Well, I'll Wait 'Til You Listen, I Won't Say a Word

In Which I Try To Sort Out My Feelings.

After class, I talked to Ria for a few minutes about Matt. There was a lot of jumping and screaming coming from her end of the conversation. But I was furious.
This was the same Matt who confessed to being in love with me a few days ago. I knew Matt better than anyone, and I knew for sure that he doesn’t get over things quickly. Something wasn’t right.
Another emotion was creeping up in me, too. I hoped it was just me being protective. Matt was, after all, like my brother. But no. This was something different. I don’t want to admit it, but I think it was…jealousy?
How could this even be possible? I had Adam, the boy of my dreams. Why would I be jealous if Matt asks someone out? All these thoughts came to mind as I stalked through the hallway to Adam’s locker.
“Hey, Adam,” I said, in a monotone voice.
Adam turned around, smiling. He gave me a quick kiss, but then noticed my expression. “What’s wrong, Lane?” he questioned, his brow furrowing.
“Nothing….well, not really,” I said. I might as well tell him. “Matt asked Ria to the Winter Formal, and I’m just worried.”
“What’s there to be worried about?” ugh, he wasn’t going to let me go with just that.
“It’s just me being paranoid is all. False alarm, I guess,” I shrugged.
“If you say so,” Adam still looked suspicious. He took my hand, “Actually, that reminds me of something I wanted to ask you.”
“And what could that be?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Winter Formal with me,” Adam said, flashing me that favorite smile of mine.
“Of course, Adam!” I replied, and he kissed me again.

A thought later came to me: this was my first time going to the Winter Formal with a real date. And it was Matt’s, too. He took me to the Winter Formal for the past two years, as “just friends.”
But gosh, maybe that was it. Maybe that’s why I felt this crushing jealousy.
I wasn’t convinced, though.
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I'm really, really sorry for the wait, guys.
Coments, plz?