Just Sweep Me off My Feet Again


"Come on!" Holly whined, trying with all her might to pull Stephen closer to the line for the roller coaster that was situated in the middle of the chaotic field. Stephen shook his head violently,

"No!" he almost yelled, taking a step back, away from the short line.

Holly sighed and placed her hands on Stephen's cheeks. "Why won't you come on the roller coaster with me?" she pouted, their lips barely touching making Stephen whine in the process.

"You know I don't like them." he simply said, stealing a kiss. "Garrett, my man!" Stephen grinned, wrapping an arm around the bassist. "Would you mind accompanying my lovely lady on this ride?" he asked, with a posh accent and a smirk sat on his face.

"Sure," he said, before turning and smirking at Holly, "I might end up puking on her though if this roller coaster get too crazy." he added, laughing at Holly's disgusted expression. "Dude, I'm kidding. Come on before the rest get on the ride before us and we get crappy seats."

As the two teens began to queue for the ride again, John jogged over and rested a hand on Garrett's shoulder. "Hey," he smiled, "Mind if I tag along? I've been waiting to have a go of this ride all day."

"Sure, bro." he replied. John thanked him quickly, standing in line with the pair. The line moved pretty quickly, and before they knew it they were standing at the turnstiles, waiting to have their wristbands checked before they got on the ride. Garrett was first to get his wristband scanned, followed closely by Holly, and then lastly John. They found a vacant carriage, all climbing into the small space. Holly turned to look at Garrett,

"Move over, you're taking up half of the carriage!" she complained. Garrett huffed,

"If I move over anymore, I'll be sat on the edge of the carriage!" he replied. Holly groaned, resting her elbows on the bar that was in front of them, and resting her head in her hands.

"I feel sick already and the rides not even started." she said, another small groan leaving her lips shortly after she finished her sentence.

"Stop complaining!" Garrett exclaimed, "You're the one that wanted to come on this ride, so you shall stick it through. Anyway, it'll be over soon." he finished. Moments later, the ride assistant walked down the platform, checking everyone had their seat belts on correctly. Once he was satisfied everyone was safe, he walked over to a box, lifting the lid and holding up his hand, signaling the ride was about to start. The ride jerked into motion, causing Holly to let out a small squeak,

"Why did I come on this ride?" she asked, giving Garrett a frantic look, which only caused Garrett to laugh. The clunking on the gears under their feet made Holly's stomach turn. "I'm gonna hurl." she said, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the bar in front of them. John and Garrett both let out small laughs at the girl sat between them.

"Shut up and just enjoy the ride." Garrett laughed. Holly muttered a few incoherent words under her breath, before looking in Garrett's direction, but looking past him. Noticing how high up they were already, Holly felt her stomach churn once more.

Suddenly, the ride ground to a halt. Garrett, Holly and John looked between themselves, giving each other bewildered looks,

"What the hell..." John mumbled, as the three teens looks around at other people who were on the ride, their faces etched with the same bewildered look. After a minute or two, everyone on the ride heard a loud clinking sound, causing each of them to turn around and look at what was making the noise. They noticed one of the workers had started to climb the small staircase that was next to the tracks, making his way to the carriages, that were sat just over half way up the track. The worker finally reached everyone, smiling nervously,

"I'm afraid there's been a slight technical difficulty with the tracks... The ride has broken down." he said, in an apologetic tone. Everyone on the ride let out groans of discontent, before the worker spoke up once more, "I'm going to have to ask you all to get out, carriage by carriage and walk down these steps. You'll be perfectly safe, I can assure you all." he smiled. Holly's eyes widened as she grabbed hold of Garrett's forearm, causing Garrett to look and frown at her,

"Is there a certain reason why you're stopping the blood flow to my hand?" he asked. Holly didn't respond verbally, she simply shook her head,

"I'm not getting out of this cart until we're back at the place we got on here." she stated. Garrett chuckled,

"Don't be stupid. Come on, it's not that far down, you'll be fine." he smiled reassuringly. Holly shook her head,

"I don't care how high or low the drop is, I am not getting out of this carriage." she stated once more. The worker got to their carriage, undoing the belt that was currently holding them all in,

"If you get out one by one and walk in single file, that would be great." he smiled at the three of them, noting how deathly pale Holly's face had turned. He frowned, "Is she okay?" he asked. Garrett shook his head,

"She's a little afraid of heights, that's all." he responded, smiling at the worker. John climbed out of the carriage, turning around to face Holly and Garrett. Garrett pushed Holly lightly,

"Go on, it's your turn to get out." he laughed lightly. Holly shook her head vigorously, shuffling herself a little closer to the edge of the seat in the carriage. John put out his hand,

"Come on," he said, softly, "Here, take my hand, I'll help you out." he smiled. Holly took hold of his extended hand, standing up slowly and stepping out of the cart. She looked down through the holes in the metal flooring, instantly regretting doing so. John squeezed her hand, "You're not gonna fall, I've got you." he smiled warmly, still keeping a tight grip on Holly's hand.

"Promise?" she mumbled, anxiety getting the worst of her.

"Cross my heart and hope to die." John mumbled back, grasping Holly's hand more.

Holly let out a deep sigh and nodded her head, indicating for John to walk down the stairs. The three teens walked slowly down the steps; both Garrett and John making sure Holly was doing okay every now and then. As soon as they had got to the bottom, Holly let out a sigh of relief and rested her head in her hands.

"I'm so glad that's over with." she muttered, darkly. Her head soon snapped up when she heard her voice being shouted.

Stephen Gomez jogged over to his girlfriend and grinned widely at her, "How did tha-" However, before he had chance to finish his sentence, Holly gripped Stephen's waist and dug her head in his chest.

"You should have been on there. I was so worried. I thought.." she shook her head and looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "I love you." she whimpered, grasping his hand.

"Baby," Stephen whispered, with sympathetic eyes. "I love you." he said, raking his fingers through her hair. "What happened?" he asked, softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"The ride broke, right at the top of the dip," she frowned, "And you weren't there to hold my hand!" Holly complained, shoving Stephen lightly.

"I'm sorry." Stephen chuckled. "But everything's okay, isn't it?" he smiled softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Yeah," she whispered, looking over at John's retreating body. "Everything's okay." she mumbled.
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Goodnight, amigos! xox