Status: Currently re-writing EVERYTHING and future chapters.

My Plague


I just couldn't believe it. I think Aimee might be the girl of my dreams. She acts so shy and innocent, I bet she's not when you get to know her. Did she like me too? I wasn't sure, she acted different with all of us, but always giggled that same cute giggle. One thing for sure though, I wasn't going to let Johnny get his dirty little hands on her.

I didn't want to seem rude, but I couldn't help staring at her; she was just.. I don't know how to describe it. Aims took my breath away.. simple as.

Hanna frantically jumped up and down when it was her turn.

"Sit dow-n woman!" I slurred, half drunk. My eyes, closing ever so slightly.

"Awh, are you tired Jimbo?" Aimee asked, a tad of sadness in her eyes. I hated when people called me that, but she made it sound so heavenly. I felt like I could just started kissing her right now, I wanted to, so badly. So so badly. Her mouth was shaped just perfectly. I imagined my lips on hers, how it would feel. I shook my head, bringing me back to reality.

"U--hh. Why I'm fine thanks." That little twinkle in her eyes re-appeared. I hoped, I hoped she liked me.

The bottle landed on me.

"So Jimmy, we've all sort of noticed.. that you like Aimee. True or false?"

Shit. I couldn't say true, could I? What if she didn't like me? Everything would be ruined.

"We have?" asked Johnny, obviously jealous

"Everyone's noticed kid, so don't try blocking it out!" Brian glanced over to Johnny and laughed "She wouldn't like you anyway. No-one does!"

Johnny hung his head, I have to admit, I felt a bit of sympathy for him. Only I, me, Jimmy, was allowed to pick on that little shit.

"Bri.. don't be so mean!" Aimee glared at him, giving him a sort of 'I warn you' look. I liked, I liked.

"I'm cold." she looked up to me. I opened my arms, and she laid her head on my chest. I wanted to just touch her, but that would seem just odd. The guys would know, for sure then. Wouldn't they?

"Guys, dudes, can we let Jimmy answer now?" Zacky, the clever one, with the good memory just had to interupt.

"It's obviously false.." I said. And for a split second, I'm sure, I'm sure I heard her heart break. What have I done? I spotted Johnny smirking in the corner, he obviously thought he could have his chances with her now. Unlucky, she's mine!

"Thanks." I heard her mumble, her head still on my chest. If only she knew, that I didn't mean it. I lied. I went against the rules of the game. I'm such a rebel.

"I was kiddin", I whispered softly, so no-one could hear. I pretended I was moving my fringe out of my eyes. It worked. She cuddled closer, she must like me?
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hope you like the update XD