Arcades and Ice Cream Trucks

Truth or Dare nd Pixie Sticks

As soon as I got back into Pete's room I dove under his bed. I returned five minutes later with a big bag of pixie sticks and four coke cans. Everyone's eyes grew bigger then china plates. Ashley rushed over and grabbed all four coke cans. She licked them as to claim them but, I still grabbed one. Trust me I've eaten the gum out of Pete's mouth. The guys were to repulsed to try and take one.
"How'd you know where to find them?" Pete said in awe.
"Is there anything he doesn't know." Patrick replied giggling. I love how he knows so much about me. Ashley's been really quiet....slurp.
"Found her!" Patrick yelled drgging her and six cokes back in the room.
"Where'd all those come from!?!" Pete said, his jaw dropped.
"They had coke sex." giggled Ashley. Pete automatical shut his mouth last time he said anything about coke sex....well, it's not even something I want to remember.
"So are we going to play truth or dare?" I ask. Giggles errupted from the giggle queens. Patrick rolled his eyes.
"So..." Ashley began(ladies first), "Mr. Werewolf popstar pants...Truth or Dare?"
"Hmmm.......this is hard one." He pretended to contemplate his choices.
"There's only two answers, dumbass." I said smacking him in the head.
"OWW!!!!!!!!! Okay!!!!!!!!!! Truth."
and so it began....