Arcades and Ice Cream Trucks

I.CT. and I.C.S.

"Patrick! Slow down!" Patrick's a fast runner considering he's so chubby. I never can catch up to him. He's even faster at time's like this, when we're chasing the ice cream truck.
"No!!! Don't leave!!" He calls to it as it leaves our neighborhood and heads to Pete and Ashley's. They and Andy are our closet friends.
"Joe!" He turns to me, "This is all your fault! You had to climb that stupid tree and make me miss the I.C.T"
"Please, Lunchbox, he wants to live to see 7Th grade." Ashley walks up behind him, making him piss his pants. He's such a scaredy cat. "Here." She says handing him an I.C.S. (Ice cream Sandwich)
"What about me?" I whine. She rolled her eyes and handed me the frozen treat. I hastily tare away the paper and devouring the I.C.S. Patrick laughed, his green eyes sparkling as he nibbled his ice cream. "Did you bring napkins?" I ask as ice cream dripped off my chin.
"Sorry, Turtle Prince, got none." She laughed, poshing stray pieces of blonde hair away from her face.
"Turtle prince?" Patrick asks, not taking his attention away from his I.C.S. He's so cute when he's concentrating.
"IT WAS PETE!" She instinctively blamed. We just sighed. "Speaking of Mr. Werewolf pop star pants..." She was cut off by our laughing. "Anyways...want to go to the arcade." My eyes went huge.
"Arcade. Arcade. Arcade." I hopped up and down, Patrick giggled.
"I guess that's a yes." I grabbed the two, and ran to Pete's house not stopping. When I got there I didn't even knock just flew in and up the stairs. I burst into Pete's room, where he was changing.
"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Pete!" I yelled as Ashley and Patrick ran away completely scarred from seeing him without pants.
"Joe, do you mind!" Pete hissed.
"No, not really." I smirked. Yeah, I'm a cocky eleven year old. Pete just sighed as he yanked on his shorts. Then Pete's mom came in.
"Pete, honey, why is Ashley curled up in the linen closet with a look of sheer terror on her face?"
"Talk to Mr. Eager." He said sitting on his bed.
"Joe." She said in a condescending voice.
"Uhhh....sorry got to go!" I said running out the door, Pete on my heels. I ran down to the linen closet dragging Ashley outside, where Patrick was running in circles screaming.
"Shut up already, Patrick! Ashley, pull yourself together! You two are acting like I raped you!"
Pete yelled. When Pete yells, they listen.
"Arcade? Now! Please!" I whined.
"Yes, Jew. We're going." Ashley said irritated.