I have brothers

Chapter Eighteen

*Mikey’s POV*

I watched as her hand held him tight to herself, as if someone was going to take him away, the blood dripped from his wrist to her arm and onto the floor. Her eyes set upon him, it was as if she snapped into mother mode. I remember… I could remember when I done this for Gerard, I knew what she was feeling, but I had family and also friends to back me up on this. Even if I was the one left on the floor holding Gerard in my arms. She on the other hand, has herself and Frank and I watching her like two idiots doing nothing.

“Belinda - - Are… have you done this sort of this before… ever?” She looked over to Frank, his eyes widened and she looked back at the boy on her lap, sleeping.

“N- No.” Frank kept his eyes locked on her, I wasn’t sure but would she lie? What if she has? That boy… I think she said his name was Jason. He has done it. That’s been her best friend from what I can only presume from the orphanage, and I’ve never heard her talk about any other friends. He looks older and if he’s done it, there’s no telling what Belinda has done.

“Want us to help you clean up?” Frank asked out of the blue. She looked up and pointed to a towel, Frank passed it to her and replaced it for the old towel that was know a deep shade of crimson. I got up and looked for something to cover the cuts. I opened up the medicine cabinet. This Bathroom apparently belonged to the daughter. Make up, creams, nail polish, nail polish removers, everything pink and even tampons. Gross. I saw a little bag at the back and pulled it out. I ripped it open as saw some bandages. I bent down to were Belinda was.

“Here let me and Frank do it, ok?”

“I want to s- stay with him.” He voice cracked like she was about to burst out into tears. I turned the boy over so his arm was facing me. I pulled the towel off his arm giving it one last wipe. Frank pulled his arm up as I started to wrap the bandage around his arm. After we had bandaged him up Frank and I picked him off of Belinda as she directed us to his bed.

“Thank you.” She whispered and then stood there next to us watching him sleep peacefully.

“Come on I think we should go.” She leant down over the bed and placed a kiss on his forehead. I lay my eyes upon a photo on the side desk. A photo of Jason with Belinda with his arms wrapped around him. Smiling. I never realised how perfect her line of teeth were. She looked like Gerard and myself so much. Frank looked at me, I signalled to the photo, his mouth turning into a crooked smile as I knew he was thinking the same as me. ‘What the Way brothers would look like if the dressed up as Girls.’

Belinda came over to us looking down at her feet. I smiled and she led us downstairs. We saw the mother and father and sister all in the lounge room. Watching T.V? There son has just tried to kill himself… and their watching T.V? I went over to the lounge room.

“Hi I’m Mikey, Belinda’s Brother.”

“Yes. Ok. Can I help you?” The father said not even bothering looking at me.

“Your son, he’s upstairs on the bed.”

“OK.” He stared back at the TV watching a talkback show, with an old man talking about some shit.

“I guess we’ll be going.” The girl who was getting her nails painted by her friend let out a snort.

“Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.” Frank made the first move out and went out the door. He waited as I dragged Belinda out of the door.

We arrived at home I opened the door and she sped up to her room. Frank sat on the sofa, I chucked him a drink and I went to see Gerard. I knocked on his door and waited for a response. I knocked again even harder this time and heard a. ‘Come in if you must.’ I opened the door and saw him laying down on his bed reading the latest issue of ‘Guitarist.’ I sat down on the bed next to him.

“Belinda - -”

“Is she alright?” He asked panicked. “I - I mean, what she do?”

“Nothing… her friend sort of needed her, and yeah.” I looked down at y hands and started playing thumb wars against myself. He put down his magazine and looked over to me.

“Why? What happened?” I wasn’t really sure if I was meant to tell, but he’s my brother and… her brother too. He was facing me anticipating a response.

“He cut himself, blood everywhere.” He was sort of shocked from what I could tell.

“Is he alright? Who is he? Are they together? Where does he live?”

“Yeah he’s fine, he lived with Belinda in the orphanage, I’m not too sure if they are together,” His face turned pale. “But I think their not, you know and he lives up in the Ritz.” he leaned over for his magazine and went back reading it. He put it down, nervous and got up.

“Want something to eat? I’ll make you something to eat… Is Frank here? I’ll make him something to eat. And Belinda, she can eat what I make too.” He moved out of the room panic stricken. I slowly got off picking up one of the photos he had of himself and I, our faces were side by side pretending to be conjoined, smiling as big as we could. I placed it down and walked out of his room, I saw Gee with his head propped against Belinda’s bedroom door and his hand on the handle. He looked up.

“Foods on it’s way.” he rushed off down the stairs and heard him ask Frank if he wanted to eat a five meal course. I made my way to where Gerard was before he disappeared and slowly opened up the door. She sat on the floor legs crossed looking out the window. I walked up to her and saw she was starring at the dry blood that had seeped into he skin and clothes. I sat down next to her.

“You wanna wash your hands?” She shook her head. “You know Gerard’s making us some dinner… trust me it’ll be better than the sandwich I made you this morning.” I saw the slightest smile appear on her face.

“He’ll be alright,” I whispered. “I promise.”

*Belinda’s POV*

It’s been around a month now and Jason’s better, I’ve called him everyday and visited him every chance I got to, the last time was yesterday. I hate going over to his house, I always have to put up with Clarissa and her parents, but for Jason I’d put up with hell. I couldn’t be bothered to do any school work as I was to busy worrying on other things, I haven’t told anyone about Jason, but Andrew’s been asking me why I’m so down, he always has a way of making me feel better, but I think the poor guy is pulling his best tricks on me, and soon I’ll become immune to them.

The bell rang. I ran out of the room and into the hall ways. Andrew was waiting outside a per usual. He smiled as we started to walk out of the school over hearing two blonde preps sniggering about me.

“She is so damn ugly.”

“Tell me about it, and she’s fat with a capital F. yuck, she’s like got to be a size 20 or something.”

“I know look at her stomach, Frikken hideous.”

“Fat, oh yuck she’s so gross.”

“Belinda? Earth to Belinda!” Jason was waving his hands in front of my face.

“Yeah… sorry.” Was I really fat? I placed my hands on my stomach covering it up, even if I did have 3 layers on. Frank was waiting in the car with some black glasses and a hoodie on. A disguise.

“Bye bye my love,” He was always putting on a British accent. I went to walk off, when he grabbed my arm and pecked me on the cheek. “I’ve you know decided to be European.” he stuttered. I smiled and waved goodbye. I walked over to the car and jumped into the front seat with Frank. I placed my bag down and saw my thighs! Oh mother of god. I covered them up, they looked like two massive columns of fat!

“You alright?” Frank asked pulling out of the drive way.

“Y - Yeah.” This was serious, I never listened to those girls or never let what they said affect me, but this time they were right. As soon as Frank got home, he decided to move in I guess, I ran up to the bathroom and weighed myself. ‘41’ It read. I was fat. I ran to my room and shut the door, I felt my heart pump a mile a minute. I looked at myself in the mirror and all I could see was a beach whale. I went downstairs and saw Mikey on the couch.

“hey, how was school? Sorry I didn’t pick you up, Gerard and I had to go… receive some very important news… You‘ll find out tonight.” He smiled.

“Can I go to the corner shop, I need to buy a magazine.”

“Sure kiddo,” He looked into his wallet. “Here, I’ve only got a twenty.”

“Thank you.” I wen tout the door hearing him tell me to ‘Be careful and don’t take too long!’ I walked down the street as fast as I could. I walked into the store, making my way across to all the teen magazines. I grabbed all of the grisliest ones I could find. ‘Star Doll’ ‘Teen Queen’ ‘Hot Teens’ ‘Teen Royalty’ and ‘Dolly,’ I shoved them all on the counter and grabbed my changed. I walked in through the door and went to my room. I spread them all around me, flicking everypage seeing beautiful girls, skinny girls, and perfect girls, everything I wasn’t. I went to the toilet and puked.

I - I neede to get all the fat out. I shoved my fingers down my throat. Mora came out.

“She is so damn ugly.”
“Tell me about it, and she’s fat with a capital F. yuck, she’s like got to be a size 20 or something.”
“I know look at her stomach, Frikken hideous.”
“Fat, oh yuck she’s so gross.”

I put my fingers so far back I was throwing up for about 2 minutes straight, but that was alright I was getting skinner and - and I don’t want to be fat. I - I want to be fa - - No! I don’t want! I started to shake, I heard Frank knocking on my door.

“Belinda? You there? Gerard has some ‘news’… You there? Can I come in?”

AN: Now i want everyone to know that she thinks she's fat because she's has 'problems' so shes not fat, but she thinks she is. I don't want anyone taking offence to it. And to clear it up, i'm using the weight issue because it happened to someone that used to be very close to me. thank you.