I have brothers

Chapter Fifteen

*Frank’s POV*

Everyone was still waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Bob and Ray were standing next to each other looking up the stairs and Mikey was sitting on the stairs with his head on his knees looking like he was about to break. I slowly made my way up the stairs and saw Gerard up against the wall looking much like Mikey except he generally looked hurt. I sat next to him and looked forward. Gerard was as upset as Mikey maybe even more. He got up and looked down at me smiled and then said.

“I’ve found a school for her.” His smile was hiding pain and sadness, but I didn’t want to make it any worse.

“That’s good, maybe she’ll make some friends.” I smiled as I got up put my arm around his shoulders and went back downstairs, he walked over to Mikey and gave him a hug.

“None of this is your fault.” He whispered to him. Mikey gave Gerard that hug that was only the biggest sign of brotherly love. They stood there for a while and then Gerard went off to make a new batch of coffee. He stood there waiting foe it, Mikey sat there, emotionless. I walked over to Bob and Ray.

“Weird” Bob said looking at Mikey.

“What’s Weird?”

“Frank… do you see what’s happening?”

I looked over my shoulder. “Nothing.”

“Exactly!” Bob and Ray said together.

“Nothing… Nothing… Mikey’s never doing Nothing.” Ray said in disbelief.


“Frank… this has really affected them!” Bob answered.

“I know, but they’ll get through it.” Well I hope they do anyway…

“Coffee?” Gerard came over with cups of coffee, each one of us took one with gratitude and this time took coffee without calling him ‘Flo’ or tapping his ass pretending he was a hot girl at a bar. This time it was quite and polite… something neither of us was used to.

“Thanks Gee.”

“It’s cool.” He went over to the TV and put it on, flicking through the channels as a number of useless, boring movies came up, he got to the music channels, he stormed pass each one of them as nearly every channel had our song on it or was advertising something about us, and even to the point when they had girls in their teens talking about how ‘Hawt’ we were. He turned it to the DVD player and sat there watching a movie. Teenies really got on all of our nerves.

“Oh Frank your so Hawt!” Bob said with the grisliest voice he could muster up/

“Get away Biatch he’s mine!” Ray said pushing him out of the way and grabbing on to my shirt.

“Marry me! Marry - - OH My God! It’s MIKEY!” Bob said as he ran over to Mikey and sat on his lap. Mikey couldn’t keep a straight face and started to giggle as he pushed Bob off his lap and sat on top of him instead.

“Oh My God! Raywina! Check it out! I’m so hot Mikey Way is sitting on top of me!” He shouted.

“You Bitch! You knew he was mine!” Ray stomped his feet on the floor.

“Whatever!” Bob put his hand towards Ray’s face.

*Belinda’s POV*

I sat there with the words still running through my head ‘I love you more than any father could love a daughter.’ This is why I am the most horrible person in the whole entire inhabited earth. As soon as I have something that is good, I manage to stick my foot right in and screw it all up. Punishment. That’s what I deserved. I crawled over to my bag, I started rummaging through my bag until I found it. My best friend and worst enemy, the razor blade shined in my eyes as it caught light from the thunder that was happening outside.

I sat back down in front of the window, my lights were off and the only thing bringing in light was the window and hallway lights from out my door. I looked down at my wrist, there was hardly any room. I pulled up my pants, I saw my perfect skin, untouched, unharmed… all that was about to change. I though of everyone, one cut across my thigh leaving a feeling up my leg. I saw Frank’s face, another cut. Then I saw Mikey’s face, this was the mother of all cuts. A long one trailing from hip to thigh. Gerard smoothed out in my memory as if it were happening right now ‘I love you more than any father could love their daughter’ I cut twice for that… and then my last memory, of Jason the good times in the orphanage, to the day he got adopted to When he came with me with Robert to today. How that hurt me. I watched my leg, I should have been screaming with agonizing pain, but a part of me said that I deserved it, so I took it without complaining.

I got a towel and put it on my leg applying pressure. 5 cuts on my leg would now haunt me apart from the ones on my arm… I went to the phone and rang Jason. I knew out of all people he would help me, once again as I willow in self disgust, to ask him to come and help me. To be my knight in shining armour.

“Hey Jason here.”
“J- Jason.”
“Yeah… who’s this?”
“Belinda…” He forgot me?
“Oh hey Belinda!”
“Jason I need you - -”
“Look… Belinda whatever it is can it wait? I got Jennifer over.”
“I - -I”
“Great! Look I’ll call you back alright?”
He hung up the phone, without listening to me. I felt like everything around me went falling to pieces, Jason was my best friend… wasn’t he? Do people dump their best friends for girl friends? I never thought it would get to this stage, well actually I never thought of it at all, but I guess reality was really biting me in the ass. I slowly took off the towel and put it under my bed, it wasn’t going in the washing with blood dripping off it. I put on my pyjama pants on slowly as the cuts on my leg were still red raw.

About 2 hours have passed, I was looking at the ceiling, at the walls, at everything around me. I heard a knock at my door. I laid there and didn’t make a noise. I saw a crack of light come into the room and then it shut. I stayed still and quite.

“Belinda?’ I heard someone whisper. They came and sat on my bed, I gathered it was a he. He put his arm on my shoulder, I turned over and saw it was Mikey. He smiled and kept his hand on my shoulder. He had the sweetest face, it looked like mine, except I looked more feminine. He put his head on the pillow next to mine, I could feel him shivering, he got under the covers as I moved away. I winced in pain as I landed right on my thigh.

“I won’t hurt you.” He was whispering. “I promise.”

I was about to burst into tears as I was still on top of my tight, I tried to move but I was about to bust. He stared into my eyes. His were watering with tears. I looked down and done a sharp move to get off of my leg and have never felt more relieved.

“Monday… your starting your new school.” I turned over and looked at him. School? Was he serious? I hate school! It was the one thing that made my life even worse. People always teasing me about my hair, my clothes, my body! It was horrible! And now their sending me to a school.

“Me and Gerard will be there to drop you off, we have to sign some papers about something or rather, not quite sure I wasn’t really listening.” He trailed off into his own little word, he sounded exactly like me. And he never listens, another quality within myself.

“On the bright side you don’t have to wear uniform!” He cocked his head to the side and shut his eyes for a while, I starred at him, my big brother. I wanted so badly just to give him a hug… to know someone would have their arms open for me to run to anytime I needed it. I used to have it, but Jason’s gone weird on me. Why couldn’t he reach out and give me a hug? Was he afraid? He opened his eyes.

“I love you.” He whispered and his voice mellowed in with the sound of the wind out side. He got off my bed and gave me a kiss on the forehead. He left the room with one last smile and shut the door behind him… no hug, but I got an ‘I love you’ and a kiss on the forehead. I still wished Jason could have come. I grabbed a hold of my pillow and pt my head on it, imagining it was Jason’s body cradling me in my time of need. He would hold me tight and not let go until I fall asleep… I guess that’s all changed.

Monday morning

Monday morning came, my first day of school hip hip hooray, joy for the ruining of my life. I made my way to my closet and searched for something decent to wear. I took out a pair of skinny jeans that took 10 minutes to put on due to the hurting of my leg, I also put on a white long sleeve top that would hug my body with a red short sleeve on top and a black fishnet top over everything to finish the look. I my tattered old red high top chucks and shoved them on walking to the bathroom. I layered on a think paste of eyeliner… well it’s not paste but to exaggerate how much I put on.

I shuffled my hair and went downstairs with my bag with nothing in it, I saw Mikey in the kitchen trying to make a sandwich… I sat at a stool and watched him for about 5 minutes when he turned around with a weird looking sandwich in his hands. He put it on the counter and smiled.

“Like your lunch?” I didn’t say anything I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

“Yeah I know how you feel.” he gave me Five Bucks from his back pocket.

“If Gerard asks… I made you lunch… ok?” He smiled and chucked the pathetic looking sandwich in the bin… I can’t really blame him because I suck at cooking to I could burn water really that’s how pathetic I am. I put the five dollars in my pocket and sat waiting for him.

“Well don’t you look darling?” He said standing back with a British accent. Frank came around from behind me and poked me in the side, I jumped a little and then smiled. I wanted some toast so I went to the toaster and put a slice in the machine. It started, Mikey was walking around the kitchen and frank grabbed the Milk and started to drink. From what I heard Frank stayed over cause he didn’t want to be home alone, or maybe it was because he wanted to keep the peace at the Way residence. Gerard came down the stairs with massive bags under his eyes, and eyes blood shot red as if he had been crying all night.

His eyes reached mine, I kept looking into his as he turned around and went back upstairs, i could truly say I’ve screwed everything up. He hated me and I it’s sad to say he has all the right to be. That’s what killed me the most.

AN - sorry it's not very interesting.