Memories of Me


"So," Haley started as she perched comfortably on my bed, "did you two sleep together?"

I simply raised my eyebrows at Haley as I looked back at her from my mirror. I turned my eyes back to myself and continued to straighten my hair.

"What? it's an innocent question."

"No, we didn't. I am curious as to why you would jump to such conclusions."

"Well, you know Ellie, I knew you hadn't being seeing anyone in the past year or so. I mean, surely it's time for you to get some."

"Oh, how lovely. You know, there is such a thing as self control. Believe it or not, you can in fact live without having sex everyday," I half snorted, half laughed.

"C'mon, I'm not saying that, but after a while, you just kinda get the... urge."

"No, we're not about to talk about urges. Stop right now," I demanded before changing the subject. "How are things with Matt?"

"Good, they're good. It's nice having someone I can depend on."


"But it's complicated," Haley sighed heavily. "I don't really know what to expect for the future."

"You two seem so in sync though," I said looking at her her. She just shrugged her shoulders, and I knew she didn't want to keep being questioned.

"What are you two hens clucking' about?" Kelsi asked as she walked in my room.

"Nothing important really. Are the guys here yet?"

"Just about. I just got off the phone with Brian, and he told me they were leaving the liquor store."

"You have him wrapped around your pinky finger," I noted as I put my things away.

"Whatever," Kelsi said brushing off my comment.

"Oh, come on. You know it's true," Haley said smirking at Kelsi. "If you said jump, he wouldn't ask how high. He wouldn't dare think to question to you, he'd just jump."

All three of us couldn't help but laugh together, all of us no doubt thinking about Brian jumping around like a bunny rabbit when Kelsi told him to. Come to think of it, he probably was a bunny, just in a very different way...

"We're here!" Johnny called from downstairs. We walked downstairs to greet the boys and help them put the alcohol away in the fridge and freezer. We all got our first drink and started a game of Apples to Apples. We happily played that for a while until we were good and over halfway drunk.

After that, we pulled out Rock Band and Beatles Rock Band and played. The people who couldn't play at the moment we're just sitting and talking. Well, while Jimmy was playing the guitar he accidentally knocked over three beer bottles. Since I wasn't playing I started picking up the broken pieces. The people who weren't playing also started to help me.

While I was picking up one shard, I got it at the wrong angle and it cut the palm of my hand. "Fuck," I cursed under my breath.

"Holy shit, Ellie. Your hand is bleeding really bad," Kelsi said looking at my hand wide eyed. "We'll get this, you go clean yourself up."

"I'll help you," Zacky said to me. "C'mon, I took a first aid class and got certified. Just go ahead in the bathroom and I'll meet you in there."

I walked into the bathroom, and within a minute Zacky was walking into the door with a first aid kit in hand. He smiled at me and set the kit on one side of the sink.

"Up here," Zacky said patting the other side of the sink.

"I can't exactly get up there with one hand," I said irritably, wincing at the pain.

"Here, I'll help." Zacky placed his hands on my hips and gently raised me up to the edge of the sink. I scooted farther back so I wouldn't fall off.

"Why did you take a first aid class? I mean, besides now, what use would it be?"

"Whenever we went out on the road, we would have to have someone who was able to repair our cuts or cracked hands. Okay, this is going to sting," Zacky said while holding my cut hand over the sink. He poured the alcohol in my cut and I bit my bottom lip to keep from yelling.

I took a deep sigh when we were done with the alcohol. "Well, at any rate, I'm glad you're here to take care of me."

"Hey it's no problem," Zacky said. He wrapped my hand tightly with some gauze and taped it up. "All done," he said patting my legs as he stood facing.

"I would tell you to kiss my hand to make it better, but there's too much gauze."

"Well, I'll kiss it when it heals," Zacky grinned, stepping aside so I could get down.

"Sounds like a plan then, handsome. You better remember that," I laughed jumping down from my spot on the counter.

"I promise. Scout's honor."
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Look, I've very sorry if there are many errors in here. I've been extremely tired lately, and I'm lucky that I finally got this posted. I am sorry for the delay, it's entirely my fault. Comment on what you think of this. I know it doesn't have much important stuff in here, but that's okay for now.

Oh, by the way, check out my contest I've got going on right now. It's called Those Cliche Moments and I would love it if some people signed up and participated. And tell your friends if they want to write in a contest. Please help me out :)