What Happens in Greece


I walked through the streets, the smell of raw seafood swimming through my head. The flow of workers with tourists and Greek shoppers with a background of blue birthed butterflies in my stomach. My converse covered feet ate away at the cobblestone streets, and I took in the culture, humming softly to myself.

I came to a long dock. Men yelled to eachother heartily, selling fish, tending to their boats. I continued to walk until I came across a younger man laying in a hammock in a fairly smaller fishing boat. He was wearing all white, smiling to himself. I laughed at the site and turned to leave.

"Leaving already?" It was the man. He still had his eyes closed, but shifted positions in the hammock. "Thought I was asleep, did you?" He had a strong Greek accent, but he seemed very fluent in English.

"I was just...admiring the boat."

He opened one eye and looked around. "This boat?" He laughed. I nodded and he swung his legs off and motioned me to come on board. "This boat," he started, "Is nothing but a fish bucket itself."

I laughed, but stood nervously at a distance from him. "It's quite...clean. Well kept?" I shuffled my right foot against the off white floor, aimlessly glancing around.

"I do what I can." He rubbed his chest and put his thumbs in his white slacks. "Want to see the water?" I peered over at the deep blue, and caught a glimpse of the island I was supposed to visit today.

"I can't...I have to go on a trip."

He squinted from the sun and looked over at the island. "A tourist attraction? That's no way to see Greece!" He laughed and leaned against his hammock again. He was definatly handsome. Dark skin, curly black hair, and crooked smile and white teeth. He made me nervous just thinking about being that far out from civilization with him.

"I can't. I already paid for the ticket." I said, backing away, shrugging.

"That's too bad. It was nice meeting you..."

I backed away more, trying to leave without offending him. "Dahlia." He didn't reply, instead, there was a peaceful silence. "And what's y--" I felt the front of my shoe catch the edge of his boat and I began to fell backwards. I hit the dock and it knocked the air out of my lungs.

"Dahlia?" It was the young man. His dark face appeared before mine amongst the stars that clouded my vision. I tried to get up and he lightly pushed my shoulder down. "You shouldn't get up right away." He smiled, showing his pearly white teeth. "I'm Orion."