I have brothers

Chapter One


Ugh thank god the bell, I never thought I would hear such a great, soothing sound. School was finally over ending in horrible math. MATH. Apart from hating math I was horrible at it, not cause of anything but I don’t try and being in the lowest class means basically the whole class will be a bludge. I got out of my chair and was the first one out of the room, the ivy coloured walls and the cement floors were now filled with kids everywhere, and yes even the walls, Nerds and geeks hung up on the walls. Pretty harsh I know.

I walked out of the hallways and finally reached the road. I started making my way back home seeing everyone shouting at each other from the other side of the road and from the bright yellow buses windows and not to forget the few popular rich asses driving in their Mercedes yelling


So I wasn’t the most popular person in school, well heck I wasn’t even popular at all. But I don’t mind being invisible, or just visible when someone’s having a bad day and they need to take it out on someone, usually me. I have a tendency of never yelling back I’m more of a free shot, a loser if you will with a permanent sticker stuck on my back saying ‘Torture me’.

I made my way through the backstreets and finally got home. If you ever stopped and got the time to know me, which no one does. You’d know I was an orphan, but don’t feel pity, honestly it’s not worth my time. Yeah so many suspect that I must have a sob story but with the amount of time I’ve been here and the amount of children I’ve seen here, you got to tough it out and of course due to the fact that it’s scientifically impossible for me to break a tear.

I stepped through the doors and stacked it on a skateboard. So I’m pretty much the oldest in the house and I’m only 14. Go figure. The house was full of screams and kids gone wild, but they just want to fun, who can blame them. I ran into about 4 kids before reaching the staircase and making my way to my room. I opened the door and entered, I saw two beds one of them being my best friends bed, Jason. He got adopted, lucky bugger.

Funny story actually, Jason is 16 and well was what people would call ‘emo’ and one day a family came by on adoption day ,me and Jason were outside and of course all the families were looking at the little ones, so there was really no hope for us. But then this one particular family came outside to look at the little ones play, it was a family of a father, mother and daughter. The daughter ran up to us and stared at Jason, yes Jason is good looking. She was a prep or something of that sort, and I guess she really liked the ‘emo’ look as she called it and fell in love with Jason.

So there you go funny eh? That’s how I lost my best friend sitting right next to me. Yeah ok whatever I’m ‘emo’ too, I’m a stick and I have brown curly hair, I don’t have colours in my hair anymore cause apparently it scares the parents away, why couldn’t they scare Jason’s family-to-be away? Just one of the unfairness of life.