Well, I'll Wait 'Til You Listen, I Won't Say a Word

In Which We Spend The Night In Adam's Car.

That night, our dinner consisted of the granola bars and Diet Coke I’d packed for snacks. It was way too cold and damp out for us to attempt finding a hotel or at least a restaurant. Luckily, the car’s heater still worked because it ran off the battery. The windows of the Toyota were covered in steam from our talking and laughing. We made the best of the situation.
Dan would be coming out with the tow truck the following morning. It was being used for a big, complicated job that night, as several cars had gotten in an accident and needed to be hauled out of a ditch. It was far for him, anyway. We were in Virginia, approximately twenty miles from the North Carolina/ Virginia border.
“I’m sorry, Lanie,” said Adam. “I’d really hoped this trip would go well, but it’s already been ruined.”
“Don’t sweat it,” I replied. “I don’t mind at all. I get to be with you, don’t I?”
Adam smiled. He then leaned forward, slipped his hand behind my head, and kissed me.
The kissing lasted for a long time, longer than it usually does. When we broke apart, Adam looked at me so intensely, I felt almost self-conscious. But it was love. We knew what we had together was really something special. Once Adam’s eyes stopped looking into mine, I snuggled into his chest, closed my eyes, and eventually fell asleep.

Sunlight streamed in through the windshield of the car the next morning. I woke up, Adam still deep in sleep next to me. I studied his face for a moment. The hint of stubble along his jaw, the too-sharp angle of his nose, brown hair in desperate need of a trim. But I still saw him as my favorite person in the world.
Then I looked at myself in the mirror above the dashboard. My wavy, dirty blonde hair was a mess, dark circles were obvious on the pale, freckled skin beneath my green eyes. Flecks of mascara and day old eyeliner were smeared on my face.
Who knew what Adam saw in me? I was a mess; both physically and mentally. I’d even cheated on him once. Now that I thought of it, maybe I did that just to test how much he cared for me.
But after being with him for all of these months, I was thinking he really did.