Status: Umm.. let me know if i should continue or stop here. Message or comment me about it...ur opinion is needed.=)

I fell in love with a human, and now my enemy angel is out for revenge.What should i do?!

Could it have been jealousy?

**Serenity's p.o.v.**

I walked out of my first period class as fast as I could. I was down the hall when I thought my name was being called out.

“Serenity!! Serenity!!” someone called out.

I turned around with this confused expression on my face. And standing there was a gorgeous looking guy. He had blue eyes with a hint of green, brown hair with a bit of blonde and light tan skin. I felt my heart skip a beat a little.

“Yes?” I said trying to sound bores or something.

“You dropped this” he said as he was holding out my sketchbook.

“How did you get this?!” I said as I took my sketchbook out of his hands.

“Um….you kinda dropped it.”

“I never took it out in the first place.”

“It actually fell out of your bag.”

I felt stupid for making him sound like he stole it or something. My voice sounded accusing after all.

“Oh, thanks for giving it back to me.”

“Your welcome” he said as he turned around and walked off.

He walked gracefully, if that’s even possible.

First day at this school and I’m already crushing on someone.

No!! I can’t!! The reason me and my mother and little sister moved here was because of a stupid boy. If it weren’t for Manny, I would have still been in Montana with my friends.

My life would have been perfect if it weren’t for him. I can’t fall for another guy. Every time I did, I ended up the one being hurt.

Well not this year. Especially now that I have a new start. I walked into my second period which was English. I went to the teacher’s desk.

“Hey, I’m a new student here.”

The teacher looked up.

“Why, you must be Serenity Scarletta. Welcome to Destiny High, I’m Mrs. Miller. I’ll give you everything you need for this class tomorrow. It’s your first day here and I understand you have enough on your plate already” she said with a smile.

I immediately liked this teacher. She’s nice and cool. I smiled back.

“Thanks, for understanding.”

“Your assigned seat will be next to Mr. Kingston. Pleas raise your hand Mr. Kingston.”

I looked back to see who she was talking to. All I saw was a hand. I started to walk towards the middle of class since that’s where the hand was located.

I sit down and started unpacking the usual necessities for class.

“Hey what’s your name?”


“That’s a beautiful name. My name is Cody.”

I finally look up to see who was talking. This guy named Cody was actually pretty good looking. He had black hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. His hair was long enough to cover his eyes.

“Thanks, hey Cody.”

“So where are you from?


“You don’t sound like it. People from there have an accent.”

“I only lived there for five years; I guess the accent never stuck to me.”

“Oh too bad, you would have sounded much cuter with an accent.”

“Cody-“I started to say but the teacher went to stand in front of the class.


“Mr. Kingston, can I start my lesson, or do you want me to wait for you to finish off your conversation?’

He blushed. I have never seen a guy blush, never thought I would see that happen.

“No ma’m, you can start.”

And she went on with the lesson. And the bell had rung once again indicating that the period is over. Cody had tried to get my number. But I told him that my line was disconnected for a while. This was true. Anyway, I didn’t want to lead Cody on, it seemed that he wanted to be more than friends.

His face showed disappointment even though he tried to cover it up.

All the way up to my 4th period, it went the usual way it would for any new student. And after 4th period ended, I went to lunch.

I went inside the cafeteria, bought my food, and went back outside to eat my lunch. I looked for a spot to sit down.

I finally found a spot to sit down. It was in front of a tree. The school had a couple of trees near the cafeteria. I sat down in front of the tree trunk. I then sat down and started eating my slice of pizza. It was fall and chilly. It was a breezy day. There weren’t many students outside.

Possibly because they wanted to be warm, I loved the cold weather. I prefer the cold over hot. And the windy weather was my favorite weather. I find the weather soothing.

I sensed a movement in front of me. Just a few yards away from me was the guy from my first period. He sat down and laid back in one of the tree’s trunk. He was just looking around. And then we made eye contact. He then made a small smile and waved.

Is he waving at me??

I looked around to see if anyone else was around. Nope.

I then pointed to me and mouthed me??

He started laughing. She nodded.

I waved back. I got up to throw away my food. That I didn’t eat. I was heading back to where I was sitting. And then something told me to look where he was sitting at.

He was motioning me to sit next to him. I could tell I had a confused look on my face. He smiled again as to reassure me that it was ok. I decided to go and started walking towards him.

What’s the harm? I mean it’s not like he was selling me drugs or anything. So why did I have this queasy feeling?

I was standing in front of him. He stood up when he realized I wasn’t going to sit down.




“What’s with the uncertainty? I’m not going to bite.”

“Um…it’s just that I don’t know you.”

“But you sit next to me in my first period.”

Yeah, but you didn’t say anything. You were just staring out the window, I thought.

“I know, it’s just that I didn’t get your name.”

He took out his hand.

“I’m Dustin. Dustin Sterlington.”

I look at it and shook it.

I felt an electrifying shock go from my hand to my arm.

I pulled away quickly.

“Uhh…Serenity. Serenity, Scarletta.”

“So what brings you to North Carolina?”

I shrug.

“I–uh...Lets just say that this little situation someone got me and my family into.”

He looked confused.

“And what was that little situation someone got you and your family into?”


I looked down at my converse as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

I wasn’t planning on telling anyone what happened back at home. I shouldn’t have said anything in the first place.

“It’s okay. We all have our secrets that we wouldn’t want to reveal to anyone. We barely met anyways.”

I look up to look at him. He seemed to be lost in thought when he said it.

“Yeah. We all do.”

“Hey, you-“he started to say when a high pitched voice interrupted him.

I looked to the left and saw this girl. She was kinda tan-ish. The kind that looked like an unnatural tan. She has brown eyes and blonde hair. And she was in a cheerleading uniform.

“Dustin. I finally found you.”

She put an arm around his neck, grabbed his face and kissed him. She let go after a few seconds.

“Come on. I need to tell you something.”

And with that he pulled him away and took him inside the cafeteria. But before she went inside the cafeteria, she looked back and had a smirk on her face. And she did a little wave towards me and went inside.

And I don’t know why but I felt my heart sink. And I stood there for a couple of seconds.

“Serenity. Hey! I didn’t know we had the same lunch.”

I look to see who it was and saw that it was Cody.

“Hey Cody. Me neither.”

He had this confused look on his face.

“Are you ok? You seem kinda sad. Like someone told you your puppy died or something.”

I shook my head.

“No. I’m fine; it’s just that I miss my friends back home.”

“You sure?”

I nodded.

“If you say so. Hey did you get you lunch already?”

“Yeah I just finished.”

“Aw…bummer. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to eat with me or something.”

I just looked at him.

“As friends though”

“Oh...Well if you want I could sit next to you while you eat if you want me to.”

He perked up a little and smiled.

“Yeah, sure. Come on lets go inside.” He said as he put his arm around my shoulders. It didn’t bother me though, because I knew he was being friendly and wanted to be friends.

“The chili here is amazingly delicious! Considering that it’s the cafeteria’s food and that it looks like something that would grow from under your sink” he said cheerfully.

I started to laugh.

We were in front of the cafeteria door when it opened and turned out to be Dustin. He was looking down when he looked up and we once more made eye contact. He then looked at me and Cody. And his gaze dropped where Cody’s arm was around me. I saw something flash in his eyes but it quickly went away before I could figure it out. He walked off in a hurry.

“I wonder what’s wrong with Dustin.”

“What do you mean?”

“Looked like he’s seen a ghost or something”

I looked back to see him open a door to a building but before he entered he looked up. He saw me and looked away quickly and entered the building.

I was very confused as to what just happened. But before I can think about it, Cody pulled me inside the cafeteria.

**Dustin’s p.o.v.**

Just as I was about to ask Serenity if she wanted to go to the library, I hear a familiar high-pitched laugh. Margarite.

“Dustin. I finally found you.”

I then felt her arm go around my neck and my face being grabbed.

The next thing I knew I was being kissed. I was frozen in shock to do anything but luckily the kiss only last for a few seconds.

“Come on. I need to tell you something.”

And she pulled me away to the cafeteria which was close by. I was trying to look back.

“Don’t even look back.”


What is wrong with this girl?! She must have gone insane that she already has.

We were near one of the lunch lines.

“So what’s this something you need to tell me? I asked annoyed.

“I saw you talking to the new girl.”

“So? What do you care?”

“Because your mine. And I won’t let you talk to her when you hardly talk to me or anyone at this school.”

“You’re insane. I’m not yours. And you can tell me who I can or can’ talk to” I said with anger in my voice.

She had this pissed off look on her face.

“Listen, you are mine! I’m not going to let some bitch come and take you away from me.”

Who the hell does this girl think she is?!

“When are you gonna get this through your thick blonde head of yours? I. Am. Not. Yours. And I will never be yours. So why won’t you fucking leave me alone?! And get a life or annoy some other unfortunate guy?’ I practically sounded ready to explode with anger.

All she did was smirk.

“No. I told you. You will be mine. And I won’t stop until I have you.”

And with that she walked off.

God I hate this girl. Why ne??!

I started walking out the cafeteria. I was looking down and opened the door. I was looking down and opened the door. I heard this musical laughter. I looked up.

It was Serenity. With this guy. I realized it was Cody. I was looking back and forth between them. I then felt my gaze drop on his arm around her shoulders.

I felt this strange feeling. I could tell it showed in my eyes and I quickly covered it up before she could see it in my eyes or face. And then I went around them and stormed off. I found myself heading towards the library.

But before I entered, I looked back. And then Serenity looked up and turned her heard and we made eye contact. She had this look on her face that read confusion. I broke eue contact and went inside.

I searched for an empty table and went to go sit down when I found one.

What was that feeling I felt when I saw her and Cody?

I felt sorta angry and annoyed at the same time. Like, I couldn’t stand the sight with her and Cody. Especially with his arm around her.

Could it- could it have been jealousy? But why would I feel jealous? I never felt this way before in my life.

What is this girl doing to me?

**Serenity’s p.o.v.**

The rest of the day went okay. I was walking home and listening to my iPod. “Decode” was on by Paramore. I really loved this song. I walked a few more blocks before I reached my house. It was this two story house which was yellow and white. We had a white fence around the yard.

I opened the gate, walked to my front and unlocked the door.

I went up to my room. I still had to unpack a few of my stuff. I threw myself on my bed.

And started to daydream. Then I started thinking about today. But mostly what happened with Dustin when we bumped into the entrance of the cafeteria. He looked kinda mad or annoyed. Could it-could it have been jealousy??

No, it could it have been. I mean I barely met him. And that girl that kissed him had to be his girlfriend. So why would he be jealous?

And especially be jealous because of me? He is a gorgeous guy and I’m just a plain looking girl. I was now more confused as ever.

I look to see what time it was.

2:40 pm.

It was almost time to pick up Serena, my little sister from elementary school. She was six years old and was in kindergarten. She is so adorable!

I walked like two or three blocks when I reached the school. And sitting in front of the school’s stairs was Serena. She had her hands holding her face.

I walked to the steps and was standing in front of her.

“Serenity! You’re here!” she said cheerfully.

“Well of course I did. Ready to go?”

She nodded her head.

“Come on then” I said to her while I held out my hand.

She took it and started walking back home.

“So how was your first day here in your new school?”

“It was okay, everyone was nice to me. And I made a new friend too.”

“Really? Well that’s good.”

“Yeah, and today we had to draw a picture of something we do or would miss. And I drew our old house with the whole family in front of it.”

She took out her drawing. Everyone was there, even our father. She never even met him and she included him. I felt a lump in my throat.

I felt really guilty and horrible for taking Serena away from our home and her friends. And the only thing that she felt close to our dad. It’s all my fault. I’m such a bad sister.

“Serenity, why are you crying?” she said sounding worried and sad.

I put my hand on my cheek and felt something wet. It was a teardrop, I caught the next one. I must not have realized that I was crying.

“Oh…ummm, it’s because I really miss home.”

“Don’t worry, we have each other and that’s all that matters.”

God I am so lucky I have such a wonderful little sister. She never complained about anything, she isn’t a spoiled brat, and she is always cheerful and tries to make me or my mom happy when we get sad or something.

We finally got home and went inside. I made Serena a sandwich and gave her chips along with a kool-aid juice along with the sandwich.

“Do you have homework?”

“Yeah, but only two worksheets.”

“Ok, well do you want to do your homework in my room while I’m working on mine?”

“Really? Ok!”

And we both went upstairs. We finished our homework at the same time. And by the time we went downstairs, our mom was home.

“Hola mama (hi mom)” I said as I hugged her and gave her a peck on the cheek.

“Hola mija, como t fue en la escuela? (Hey honey, how as school?...mija means daughter)

“Good. How was work?”

“It went well. Everyone was kind to me.”

“That’s good.”

She nodded.

“Dinner will be ready in an hour.”

“Cool, what are you making?”

“Hmm…I’m in the mood for tacos de papa.”


A/N: that’s a Mexican dish…it is tacos rolled up with mashed potatoes filling and the rolled up tortilla is fried. Oh and Serenity is half white and half Mexican. Her father was or is Mexican.

“I know. I got the craving when I was working.”

“Want me to help you?”

“No, it’s okay. Finish up your homework.”

“I already finished all my homework.”

“Ok then.”

While she was making tortillas, I was mashing up the boiled potatoes and was adding salt. My mother was done in half an hour and grabbed a tortilla and put a spoonful of mashed potatoes in the middle of the tortilla and rolled it up. She then put it in the pot to fry.

**An hour later**

We were all sitting at the table and eating when Serena spoke out.


“Yes Sere?”

Sere is the nickname we call her. It sounds pretty in Spanish than in English.

“I need some things for art class on Wednesday.”
“Honey, I don’t think I’ll have time to get your art supplies. I-“my mother was saying when I cut her off.

“Don’t worry mom, I’ll go with her to the store tomorrow.”

My mom looked relieved. She has lately been looking tired. And I felt responsible for that.

“Thank you Serenity.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

The rest of the time we were watching the soap operas we normally watch. When we were done, my mom and I picked up and cleaned.

I then got ready to go to bed. I pulled my hair into a ponytail. I then set my alarm and all that good stuff. Then I did my nightly prayer. I then hit the pillow. I stared out my window. I couldn’t seem to sleep. So I grabbed my iPod and turned it on. “Gracias a ti” by Wisin y Yandel was on. After the song ended, I felt my eyes go heavy. But before I was completely taken over by sleep, I saw something move outside from my window. I think it was a bird. But, it kinda looked too big to be a bird. But I was far too sleepy to go and check. And then I found myself dreaming.
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