Just Sweep Me off My Feet Again


Garrett jumped over the back of the couch and ran after Pat as he laughed childishly and dodged the teenage boy at all costs. "Give me back my toothbrush!" Garrett yelled.

"Guys! Will you shut the fuck up?! I'm trying to have a conversation here." Kennedy said, holding up his phone to get his point across. Garrett huffed,

"But he--" Kennedy raised an eyebrow in warning at Garrett, who mumbled a few choice words under his breath before sitting down on the couch, crossing his arms over his chest childishly.

"Yeah, I'm still here, Stephen." Kennedy said, walking into the kitchen and going back to his conversation on the phone. Garrett and Pat both watched Kennedy as he stood in the kitchen, nodding every so often at what the person on the other end of the phone had to say. After five or so minutes, he came off the phone, walking back into the living room where Garrett and Pat had started their bickering over the toothbrush again.

"Pat, just give Garrett his damn toothbrush. We have to leave soon and you know we'd leave your asses behind if you carry on arguing." Kennedy said.

Obeying to Kennedy's orders, Pat unwillingly handed Garrett his toothbrush back; receiving a smug smile off of Garrett after he did so. "So, who was that, man?" Pat asked.

"You know Stephen, right?" Kennedy questioned, looking at his two friends who held blank stares. "Who I used to be in Last Call with?..." he added; Pat and Garrett nodding soon after. "Well... it was him." Kennedy finished.

"Cool, bro. Why'd he phone? Does he really want to hang out with you now, when we're going to record our album?" Garrett joked, with a smirk on his face.

Kennedy shook his head, "No. He actually told us that the guys and Jess are going to be in California, recording their EP." he informed them.

"That's awesome." Pat smiled.

Kennedy grinned back, "Totally. Now come on, if we don't leave for Jared's house soon, Peter will kill us." he said, grabbing his bags off of the couch to shove in the van.

Garrett sighed as he stood up, "This is going to be one hell of a long flight." he mumbled.
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Becky and myself have ten of these already pre-written and I've gotta say, I'm pretty excited.
So, do your thing. Just know feedback is lovely. ;)