Just Sweep Me off My Feet Again


I'm sick of these crying babies on this flight. Nearly there. You better be on your way. Don't think I'll be able to survive in that airport, if you're not. Love you. See you soon, Cody. x

Holly laughed at the text she had received off of Cody and shown it to Justin soon after, instructing him that he had to drive to the airport.

"Can't you drive yourself?" he asked. Holly shook her head.

"No. I'll get bored driving on my own, it's at least a 20 minute drive!" she whined, causing Justin to roll his eyes.

"If you don't want to take her, I will." Stephen offered, from his position on the couch. He offered a smile to Holly, who gladly returned it. "What do you say, Holls?"

"I'd say you'd cause far more entertainment than Justin." she said, sending a smirk her cousin's way. "Let's get a move on, boy. Chop, chop!" she said, clapping her hands and handing Stephen the car keys.

"Hold your horses, lil' lady." Stephen said, opening the door for Holly to exit. "After you." he politely said, sending a dashing smile her way, creating a blush to appear on her cheeks. John watched on as his ex giggled at how charming the older Gomez brother was being; his eyes sending subtle glares.

"Thank you." Holly replied, the blush still present on her cheeks. "When we return, we shall have a Jacobs with us! Don't say you're not fuckin' excited." she said, grinning before Stephen shut the door after them. The pair heard a cheer coming from inside the apartment, both laughing at who ever was yelling. The pair walked to Holly's car in a comfortable silence. Unlocking the car doors, Stephen walked to the passenger side of the car, opening the car door for Holly. He motioned his hand towards the seat,

"Ma'am." he said, grinning. Holly smiled at Stephen before climbing into the car and putting on her belt. Stephen closed the car door, walking around the front of the car and getting into the drivers seat. He started up the cars engine, before pulling out onto the road, taking the directions that were needed to get to the airport where the pair would meet Cody.

"So, do we have time to go somewhere together before we go pick Cody up from the airport?" he asked. Holly looked at the clock on the dashboard of the car before pondering for a moment. She sighed,

"We'd be cutting it kinda fine, and Cody would absolutely murder us if we left her waiting in the airport. She's had one hell of a flight if the texts she's been sending me are anything to go by." Holly replied, laughing lightly. Stephen smiled, nodding.

"Okay, well I don't like the sound of being murdered," he laughed, causing Holly to laugh lightly too, nodding her head in agreement. "So how about we go somewhere tonight? Just the two of us?" he asked. Holly smiled back widely.

"I think that would be nice." Holly replied. Almost all the remainder of the car journey was spent in silence, with the odd comment or two thrown out into the air every so often. Upon reaching the airport, Stephen parked up the car near to the doors that lead into the airport itself. Both of them climbed out of the car, locking the doors and making their way into the airport to meet their awaiting friend, who had text Holly a mere minute or two ago to tell them that if they weren't there to meet her in five minutes, she'd hurt them. Holly caught sight of Cody first, who was looking the opposite way to them, looking at the doors at the other side of the airport.

Holly turned to Stephen, pressing her index finger up against her lips as a signal for him not to shout Cody or alert her that they were there in any way. Stephen nodded, grinning along with Holly, who was currently being careful not to walk too loudly. When she was about three metres away from Cody, she set off into a run, jumping on the unexpected girl's back. Cody loud out a loud shriek, as Holly laughed loudly.    

As soon as Cody worked out that she wasn't being mugged, she turned around to her best friend and hugged her tightly. Holly hugged her back, before stepping out of the slightly shorter girl's embrace, grinning widely at her.

"I've missed you so much!" she said excitedly. Cody nodded,

"I've missed you too!" she replied, before turning to look at Stephen and smiled widely. "And I see you've brought a straggler along with you?" she smirked, causing Stephen to pout.

"Well if that's the way you're going to be, you don't get a hug." he said, trying to make his tone sound offended, but failing when he smirked. Cody rolled her eyes, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around his small waist.    

"I've missed you as well!" she stated, laughing lightly. Stephen hugged her back, before Cody unwrapped her arms from around his waist and took a step back.

"I've missed you too. It's been too long since we all last saw you." he agreed. Holly picked up one of Cody's several bags, throwing it over her shoulder.

"Come on, silly. We've got places to go and people to see." she said, setting off back towards the car once Cody and Stephen had picked up the remainder of the bags. All three of them got into the car, Cody calling shotgun before Holly even had chance to consider it. Holly mumbled as she climbed into the back seat of the car, situating herself in the middle so she could lean forward and talk to both the people in the car with her.

"So, Miss Maryland," Stephen began. "Mind if I steal your best friend tonight?" he questioned, sending a glance over to Cody before landing his eyes back on the road.

"Why?" Cody asked, raising her eyebrow and looking back at Holly. "Where are you going?" she asked.

Holly poked her head in between their seats, "Yeah, Stephen. Where are we going?"

Stephen smirked at her, "Well, if I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" he replied. Holly raised her eyebrow,

"You don't know where we're going, do you?" she asked, an amused smile spread across her face. Stephen turned his head to look at her as they pulled up at a traffic light.

"Of course I know where we're gonna go!" he retorted. Holly nodded her head,

"Then where are we going?" she asked again. Stephen shook his head,

"I told you, it's a surprise." he smirked.

After Holly muttered a few curse words under her breath, Stephen soon pulled up to the recording studio, where The Maine were already underway with their work. Cody opened the car door and looked back at the two teens.

"You two not coming in?" she questioned, with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope." Stephen shook his head. "I'm taking Holly here Go Karting." he grinned. "Yes, Holly. That's your surprise. I knew I couldn't hold it in any longer than that." he smirked.

Cody chuckled and nodded her head, "Okay. Have fun, guys. I'll see you later." she smiled before shutting the car door behind her. Stephen was about to set off, when Holly realized Cody had left her bags in the car.

"Hold on, I'll go take Cody's bags in to her. She'll flip if there's any essentials in there that she needs and she can't get them." Holly said, opening the car door and walking around to the boot, opening it and taking two of the bags. Stephen got out of the car, taking the remainder two bags out of the boot before closing it and walking towards the studio with Holly. Upon reaching the reception, Holly placed down one of the bags before smiling at the receptionist.

"Hi," she smiled. "Would you mind passing these over to-" she didn't have time to finish her sentence because Kennedy walked into the reception and looked at the pair with a confused looked,

"Moving out?" he chuckled. Holly grinned and shook her head.

"Can you give these to Cody, please?" she smiled, "The idiot forgot them in the car, when she got out." Holly laughed, passing Cody's bags to Kennedy.

"Thank you!" Holly grinned once more and the lead Stephen out of the building.

Kennedy shook his head and shoved Cody's bags over his shoulder, entering the studio that he and the rest of the band would be using. "Here, Codes," Kennedy started, "Holly asked me to give you your bags. She said, and I quote, 'the idiot forgot them in the car'." he chuckled, passing over Cody's bags.

Cody laughed, "Such a pleasant girl." she smiled, "Thank you, though, Kenny." she said, putting her bags down next to the couch.

"Where's Holly and Stephen gone?" Garrett asked, plucking at the strings of his bass.

"Go Karting?" she said, unsure. "I'm not sure. I think that's what Stephen said." Cody shrugged.

"Why have they gone there?" John spoke up, his brow raised.

Again, Cody shrugged. "I don't know. Friend time?" she smirked. John frowned, walking off into a different room, mumbling things under his breath.

"Someone's not happy about that." Garrett commented.

"He'll get over it." Cody said simply. "Now, I wanna hear what you've done so far!" she grinned, jumping up to sit next to Garrett at the sound board.
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