I have brothers

Chapter Fourteen

Belinda’s POV*

About two blocks away I saw the bus coming. I saw some people get on it and then it came to a holt in front of me. The doors opened but I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to get it, I wasn’t to sure I even wanted to go back to Gerard and Mikey’s house. I looked up at an old man with greyish sort of hair and a mean face.

“Are you gettin’ in or not?” He grunted loudly.

I shuffled my way across to the steps and gave the man the remaining 1 dollar and 50 cents to the man. He looked down at the money in his palm and looked like he was doing some equations in his head. He looked back up at me.

“50 more cents.” He said looking up at me with a grin.

“That’s all I have.” I said in whisper, I didn’t want everyone to hear.

“No money, no ride.” He said clutching the money and putting it in his pocket.

‘Hey! That was my money!” I said raising my voice and holding out my hand.

“What money?” He said in that horrible Greek accent. He smiled and leant back in his chair.

“Who the Hell do you think you are taking MY money away you arrogant, cock sucking fuc - - “

I got interrupted. “Here, I’ll pay” A boy that was wearing clothes much like me was standing beside me with 50 cents in his hand. I looked up at him as he was quite tall.

“No thanks…” I looked back at the man. “Give me my damn money back!!”

“You stupid young always wanting more of little old people like me!” He said with a annoying old ‘I’m helpless’ voice.

“Little? Little? Your three times my size! Give me my damn money back!”

“No!” The boy next to me put 50 cents into his hand. “Sorry boy, but only if it’s her money.”

“But I’m her friend” He said putting an arm around my shoulder… is this guy retarded? I pulled his arm off mine, I snatched the 50 cent from the old mans hand and gave it back to the boy.

“I’ll walk home… Happy?”

“Please be getting off the bus… people are waiting” I went to turn around when I tripped on the bus step and landed out side on the floor, all my bag spilt onto the cement. I saw the boy run to the door. Suddenly the bus doors shut as the boy hit against the door mouthing out ‘Are you ok?’ The bus drove off as I watched him run to the back of the bus watching me probably thinking ‘Why isn’t that retard getting off the floor?’ My head collapsed on the floor. I felt a drop of water hit my head. Just frikken great. I t started to pour down, I looked over to the side and saw Jason walking Jennifer out to the gate with his umbrella I recognized because I gave it to him. It had My chemical Romance on it and I had done my own design on it on the side.

I saw him kiss her gently, and then she crashed into his lips again and then started to walk off, Jason handed her the umbrella… My umbrella? I laid there watching that witch of a person walk off with my umbrella. He gave it to her. She was walking up to the bus stop, I couldn’t be bothered to get off the ground. She waited for about 2 minutes and the bus was already at her feet, this girl had a frikken guardian angel over her… I was sure of it. I watched her get on the bus as something fell out of her bag, the bus drove away and I saw 5 dollars on the floor! I picked it up and waited for the next bus, only this time when I got on I was soaking wet, had enough money to get on and the person was slightly less ruder that the one before. Only about an hour and a half until I get home… they’ll all probably be sleeping.

*Gerard’s POV*

I was pacing up and down the kitchen as I could hear Mikey mumbling to himself and pacing up and down the lounge room. The door bell rang. Mikey and I sprinted to the door hoping it would be Belinda, we opened and saw Frank, Bob and Ray standing half soaked. My feeling of fear came back over me as I stated the most dreadful words.

“You couldn’t find her” I said flatly.

“Sorry man.” Ray said putting his arm over my shoulder, he put my hands over my face and just wanted to climb into a hole and die. I felt bad for Mikey… he must feel like a shit brother. The phone rang, I ran for it a picked it up.

“No… is this Gerard Way?”
“Oh My God! I’m your biggest fan! Your so hot!”
“How did you get this number?”
“I love you and you looked so sexy in the Welcome to the black carnival!”
“You mean Black parade… look I don’t have time for this”
“Did I say you were HAWT”
“I uh - -”

I hung up the phone and made an instant memo to change my home number… I walked over to the door and stood there. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. 36 minutes. 50 minutes. One hour. A knock at the door was heard. I opened it as quickly as possible and it was her. I opened the door wide and let her in… the I sort of snapped.

“Where have you been?”

“Out.” She said flatly as if nothing ever happened.

“Out? Out? You’ve had me worried sick! You don’t leave without telling me!”

“Sorry.” She stood there with a pose I knew from when I was her age. ‘Piss off’ stance.

“NO! No sorry! Honestly Belinda, even a note written on toilet paper would have been better than this!”

“Fine, next time I’ll remember to write you toilet paper note… happy?”

“You could have been kidnapped! Hurt! Murdered! Or even Rapped!”

“Well I’m here, I’m not dead I have no broken limbs and I still have my virginity ok?”

I was shocked… she had a quick mouth.

“Look sorry to burst your bubble… but you not my - -”

“Not your what?” I was afraid of what she was about to say.

“Not my father.” She said looking down. Right about now a samurai sword has gone right through me.

“Well I’m sorry, but at the moment I’m the closet thing to a father your going to have… go to your room.” I lowered my voice I got to my commandment. She shuffled her way to her room.

“Shit.” I said as she disappeared from the stairs around the corner. Mikey came up to me. He put his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder, I whispered “I really do love her…”

I walked my way to the bottom of the stairs, I looked back and they were all behind me, Frank pushed me up the stairs. I walked up to the guest room door, put my hand on the knob and then opened it slowly without making a noise. I only just realised as she was sitting in front of the window, her small body curled up into a little ball that was dripping wet. I walked slowly up behind her with a blanket, I opened it and placed it on her back.

“I know I’m not your father…” I whispered. She kept looking forward. I walked back to the door and turned around and whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

“But I love you more than any father could love a daughter.”

A/N: So sorry i haven't updated in a while!!!!