Just Sweep Me off My Feet Again


"I'm going to explode." Kennedy said, leaning back in his seat and putting his hand on his stomach. Garrett nodded in agreement.

"Me too, dude. We're never coming here again." he said. Kennedy nodded as Justin laughed.

"You'll be back here by tomorrow." he said, causing Garrett to shrug.

Before anyone could retort to Justin's comment, Kennedy's phone began to vibrate, making him answer it. The rest of the group looked on and listened in to Kennedy's side of the question, trying to piece things together by themselves. After a few minutes, Kennedy hung up the phone and smiled at his friends.

"Who's up for the beach?" he questioned.

"Me!" Pat yelled, causing a few people in the room to turn their heads. Jared shook his head,

"Do you always have to be so enthusiastic about everything?" he asked. Pat nodded his head, grinning childishly.

"Is everyone else up for it, then?" Kennedy asked, receiving nods and a few mumbled responses. "Cool, 'cause we're gonna meet the guys in The Summer Set, if that's okay? Stephen said they'll be there in about 15 minutes so if we set off now that gives us plenty of time." he smiled, pleased with his arrangements.

The group all picked up their rubbish, taking it over to the bins and disposing of it, before walking out towards the van, taking off back to where they were staying to pick up some suitable items of clothing for the beach. Soon after, they arrived at the beach; Pat and Garrett running straight towards the waves. The rest of the group laughed as they found a suitable to place to place their towels and other belongings.

After setting his his stuff down and sitting down for himself, John turned around to Holly, who was sat next to him, and rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"How have you been?" he asked, quietly, not making eye contact. Holly shrugged,

"Good, I guess." she replied, smiling lightly. "How about you?" she asked. John nodded,

"Same." he answered, ruffling his hair with his finger tips.

After a moment of silence, Holly spoke up. "I'm glad to see my song made it to the album." she laughed, humouressly. John smirked,

"What can I say? It's a good song." he replied, still smirking. Holly laughed lightly,

"It pains me, but I'll have to agree with you on that one." she smirked. John rolled his eyes and laughed,

"Well, you certainly haven't changed, have you?" he asked. Holly frowned,

"I've only been gone two and a bit months. You're talking like I've been gone for years." she laughed.

John laughed, "It seemed--" However, he was cut off when a voice shouted Holly's name.

Holly turned around and grinned widely as she saw who the person was. She stood up and ran half way to meet him, spinning in a circle as he picked her up. "Stephen Gomez!" she smiled, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too." he chuckled, setting Holly down and placing a kiss on her cheek. Meanwhile, John watched on with a noticable scowl present on his face. "Someone looks annoyed," Stephen mumbled. "What's wrong with him?" he asked, nodding in the direction of John.

Holly shrugged, "Who knows." she replied. "Come on! Let's go for a swim." she grinned, pulling Stephen by the hand towards the sea.

After some time swimming in the sea with JohnG, two arms snaked around Holly's waist, making her shriek. Laughter reached her ears and she turned around in the person's arms, coming face to face with Stephen Gomez.

"Hello, Stephen." Holly smirked.

Stephen grinned, "Hi, Holly." he replied, circling around her and splashing water at her whilst he did so.

Holly giggled, "Stop it." she said, splashing water back at him.

"Or what?" Stephen asked, raising an eyebrow, a smirk still present on his face.

"I'll beat your ass, that's what." Holly replied, matching Stephen's smirk.

"Oh, will you?" Stephen questioned. However, before Holly could reply, he splashed more water in her face making Holly gasp.

"Stephen James Gomez! You're dead." she laughed, making Stephen laugh straight after. Holly smirked as she jumped at Stephen, sending him flying backwards into the waist-high waters. She stood and laughed as Stephen re-emerged from the water, his hair stuck to his face. He shook his head and sending drops of water flying everywhere. He looked at Holly, fake glaring at her.

"That's not funny." he stated, moving closer to the teenage girl. Holly didn't say anything as Stephen's arms circled around her waist once more. Their breathing became ragged as their bodies touched and Holly craned her neck up to look at Stephen. They both shared a shy smile and leaned closer, their eyelids snapped shut. Just as their lips grazed, a voice, from the shore, gained their attention.

"Holly! Justin wants to speak to you!" John shouted, loud enough for both Stephen and Holly to hear. Holly took a step back, sending Stephen an apologetic smile as she waded out of the water over to Justin. Justin smiled at her as she approached him.

"What ever you want me for better be good." she said. Justin frowned at her,

"What?" he asked. Holly stared at him for a few seconds,

"John said you wanted to speak to me..." she explained. Justin frowned again, shaking his head slowly. Holly pieced everything together, sighing to herself.

"I should have known." she said, turning around to walk over to John. She looked over to where he had previously been stood, noticing the vacant spot.

"Hey, what did J want?" Stephen asked, standing next to Holly and wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

She smiled at him and shook her head, "Nothing, it doesn't matter." Holly replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been laughing all night, so now I'm really sleepy.
However, I have to be up early because I need to glare at my postman (that's if he doesn't drop off This Is Real Life), then I have to go pick up my TOMS from the post office, then I'm going sales shopping. Woo!
Hope you have a good day. Love you. Peace!