me. "Finals are next week!"

"I'm leaving, Rachel! Don't stop me. I'm getting away."

Here I was now, leaning over the edge among the most beautiful place and culture in the world. I had nothing but clothes, passport, and a lot of money to please me in any way I chose. No books, studies, computer, or any form of communication would get in the way of this trip. The only people who knew were Rachel and Damien. My best friend and step brother.

In two weeks when finals were through and people started to worry, I would go back to my life in The States. As for now -- I would enjoy this wonderful escape from reality.
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