I have brothers

Chapter Eleven

“Because she’s your little sister… our little sister.”

I had nothing to say, those 8 words hit me hard, like a ton of bricks or a speeding train. He looked at me and then looked at his shoes we stood there in silence I looked up at him, he seemed disappointed with me. I Walked up to him and gave him a hug.

“You’re my little brother, I’ve grown up with you.”

“And she’s your little sister.”

“Mikey please!”

“No Gee! You’re a big brother you have the responsibility of having me, someone smaller than you! Someone you can love and protect, and don’t get me wrong I love you and would take a bullet for you but now I want my chance to be a big brother and now I have it and I won’t give it up for anything. And especially to have a girl in the family, I’ve never had a sister!”

“Neither have I.” There goes my 4 year old-ness again.

“So just give it a chance!” He pleaded with me.

I stood there now me in silence staring at my shoes. “She won’t want me as her big brother, I yelled at her.”

“Yes she will, I mean she’ll probably be freaked out but then she’ll see that big brother, the big brother you are to me, I love you Gee and so will she!” He smiled one of his famous smiles and then ran up to me and gave me a hug.

He left the balcony and then I heard him head downstairs. I started laughing at myself thinking ‘Geez Gerard it’s one thing for your parents to tell you reality and what you’ve done wrong, or even an older sibling but to be told by your baby brother’ I laughed again and then I stood there looking at the door to go downstairs. I was scared to go down. What if she was awake? Would she now hate me? Mikey said she wouldn’t but I yelled at a 14 year old! And she’s my family.

I sat on my bed I looked at the clock 10:46pm. I sat on my bed for hours till the next time I looked it was 1:24 in the morning, I never knew that a little sister would be so much work. I went to my door, put my hand slowly on the door knob and slowly twisted it. Argh! I’m such an idiot I feel like I’m taking a bloody scene in a frikken horror movie! I opened up the door and stepped outside and started to make my way down the stairs. I could hear the TV but no voices, I went down and walked over to them, everyone was asleep. Bob and Ray where on the floor sharing a blanket, Frank was asleep on the couch with Belinda’s head on top of him, he had his hand resting on her stomach and Mikey was sitting next to Belinda just staring at her. He moved his hand and put it on top of hers as a smile went across his face, he was going to be a great big brother, a better big brother to her than me.

“Your going to be an awesome big brother.” I said in a soft tone.

He jumped and took his hand of hers, he looked at me and then smiled.

“I hope so.” He smiled and then looked back down at her. I sat on the chair next to the sofa pulled a blanket over myself and then chucked one to Mikey. He opened it and put half of it on himself and half of it on Belinda. He grabbed a pillow and rested his head against it and then crashed out, soon enough I feel asleep.

*Frank’s P.O.V*

I woke up on the sofa everyone was still asleep even Gerard was on the chair downstairs, it was really dark in the house I saw the clock but my vision was blurry I blinked and rubbed my eyes until I could see clearly. 5:49! You have got to be joking, I stretched my arms up and then put my hand down on Belinda’s tummy, so damn skinny that girl is, she rolled over and her arm stretched up on to my lap. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. I put my hand on her arm and could feel all these scratches and went to take a closer look but it was too dark.

“What’s all these scratches?” I whispered

“Wh- Nothing!” She got up of me and off the couch and bolted out of the room. What the hell? I went to get up and go after her but I stacked it on someone’s foot. I got up and saw Bob and Ray on the floor. I walked over to the kitchen and I couldn’t see her. I went to the next room and she wasn’t there I even went upstairs and looked in all of the rooms, I went into the spare room I checked on either side of the bed, its like she disappeared into thin air.

I went back down to the kitchen and went to grab myself a glass of milk and saw the bottle, I grabbed the bottle and when I turned around I saw Belinda crouched on the floor behind the counter. She had her knees up to her chest and her head resting on her knees. It wasn’t even 6 am and it was colder and darker than ever. I sat next to her, she didn’t look up. I opened the milk bottle and started to drink it was nice milk.

“Morning.” I whispered. She looked up at me and she just stared into my eyes.