I have brothers

Chapter Ten

He was in shock, and to be quiet frank…so was I. I couldn’t believe I just blurted that out! I would of given anything to take it back!

“What I never gave you up!”

“How come I spent the majority of my live in an orphanage?”

“Belinda look -”

“No! I spent most of my life thinking I never had a family!” I’m being such a bitch! But I can’t control myself!

“I’m sorry, but Belinda I had no idea.”

“So I just got pushed out of life? I got treated like crap!” I snapped and I couldn’t control myself

“Now give me a break!” he shouted at me.

Mikey ran over.

“I never knew I had a little sister ok? If I had I would of come for you!” He was still yelling.

“Well that’s just great but sorry is just a word!” I yelled back

“What’s your problem?” Gerard yelled

“Gerard calm down!” Mikey yelled pulling him back

“My problem? My problem? My problem is that I thought I was unloved for the whole of my life! I though I was shit in this life! You have no idea!!”

“No idea? Honey I have the most idea your talking like you’re the only one with a problem” He yelled so loud that I could feel everyone staring at us, the whole house was in silence.

“No I’m not but I - - I - never….” I started to breathe heavier and heavier.

*Gerard’s P.O.V*

She stopped and she was now breathing really heavily, she grabbed her chest and was looking at me with the most hurt eyes I have ever been looked at with.

“Belinda? Wh - what’s wrong?” I said.

She was now swaying side to side, her eyes were rolling back she started to fall but Mikey jumped behind her and caught her before she fell to the floor. Frank ran over to Mikey and was touching her head, checking for a fever. Ray and Bob came over behind me.

“She’s frozen!” Mikey said.

Frank picked up a piece of paper he shoved it to me and told me to call it, I dialled the number and it started to ring.

“Hello?” A boy picked up the phone.
“Hi, um… is this Jason?”
“Yeah, may I ask why?”
“Look this is Gerard Way, I’m Belinda’s brother.”
‘Gerard Way? From My chemical romance?”
“Yes look she’s having a panic attack and we don’t know what to - -”
“Shit! Look keep her warm!”
“Ok look well I got to go ok thank you.”


I hung up. “Mikey keep her warm.” I saw him wrap his arms around her, he was on the floor and she looked so small against him Frank was right next to him he was passing his hands through her hair. I stood there, useless with nothing to say so or help.

“Let’s go to the lounge ey?” Frank said getting up, he helped Mikey get up as they all went to the lounge room Frank sat down and Mikey put Belinda across the lounge with Belinda’s head on Frank’s stomach.

I walked up the stairs and went to my room and went to the balcony, the only place I could sit and just think. I heard someone walk into my room then I heard them step up right behind me. I thought it would have been Mikey and I was right. He came and stood next to me leaning over the balcony. We both looked up to the stars, it was pitch black outside.

“I didn’t mean to.” I said still staring at the stars.

“I know, but you got to be more patient with her, Gee.”

“Don’t tell me what to do! I’m the older brother here.”

“Well apparently the older brother has no idea what he’s doing or how to do it!”


“Why what?” He asked quizzed

“She pushed it why do I have to be more patient?”

“Gerard you sound like a damn 4 year old!”

“Well tell me why I have to be more patient Mikey, pull your dr. Phil move on me!” I said raising my voice and being sarcastic.

“Because, she’s just found out she has a family!”

“So?” I was really sounding like a 4 year old, but I wasn’t anywhere close to admitting it.

“Because she’s been all her life thinking she had no one, that no one loved her.”

“There are millions of people that are going through what she went through.”

“She’s lived in an orphanage for most of her life!”

“Once again millions of kids have been there and are still there!”

Mikey took a deep breath, and looked over to me. He had a look in his eyes that he didn’t give very often it was a look of ‘Gerard I know you’re my older brother and I respect you, but you need to shut the hell up, you ass’ he took another deep breath and then said in a very meaningful (I guess is the word to describe it)

“And because Gerard…”

“Because what?”