Just Sweep Me off My Feet Again


Arriving at Jac Vanek's condo, kitted out in their best party clothes, the guys and girls waited patiently to be greeted and get things into full swing. They were soon invited in, by a large smiling Jac and pulled them into the kitchen so they could get the drinks they wanted, or needed.

"So I hear you're getting married now." Jac smirked at Cody, who then looked over at Jack laughing and talking with his band mates and friends.

Cody nodded and smiled, showing off her ring. "I am, indeed."

"Maybe Jack'll mature then now," Jac laughed, making Cody laugh also.

"I can't see that happening. He's still the same goofball I met all that time ago," she grinned, sighing contently as she looked over at her fiance.

Before Jac could reply to the teenage girl, a group of boys entered the condo making a loud laugh echo around the living room. However, as soon as one of the boys noticed Holly stood talking to Stephen, he hid behind the living room door.

"Come on, Nick!" Eric exclaimed, dragging Nick from around the living room door. "You're not missing the party," he said, making Holly's head snap towards the boys of A Rocket to the Moon.

"Ni--" Holly went to shout, but soon got cut off.

"I'm not on fire!" Nick shouted running through the living room, towards the kitchen, to escape the girl.

Holly's face dropped and puppy eyes adorned her face as she stared after Nick. "I only wanted a hug," she said sadly, making Nick feel bad. He soon came back over to her and wrapped his arms around her with a grin.

"I'm sorry," he chuckled down her ear. "I thought you were going to beat me up, again."

"Of course not! I just missed my favorite ginger." Holly smiled, wrapping her arm around Nick's waist.

"Hey! What about me?!" Jared exclaimed, overhearing the conversation from behind them.

Holly grinned and sent Jared an apologetic smile. "Fine. Nick's my favorite fake ginger, then." Holly said, correcting herself.

After speaking to Holly for some more, Nick spotted Jac walking passed him and grabbed her attention. "Jac! Demi's coming tonight, is that alright?"

Holly gasped and cut Jac off before she could speak. "As in Lovato?! Demi Lovato is coming here tonight?" she asked, with wide eyes. "Oh, my God. I love her!"

"And this is why we don't let her meet famous people." Stephen grinned cheekily, wrapping his arm around Holly's shoulder.

"Shut up!" Holly frowned, crossing her arms. "I may get a tad excited but I can't help it. Demi Lovato is fucking amazing and we're going to be in the same room, oh my God."

"Do you think we should lock her up now?" Justin joked, sending a smirk to his cousin.

Holly stuck her middle finger up at her cousin and replied, "Maybe you should just give me more alcohol and I won't notice she's in the room."

"No, you'll be too busy smacking people over the head instead." Nick laughed.

"You guys aren't even funny." Holly mumbled, walking away from the group of boys to fix herself a drink.

After everyone had drank some alcohol, they decided it would be best if a game of "I've Never" started up, in the living room.

"I've never been expelled from school and college." Cody said, smirking at everyone.

Her friends groaned as John, Eric, Alex, Jack, Josh and Holly took a shot of alcohol. "You're a fucking nerd, Jacobs." Alex coughed.

"I've never been engaged." Eric grinned, making Cody and Jack chuckle.

"You're cute," Cody said before she and Jack took their shots. "Not that cute, though." she finished after seeing the smug look on his face.

"I've never been cheated on." Garrett stated, making everyone suddenly go quiet. His mouth made a small 'o' shape as he realized what he had said. Garrett watched on as Holly, Cody, Pat, Brian and a handful of other people drank a shot each.

"I've never had sex in my parents bed." Kennedy said, watching his friends.

Slowly Cody, John and Jack all drank a shot each as their friends smirked and raised their eyebrows. "I think everyone knows what you're into now, Cody." Stephen laughed, which earned him a glare off of the teenage girl.

"I've never loved someone who I can't have." Alex said, sending a cute smile to Lisa.

John picked up his glass, taking a drink and then sent a sad smile to Justin.
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Sorry this has taken so long to get out! x