I have brothers

Chapter Seventeen

“Welcome! You must be our new student am I right?” I nodded and he led me in.

“Well let me introduce you. Class this is our student… Student? Umm… what’s your name?” I showed him my piece of paper. AHA! He shouted.

“Right well this is Belinda. And she is the new recruit to this lovely school of ours. Ok now get back to your work. Oh and By the way my name is Mr. Jules.” Everyone continued talking and laughing. He smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder as he directed me to an empty seat right at the back of the room.

After an hour or so. The bell rang. I ran out of the room and into the hall ways, it was still raining so everyone had to sit inside, unless you wanted to sit outside underneath the covered areas. It was stuffy inside so I walked out into the open I saw a spot that had no one and was covered. Not very much space and you had to crawl to get under it, but it looked like the place for me. I ran through the rain and crawled under. Today was apparently a short day which meant we had an hour break in the morning and hour beak in the afternoon then after my last class … home.

I pulled up my sleeve and studied my scars I passed my fingers over them, remembering what each one of the represented. I closed my eyes and laid my head back against the wall.

“Hi!” I jumped and quickly pulled my sleeve down, I saw Andrew standing getting wet in the rain.

“Wanna come sit with me?” He asked bending so he could see me. I shrugged.

“Aw come on it’ll be fun, and I can be your new best friend!” He said in a girly voice.

“No I’m aright thank you.” I said smiling politely.

“Please.” He pouted and waited for my response. I knew he wasn’t going to give up so I got out from underneath my hiding place. He smiled big and started to talk, we walked through the rain and I could see another 2 people sitting down underneath a tree that provided shelter. Andrew and the other two looked older than me I wasn’t really sure if I was going to fit in at all.

“I don’t think should go, I’m gonna head off” I mumbled as fast as I could.

“Nonsense! You shall come with me!” I went to move backwards but he put his arm around my back and pulled me with him. He pulled up right in front of the boy and the girl. They both looked up to me as I tried to look away or covr my face with my hair.

“Damien, Miranda I’d like you to meet Belinda. She’s new.” He seemed proud of himself.

“Hey I know you.” The other boy said. “You’re the girl from the bus!” Oh Crap! He was the boy, how damn embarrassing. He got off the floor and gave a bow.

“Presenting Sir Damien of Hollow Heights High, and my fair lady Miranda.” He bowed towards the girl sitting next to him. Damien wore black skinny jeans as well as Miranda, She had a pink skull on a black top with an over sized hoodie and Damien wore a green shirt with a green and black hoodie. Both finished off with converse. Miranda stood up.

“Hi I’m Miranda and heres my bonkers boyfriend Damien.” She gave a smug smile and then we sat down. I found that all of them were in year 11 and that they had been best friends since year 3 at primary. They all seemed extremely nice. Andrew stood out for me. The bell rang after what seemed only 20 minutes. Damien and Miranda went off to class together and me and Andrew set off. He pointed me in the right direction for my class, and it only took me 5 minutes compared to the 15 minutes it took this morning.

“See you later love.” He smiled as he went off to his own class. And great, now into the fiery depths of hell again. I had to say I liked this school more than I liked my last school. But I felt a little bit weird around Andrew, Damien and Miranda… Jason’s my best friend, and not that they are my best friends but I sort of replaced him pretty fast.

It was now last period and I couldn’t wait until that last bell that signified the last moment of the first day of school. Science was utterly horrible and the teacher smelt like the experiments on the side of the benches… rotten egg. He was incredibly rude to me and I got twice the homework as everyone else. I walked out of the room but on my way out I bumped my thigh against the bench. I bent over in pain.

“You alright?” I looked up and saw Andrew. I straightened up even though the pain was unbearable. I nodded, what else was I supposed to do? He opened the door for me as I walked out.

“So how was your first day?”


“Just fine?” He said pointing to himself.

“Yeah… I met some people.” I looked down at my feet, watching where I was going.

“Some really incredible person. Of course I can only imagine that one person would have stood out for you…”

“Definitely.” I agreed but I hid it behind some sarcasm. We were outside and I saw Mikey’s car just pull up and park on the street. “That’s my ride.” I said as I started to walk away.

“Bye bye! See you tomorrow.” He shuffled my hair abit and then walked away. I walked towards the car, I rushed towards it as the grey clouds were soon to be coming over me. I jumped in the back. Frank was there and Bob and Mikey were in the front.

“How was you day?” Mikey asked backing up out of the car park.

“Fine thanks.” Frank leaned over towards me and whispered.

“Who was that boy?”

“No one.” He smiled and then he leant in even closer.

“No one?”

“Friend.” He smiled again. I actually had a good first day. I’ve met 3 people who don’t give me looks and judge me for who I am, not what I look like. The ride home was short compared to the ride over to school. I found myself talking and laughing… silently and no one could hear it… but nevertheless I was still happy. I was looking out my window it seemed like a beautiful day, for me the rain was what I considered beautiful, I hate the sun. Why? I shall never know but I hate it anyway.

We soon enough pulled into the drive way and got into the house as soon as possible. I took off my shoes at the entry so I wouldn’t dirty the floor and went upstairs to my room. I dropped my bag on the floor and went straight to my bed and collapsed on it. I closed my eyes and just thought about everything and anything from Jason, to School, to my love of cheese and to Gerard. I heard my door open and someone walk in. I stayed with my eyes closed. I felt the bed shift as someone else laid on it next to me. I looked over and saw Frank starring at the ceiling he looked over to me and looked up.

“So have you said anything to Gerard or Mikey?”

“About what?” I could feel the cold air come through the room as I had left my window open.

“You know…” I got up and went to shut the window.

“No.” I went back to bed and laid on it again.

“I think maybe you should tell them about- -”

“No.” Neither force nor stern was in my voice but he didn’t persist, I knew he only wanted to help. But I wasn’t ready yet for Mikey and Gerard to know about this, and now with my leg, I’d just seem even crazier and be sent off somewhere to a nut house to become sane again… not that I ever was sane, or ever will be sane. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” he asked quizzed.

“I’m a hassle… I’ve made Gerard angry, and when I first met him he was happy, I can only imagine this is my doing.”

“Don’t worry, just give it time… I know this will work out sooner or later.” Hopefully sooner. Mikey came into the room with the phone in his hand.

“There’s a call for you.” He said chucking the phone at me. He to sat on my bed hugging Frank.

“You mean Belinda?”
“Yeah… Whatever look, Jason’s acting really weird and he’s locked himself into the bathroom and we can’t get him out. You think you could come over?”
“I’ll be right there.”

I cannot believe Jennifer just called me, I grabbed my bag and ran out of my room, Mikey and Frank followed me.

“Are we playing tips?” Mikey asked hopefully.

“I need to get to my best friends house. Now.” I pulled don my shoes as fast as I could and didn’t bother with shoelaces, I gave Mikey the address and off he sped.

“What’s happening?” I really wish could of given him the answer but the problem was…
“I don’t know.” We got closer to Jason’s house, he was driving really slow and his house was only two doors up, I opened the door and jumped out while it was moving and sprinted all the way up to the door. I buzzed and they let me in. I ran to the front door and had to wait for someone to open for me, I kept calling the buzzer faster and faster each time. Jennifer came to the door. I pushed passed he and ran to his room, He wasn’t in there. I saw Clarissa in her room next door with a friend.

“Do you think he’s cutting?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised, he’s a little emo boy.” Stupid bitch.

“Where’s Jason? I practically yelled. She pointed down the hallway. I saw her mother and father.

“Jason, open the door. We can’t afford this, we can have you at a physiatrist in no time.”

“Jason? Open it’s me.” I heard the door unlock and it opened the slightest bit for me to come in and then shut and locked again. He was a little ball on the floor, his eyeliner running down his eyes, and his eyes blood shot red. I sat down next to him and put my arm around him.

“She - She doesn’t want me.” He sobbed in a whisper.

“Who doesn’t want you?”

“Clarissa and my new Mom and I - I miss you.” He cried some more, fresh tears running down his cheeks. I wiped the tears with my thumb and let his head rest on my shoulder. I rubbed his back and hugged him tightly to me. I wasn’t going to let go for anything.

“I miss you too.” I brought my arm up and saw blood all over my hand. I looked at his arm and 3 fresh slits were visible to my eyes. I reached up and grabbed a towel and gently placed it on applying some pressure to stop some of the bleeding. He tears were going through to my clothes.

“I want to go back to the orphanage, I want to be with you… I - I miss you so much, every night, every day.” He slowly moved down so his head was now resting on my lap. I sat there with my hand placed upon his tummy, his hand wrapped around mine. He slowly fell asleep and I slowly realised that no matter what he done, I would always love him, unconditional love. I thought of Gerard, Is this what he feels with me? The door knob tried to open. I reached my hand up and unlocked it. Mikey came in and shut the door behind himself, but just before he locked it Frank ran in behind him.

“Is this Jason?” Frank asked.

“My best friend.” I passed my hands through his hair.

“Is he aright?” Mikey asked sitting down in front of me. I nodded my head as I placed my eyes on Jason and for that moment thought of nothing else but him. Mikey felt a little uncomfortable I could tell by his voice and boy movements.

“Belinda - - Are… have you done this sort of this before… ever?” He said as he saw the blood on my hands and cuts on his wrist. I looked over to Frank eyes wide open.

AN - Sorry this chapter isn't very good.