I have brothers

Chapter Sixteen

I was starring at the empty stair case which Gerard had just walked back up, I sat down as Frank started to put on his shoes, Mikey went to lean against the stove as is was burning hot due to the fact there was a pot of boiling coffee being made. Frank jumped up.

“Mikey! No!” He yelled and pulled Mikey away just in time for him not to get burnt. He smiled and took the coffee off and poured himself and Frank and cup. The toaster popped up and my toast was ready, I walked over and saw that I couldn’t get it out with my fingers. I looked around and saw a knife, I went to jab it in.

“Belinda! No!” Frank yelled. Too late I jabbed it in and an electric shock went up my arm and down my back, I quickly let go of the knife and stumbled backwards. Frank put his arm on my back to steady me.

“I guess we have another Mikey on our hands.” I guess he was right, I was accident prone as one of my may trademarks. Mikey laughed and continued to drink his coffee. Frank turned off the power to the toaster and grabbed the piece of toast out for me. I mumbled a thank you.

“So you excited about school?” Mikey asked. I shrugged my shoulders in return.

“Well you guys better get going or else you’ll be late for your first day of school.” Frank said finishing his last gulp of coffee. I had finished half of my toast and left the rest on the counter. Mikey left his cup on the counter and went to the lounge in search of his keys and mobile. I grabbed my bag and pulled my jeans up as they were falling, even though they were skinny jeans… I need a belt. As I stood there messed in my thoughts Mikey came back jiggling his keys in his hands.

“Lets go!” He said opening the door. I walked my way slowly, slowly to the door.

“Hey Frank! Come with us.” Mikey yelled from half way across the house.

“YAY!” He cheered as he ran up to Mikey passing me very quickly. They stood at the door waiting for me, Frank ran behind me and started to push me out of the door. I couldn’t run because my leg really hurt, so taking it at snail trail was my thing for the day. Mikey walked to the drivers seat and frank went to the back seat I opened up the front passenger seat and buckled up on my seat belt. It’s been 3 days and still raining weather these days… I blame global warming. We drove for about 10 minutes, the radio on and Mikey and Frank singing along with everything they knew and if they didn’t they’d make it up as they went. I saw kids everywhere, guessing we where getting close to the high school, it reminded me of Jason’s house, girls in pink and boys leaching off them. The car came to a holt yet I didn’t move. 3 minutes of all being in silence and then Mikey started to move and get restless.

“So… you going to go to school?” Mikey said pointing out through the window. I didn’t want to go, I didn’t want to face another school, another batch of people telling me I’m weird, or I’m ugly or I’m stupid or I’m ‘emo.’ I clutched my back to my chest and starred up at the school. All the people going into it holding up massive umbrellas. I’m sure if you had a birds eye view it would look like a carpet in the society of ‘Hollows Heights High.’ Catchy name I know. Frank grabbed my shoulder as I jumped from fright.

“It’s all going to be great. New friends. New teachers. New ‘boys’ huh?” He smile cheekily.

“Have a good day at school. Call me if something’s up ok?” Mikey leaned in for a hug then stopped . He smiled and looked again out the window. I opened up my door and stood on the sidewalk as I watched them drive away waving through the windows.

“Bye.” I mumbled. I continued to make my way to school. I followed the students, going through the street passing the crowded road and then entering the very first steps into the corridors of hell.

Red lockers covered each wall and white walls surrounded them. I received a lot of mean looks as I walked the corridor, all preps and jocks and even the occasional gangster or nerd that would still give me the same look. I went down 50 corridors that all looked the same to me and miraculously ended up in the office. A heavy set lady in a teal suit sat there.

“Name?” She said still punching papers and filing god knows what.

“Belinda W-Way.” I said trying not to mix up my new name. She typed something on the computer and printed out a sheet of paper. She put it on the counter as I read everything on it from what class I had to what times, maps for the school and the list of books I need.

“This is the office. Down the hall you’ll find the book room, a boy will give you your books, 101 is the number of your locker, 22 - 92 - 44 is the code number to unlock, your first class is Math and your room is 23 located on your map. If you need any help don’t come here. Got it?” She talked at an incredible speed.

“Yeah.” She shooed me away and made my way down the hall to the book room. A boy sat there listening to his iPod, he had jet black hair and was wearing an Atreyu band shirt, he was spinning in his chair and I could hear the slight beat of ‘Her Portrait in Black.’ I walked up to the window and he looked at me, the only person who’s given me a smile all day. He got off his chair and came to the window.

“Hi there.” He smiled. I gave him my slip and he walked off, about 30 seconds later he came back with about 10 books or so. He plopped them on the counter and laughed.
“Great way to start school ey? An extra 40 kilos in your bag.” I smiled politely and mumbled another thank you. I grabbed all my books and turned around and immediately bumped into someone sending all my books flying through the air and all over the floor. I looked up to see a girl in stilettos and a white mini skirt.

“Sorry.” I said as I started to collect my books. A boy came up next to her, he looked twice my size and was of a gangster look.

“She broke my nail!” She complained to the boy. He looked down on me.

“Touch her again and your gone.” He said right in my face as I could smell bad morning breath Ew. That’s really gross.

“Come on Patty leave her alone.” The boy from the book counter said as he came up behind me.

“I told you never to call me that Andrew, you faggot!” He yelled quite loudly.

“Ouch… that sincerely hurt.” ‘Andrew’ placed his hand over his heart and put a hurt face on.

“Go cut your wrist, pathetic low lives.” He said grabbing his girls arm and pulling her away.

“So apart from the extra 40 kilos you got a brand new enemy.” He bent down picking up some of my books. I wasn’t having a good first day. We both stood up and he placed my books on top of the pile in my hands. He smiled his pearly white teeth.

“Thanks…” I said adjusting my bag and trying not to let my books fall.

“No problems.” He leaned against the wall.

“I should be off.” He waved and I turned around and saw locker number 21 in front of me. I started to walk down one way but the numbers lowered. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. I turned back the other way passing the boy as he watched me. I tried not to look at him. I went all the way to the end of the wall. Locker 100 stood there in front of me. I presumed that locker 101 would be around the corner but I was wrong yet again. 150? I turned in circles like an idiot thinking maybe if I turn enough it’ll pop out behind me. The bell rang no! I can’t be late for my first class, I ran down the hall way, my books nearly fell out from my hands. SMACK. Down to the floor I went I looked over to my side and saw all my books on the floor.

“Again! You’ve got to be frikken kidding!” I slammed my fist against the floor. Looking up I saw an open locker with a nerdy looking boy standing behind it. He closed the locker and ran down the hallway into a classroom.

“Thanks for the help.” I said as I rounded up all my books. I got off the floor brushing myself off. I turned around and saw my locker. I walked over to it and put in my code. Which was? I fumbled for my piece of paper… ok here we go. 22 - 92 - 44. My locker opened I shoved all of my books into it except for my math book. I proceeded to make my way and say room 23. I heard lots of talking and moving, I opened the door and everything went silent, all eyes were on me. A youngish sort of man walked over to me.

AN: Sorry about the lack of entertainment... next chapter things will happen =]