I have brothers

Chapter Thirteen

“My Girlfriend.” I stood there, speechless, staring at the blonde girl sitting on his bed still picking at her nails. I wasn’t sure if I was confused or if I just missed something, the girl was wearing a white mini skirt and a pair of pink Dunlop trimmed shoes which were attached to those perfectly crossed legs of hers, with a baby pink shirt and a hot pink and white vest… wasn’t this what Jason hated? We spent years making fun of them, by them meaning mindless, no-thinkers, go with the flow preps… I shook my head, maybe I was having a dream or hallucinating. I looked and Jason went over and sat on the bed next to her, He put his arm around her waist and she gave a prissy giggle and then placed a hand on his thigh… quite near to his privates.

He kissed her gently on her neck as she unwrapped her legs and placed them on his lap. Is she serious? I’m standing right here, have they forgotten me? She grabbed a hold of his neck and kissed him ferociously, he didn’t seem to mind it and yes I have officially been forgotten. I started to wave my arms around in the air, nothing. I jumped up and down, nothing. I stood there watching them swap saliva… wait… Jason’s my best friend, I should be happy for him he’s found a special someone, but as happy as I wanted to be for him I couldn’t help feel a slight jealousy feeling in the pit of my stomach thinking that now Jason has someone to replace me.

“Hello?” I said timidly, Jason looked up and smiled. He got off the bed and came over to me. He grabbed my cheeks and squished them, he put his forehead on mine and the said.

“I could never forget my little monkey.” I smiled and then he kissed me on my forehead, like I was a little kid. He turned so he was facing Jennifer he had his arm my shoulder, my head resting on the side of his chest… since I didn’t even reach to his shoulder, how embarrassing, I chuckled at my own thoughts.

“So do we want drinks?” He said clapping his hands together. Jennifer giggled and then crossed her legs again. He looked over at me and winked, he left the room. As soon as Jason was out of sight, Jennifer’s faced gave a massive turn. She looked up at me.

“What are you looking at?”

“N - nothing” I stuttered.

Jason came back into the room with a ice tea for Jennifer, he got me my usual, I had a coke and he had a orange fizz, he went up to me and then we prepared. “Ready?” he said to me. I nodded, he poured some of his drink into mine then I poured some of mine into his, we swapped about 3 times until we had the perfect mixture of a cola-orange goodness. We both took a sip at the same time as a content expression went over Jason’s face.

“That’s disgusting” Jennifer said sipping at her ice tea… looked more like piss to me. ‘NO YOUR DISGUSTING’ I so felt like yelling that out. He got up and out of the room yelling on the way there he was in need of going to the toilet. As soon as he was out of sight she stood up and came right up in my face. She was so tall. But then again her legs came up to my shoulder. I spat out abit of my drink when I laughed at my own though.

“Who are you?”

“Belinda” I said with a n uneasy tone.

“Whatever, are you Jason’s ex?”

“Excuse me?”

“He’s mine alright.” She said standing in an intimidating pose as she flicked her long blonde hair back. I was shocked, she looked so innocent when Jason was here, obviously I won’t be going shopping with her any time soon.

“look I don’t know what your thinking but me and Jason are - -”

“Yeah I know, your that pathetic orphan from his Past. Yes ‘past’ he’s in the right crowd now, he’s in and he doesn’t need you. He’s got me, so do yourself a favour and Jason a favour and just get lost. You know back to where you belong… Oh sorry, you don’t belong.” Is this girl serious? She is so abrupt, she is such… such a - bitch! I wasn’t going to stick around for her to insult me more, I grabbed my bag and started to head out the door. Jason was coming down the hall way.

“Hey where you going?” He asked standing in front of me.

“I uh… Got to go, talk to you soon ok?”

“Aw don’t leave!”

“Jay Jay!” I heard that powder puff call from his room with that ridiculous voice.

“Coming baby, ok well if you want to… see ya later, he gave me a hug and then went to his room.

OK… well thanks for showing me to the door, I laughed when I turned around and saw about 10 different stairways, hall ways and doors. I done the wise thing and looked for those horrible pictures and finally made my way to the gate. Honestly it was more of a maze. I went up to the bus schedule. Aw crap. The next bus to arrive was in 45 minutes. I sat on the bench and watch all the people pass… it was either old women with their expensive suits and 10 foot poles up their ass, or the ‘young’ crowd. Bloody idiots if you ask me.

*Gerard’s POV*

I stretched out my arms, and squinted my eyes as a small crack of daylight hit my face. I got up and stretched my legs. That sofa was comfortable, but not to sleep in. I saw the clock that read 9 am or 10... Don’t know too tired to be reading. I walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge door, I shivered as the cold air hit me I looked for the milk bottle but it wasn’t there, I closed the door and then looked down, the milk bottle was on the floor, and nearly finished. Damn Frank always drinking the milk, I opened it and started to drink. I left some milk for Mikey and then I put the bottle down and then headed back to the sofa. Speaking about Mikey… where is he? I saw Bob and Ray on the floor and Frank on the couch. I turned pointlessly in circles hopefully to find Mikey standing behind me.

Suddenly I heard some running upstairs, I slowly climbed each step with my eyes half closed I was moving slower and slower as I was closer to the top of the stairs, it was as if my body was saying ‘No turn back! Back to the sofa!.’ Mikey was running from room to room he looked like the Tasmanian devil, giving me abit of a headache really. I watched him as he was in the guest room that was now Belinda’s looking under the bed and in the toilet then to her cupboard, the he ran past me, practically didn’t even realise I wasn’t there.

“Mikey! Stop running” I yelled after him as he ran to his bedroom. I followed him in.

“What are you doing Mikey?”

“She’s gone!” He said breathlessly.

“Who’s gone?” I said rubbing my eyes.

“Belinda! She’s not here!”

“Belinda?” I said, it was too early for my head to be functioning.

“Yes! Belinda! You know then one that looks like us and has the same last name as us! You know Your sister!!”

“What? Gone? Gone where?”

“I don’t know Gerard!” He was panicking all over the place… about what I wasn’t too sure about - - Oh My God! My sister is missing!

“Where the hell did she go?” I was starting to raise my voice, I suddenly felt about a million emotions run through me at one. Fear, worry and shock hit me right in the face! I’ve never lost Mikey! But I lose my little sister? You have got to be joking! I ran to the kitchen.

“Did she leave a note or - or call or anything?”

“No! I woke up and she was gone I’ve looked through every single room in the house!” Mikey said behind me. Frank came up behind us.

“What’s with all the yelling?”

“Where’s Belinda?”

“What? I don’t know… why?”

“She’s missing!” I watched Frank’s face go from, ‘would you shut I’m trying to sleep’ to the face that I could recognize in a heart beat… ‘oh shit!’