Status: Finished :)

Holding On


Shawn hadn't told anyone about Joseph's scarred wrists and for that he was grateful. He didn't want anyone asking questions. He still didn't know how she knew about Camilla. He wasn't about to ask her either. He'd rather avoid the subject. Although, that wasn't always easy to do. Shawn had befriended his younger brother Nicholas and become a regular fixture at the Jonas household. Joseph tried his best to stay away from her.

"Why do you do that?" Shawn asked.

His sleeve had ridden up again, he didn't know when, but fresh cuts were visible on his skin. Joseph tugged at his shirt self-consciously and didn't make eye contact. He thought maybe if he ignored her, she'd go away. She didn't though. Shawn was still standing in his doorway, awaiting an answer.

"Why do you care?" Joe retorted, hoping maybe now she'd leave.

"Because you're hurting yourself. You're also acting liked an ass, but I'll excuse that for now," Shawn replied.

"You were my friend when we were little. You're not my friend now. Go away," Joseph ordered, "Go hang out with Nick."

"If you don't talk to me, who are you going to talk to? A psychiatrist?" Shawn inquired, ignoring Joe's request for her to leave.

Joseph slid farther beneath the blankets on his bed and turned away from the doorway in which Shawn was standing. He couldn't figure out why she cared. His own family hadn't even picked up on his destructive behavior, but Shawn had. And she appeared to want to help. Talking about it wouldn't help though, would it? It would only dredge up old feelings and make him hurt more. Or maybe it would set him free. Quite courageously, Joseph decided on the latter. He looked up at Shawn and sighed.

"Have you ever been in love?" he asked.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize for the fact that this is short and pointless. I felt like I had to get something up though, because I haven't updated in a while. I'll have something better tomorrow, I promise.
