Just Sweep Me off My Feet Again


Cody sat down next to Holly on the couch, which was Cody's bed until she left, and passed her a mug of coffee. She smiled at her best friend which made Holly raise a suspicious eyebrow at her.

"What?" she questioned, taking a sip of her coffee. However, she winced when the hot liquid slipped down her throat.

Cody chuckled and shook her head, "Nothing. Can't I be happy?" she grinned.

"No." Holly answered, simply. "What's going on? What do you want to know?"

"You know me too well." Cody laughed, pulling her legs underneath her to get more comfy. "I'm just wondering, what's going on between you and the eldest Gomez?" she questioned, once again, raising her eyebrow. Holly rolled her eyes,

"I knew this was coming." she stated, shaking her head as Cody grinned at her.

"Well?" she said, a small grin still present on her face.

"There's nothing really going on. There's been flirting and shit, but I don't know. God, Codes." Holly sighed with a small laugh.

"Mhm." Cody said, drawing out the sound. "And the rest?" she smirked.

"There is nothing more to it!" Holly defended quickly; a little too quickly. Cody raised an eyebrow,

"Then why are you getting so defensive? You only get defensive when you're lying." she retorted, smirking as a defeated look washed over Holly's face.

"Technically, I'm not lying. However, if you must know, there has been some little, meaningless kisses and hand holding. That's all there is to it. Nothing more, nothing less." Holly informed. "Are you happy now?"

Cody nodded her head, "I guess so."

"Hey," John said, walking into the room. "Do either of you want a drink? I'm heading into the kitchen, if you do." he smiled.

"No, we're good. Thank you, though." Cody answered, sending a smile back. As soon as John entered the room and was out of hearing distance, Cody turned round to Holly. "So, do you like him?" she asked. Holly mumbled something in reply and Cody smirked, "What was that? Sorry, I couldn't hear."

"Yes! I like him, alright? I like Stephen." Holly exclaimed.

All of a sudden, John stormed out of the kitchen; the door slamming loudly after him. His long legs took three small strides through the living room as he exited the apartment and slammed the front door shut.

The two girls looked at each other with wide eyes, "Well, someone's in a pissy mood." Cody said. Holly sighed,

"Well, these next few weeks are gonna be fun now, aren't they?" she said, sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" Cody asked, raising her eyebrow.

Holly looked over at her best friend, "He overheard, Codes. John knows that I like Stephen, now." she sighed.

"So? There's nothing he can do about it, Holly. You're your own person. You can like who you like and there's nothing anyone can do. He's just going to have to get over it." Cody said simply.

"Easier said than done, right?" Holly smiled, sadly. "Anyway! You're going to see Brian recording vocals today, aren't you?" Cody nodded in reply. "Can I tag along? I don't want to be left alone with the guys today, especially since John's in a great mood." Holly mumbled, with a frown.

"I was gonna drag you along with me anyway." Cody grinned. Holly laughed lightly,

"That's sorted then. What time are you going?" she asked. Cody shrugged,

"Any time I feel like going?" she replied, laughing lightly. Holly nodded,

"Well, how about we eat something, then head over there?" she suggested, smiling.

"Sounds great." Cody replied.

After the pair had finished eating and had gotten themselves ready, they headed out to Holly's car, making the short journey over to the studio where The Summer Set were recording. Once they reached the studio, they exited Holly's car and she locked it afterwords; bouncing after Cody to the front doors.

They told the receptionist who they were there for and walked through to the room, looking at all the different Cd's that hung off the wall as they did so.

"Hello, pretty people." Cody exclaimed, with a grin as Holly and herself entered the studio.

"Oh, she mustn't have seen you sat there, Brian." Stephen joked, sending a smirk Brian's way.

"Very funny." Brian muttered, not bothering to look up from his laptop.

Cody narrowed her eyes at Stephen, "Leave my Bee alone, you meanie." she laughed, sitting next to Brian and wrapping her arms around him. "I still love you, Brian." she grinned.

"I love you, too." Brian chuckled. "However, it is time to do my part for this EP and sing. So, I shall talk to you ladies later." he grinned, getting up and entering the recording booth.

"Well, I'm going to the toilet. I shall be back shortly." Holly smiled before she left the room.

Once the door had closed, Cody grinned at Stephen and patted the seat next to her. When Stephen raised his eyebrow, Cody sighed. "Come on, sit. I want to talk." she smiled.

Stephen did as told and sat down next to Cody. "So, what do you want to talk about?" he asked.

"Well," she started, "I'm interested about what's going on between you and Holly, actually." she said, her features trying desperately to not let a smirk fly his way.

"What do you mean? There's nothing going on." Stephen replied, licking his lips.

Cody raised her eyebrow, "Really, Stephen James?" she questioned, finally letting the smirk adorn her face. "Because I think that's bullshit." she simply said.

"And why would you think that, Cody Mae?" Stephen asked, matching Cody's smirk.

"I'm a girl, I see the signs." she replied, causing Stephen to laugh lightly.

"See the signs? More like Holly's mentioned something. Am I right?" he said, the smirk still evident on his face. Cody shrugged,

"I never said that."

"That's basically what you were getting at that, though." he shot back. Cody huffed, crossing her arms over her chest, knowing she wasn't getting anywhere.

"Do you like her?" she asked. Stephen shrugged,

"And why should I tell you?" he replied in a cocky tone, smirking at her. Cody frowned at him,

"Because if you tell me, I can tell you whether she likes you or not." she answered, smirking as well as Stephen.

"Why would I need to know that?" Stephen asked.

"Because you like her, and if you know she likes you back, you can ask her out." she shrugged. Stephen laughed lightly, nodding.

"Okay, I like her." he admitted. Cody smirked, as Stephen stared back at her, "Well? Isn't this where you now tell me whether she likes me or not?" he asked. Cody shrugged again, smirking still.

"I don't know, ask her yourself." she finally said, jumping up from her place on the couch and running towards the recording booth to get away from Stephen.

Stephen glared at Cody through the glass. "What's up with you?" a voice next to him asked, with a chuckle. Stephen smiled at Holly and shook his head.

"Nothing, just Cody being an ass." he laughed. "Where were you?" he asked.

"I was just talking to Jess, out front." she smiled, "Why, did you miss me?" Holly smirked, nudging Stephen's arm.

"Of course." Stephen replied, sending a dazzling, crooked smile her way. "I need to talk to you, though." he mumbled, playing with the ends of Holly's hair.

"Okay," she nodded, "What do you need to talk about?" Holly smiled.

Stephen sighed and glanced over at Cody, who wasn't paying attention to the teens on the couch. He let out a deep breath and grasped Holly's hand with his. "I like you." he said, cutely.

Holly bit her lip to try and stop the massive grin break out onto her face. A tint of blush colored her cheeks as she pressed a short kiss to Stephen's cheek. "I like you, too." she smiled, squeezing his hand.
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Sorry this has taken so long. Becky and I haven't been inspired to write a lot, lately. But now we are! So, woo. ;)