Status: Finished :)

Holding On


"Where are you right now?" Joseph asked curiously.

"I'm walking home from school," Shawn smiled into her cell phone.

"Okay, because the last time we went to the movies it didn't turn out that great so I thought maybe we could try again," he said nervously.

"Alright," Shawn agreed, "I'd like that."

"Good, because I'm getting in my car right now," Joe stated, "stay where you are and I'll pick you up in a second."

There was a clicking sound to indicate that he'd hung up. Shawn tucked her cell phone into her purse and stood patiently by the front doors of the school, waiting for Joe's Mercedes to pull up. The rest of the student body was headed for their cars in the parking lot or waiting on the curb for their parents to pick them up. No one seemed to notice Shawn. They walked by her without even acknowledging her presence.

She pretended not to care and when Joe pulled up she simply pushed it to the back of her mind. Shawn slid into the passenger's seat and tossed her backpack into the back. Joe looked over at her and was surprised to find that he suddenly wanted to smile. Shawn smiled back and buckled her seatbelt.

"What movie are we seeing?" she asked as Joe pulled onto the road.

"Whatever you want," Joe shrugged, "but Brothers looks pretty good."

"Is that the one with Jake Gyllenhaal in it? He’s hot,” Shawn giggled.

Joe nodded as he pulled into a parking space. The idea of Jake Gyllenhaal made Shawn happy and for some reason Joe wanted to smile again. The sensation of the corners of his lips curling upwards was strangely unfamiliar to him. He liked it though. It felt good. He’d kind of forgotten about that.

“Are you okay?” Shawn asked, nudging Joe’s shoulder.

“Huh?” Joe mumbled, pulled from his thoughts.

“I asked if you were okay. You kind of zoned out,” Shawn said with an amused grin.

“Never been better,” Joe replied and, for the first time in a long time, he actually meant it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know why they're all so short lately.