I have brothers

Chapter Nineteen

I wanted to answer but I couldn’t, I knew that if I opened my mouth right now, I’d vomit my way out of life. I knew sooner or later he’d come in, but all I could think about was, were those girls right? I saw a pair of my pants across the room I crawled over to grab them and checked on the back of them. ‘Size 10.’ but no matter what that label said all I knew was, was that I had to lose more weight. No highway option. I got up off of the floor and flushed the toilet.

“Belinda?” He opened the door and poked his head in to the bathroom. “Come on, dinner and ‘Big news!’ according to Mikey and Gerard,” He popped his head back out. I washed my hands and washed my mouth out with water. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Frank waiting for me outside.

“I wonder what the big news is… a pony? How cool would a pony be… I would call him…”

“Oh her.” I said as I walked down the stairs, as Frank galloped like a horse.

“Sir or Madam Toddles!” I laughed and walked into the kitchen behind Frank. I sat in between Bob and Ray as food was being passed round, Gerard handed me a plate of food, I smiled, as did he. I stared down at my plate full of Chicken and mash potato… Fried chicken grease everywhere and mash potato a cloud like substance that will go right down to your thighs. I pushed my plate away.

“Your not eating,” Bob said noticing my plate was full and his was nearly gone. “Why aren’t you eating?”

“I’m not very hungry.” Bob grabbed my fork and dipped it in my mash potato, he started to make a train noise and moving the fork towards my face making ‘CHOO CHOO’ noise, the fork bumped right into my closed mouth as mash potato went everywhere. Everywhere meaning on my face and onto the table. He seemed to have fun pissing himself laughing as did the others. Ray reached behind me and hit Bob on the back of his head.

“Ok, ok so what’s the big news?” Bob said taking the attention off himself.

“Oh yeah! Well as you all know, We are My Chemical Romance.” Mikey Started.

Frank spat out his drink. “No way!” He’s a classic.

“Would you like a napkin Frank? Or a towel?” Ray beamed cheekily.

“Back to me!” Mikey said pointing at himself. “Before I was interrupted we all figured we were My Chemical Romance,” Frank giggled lowering his head down to the floor. “And Gerard and I went to go meet Robert today, and ‘Welcome to the Black Parade’ was such a hit… we’re going on tour! AGAIN!”

Everyone exploded with happiness, laughter and shouts were exchanged from one another, hi 5’s and hugging were all rounders as they all pumped themselves up for going on tour… I guess they loved going on tour. I thought came pass me that, I would miss out on school! Unless they would leave me behind. Would they? Leave me here, while they go running around they States? I looked down at my feet and started to play foot wars. I guess I was being left behind.

“Of course, the only problem is, Belinda will have to miss out on some school…” Gerard stated.

“I’m coming?” I asked confused.

“Of course! We wouldn’t leave you here alone!” Mikey said jumping to his feet.

“What date Gee?” Ray asked shuffling his hair.

“One month from today.” Everyone exploded again, talking about how close it was.

“We’ll be going mad having parties, sleeping and 4 in the morning and waking up at 7 in the morning only to wake up to 7 cups of coffee each! To wake ourselves up of course… we’re not addicted or anything.” Frank said getting up and making a fresh pot of coffee. Ironic.

“Off to bed.” Mikey said pointing to the room.

“That’s not fair!” Bob screamed form the living room.

“Not you. Belinda, she’s still young and still has a chance coming out normal! Not like you guys,” He smiled putting a hand on my shoulder. “Goodnight.” I walked my way back up the stairs not wanting to go but I guess I had to. I walked into my room and saw all the magazines scattered across the floor. This what my life is coming to. Self image problem, hip hip ho-frikken-ray.

Morning - School.

Mikey waved goodbye from the car as he sped off down the road and left me at school. A I have been doing for the past month, I walked in past the office and prepared a cheesy smile for when I passed the book counter, where you would find Andrew sitting there day in day out. I walked passed and showed off my teeth as I heard him laugh as he was trying to explain something to a person he was serving. I went off to math, with Mr. Jules. I walked in and took my seat at the back of the class.

“Hello Miss Way.” He smiled.

“G’Day Sir.” He grinned. He knew I wasn’t American but I would never tell him what I was.

“Your Australian!” He pointed his finger in my face, proud of himself.

“It only took you a month Sir.” He smiled. I had to say, he was the nicest teacher I’ve ever come across, and most probably the best looking teacher as well. But that was beside the point, he ruffled my hair and then walked off to help some kids having trouble with multiplication, I see year 9 in that kids future for a long time. As the bell rang I went out side to find Miranda and Damien already out side.

“Hey Linda.” Miranda said moving over so I could lean again the wall with her, pushing Damien off.

“Hey! But I’m your Boy friend! I deserve to have some wall!” He pouted his face.

“I’ll move if you want me too.” I said going to move. He leapt over to me.

“I’m just kidding,” he said leaning forward giving me a kiss on the forehead. Miranda smiled. “You stay there, I shall find myself a more comfortable spot.” He said landing right on top of Miranda, She let out a ear piercing scream, shutting her up he landed a kiss right on her lips. She was flat as a plank. I looked down at my stomach and lifted my knees up to my chest, I wasn’t going to be parading around my body.

“Boo.” I head whispered in my ear, I jumped a mile and turned around to see Andrew, laughing. Damien hi-5ved him and sat down next to him. “I’m starved, wanna come to the cafeteria?” Him and Damien walked off and Miranda and myself had, how could you say, Girl to Girl talk.

“Someone is falling in love.” She said taking a bite out of her sandwich.

“Yeah you and Damien, couple of the year much.” I smiled pulling my jacket over as much of my body as possible.

“I meant Andrew.” She said swallowing that massive bite.

“Really? With who? She in your year?” She stared at me like I was a complete idiot and hit me over the head. “Ouch! What was that for?”

“For being blind. Andrew likes you! And I love you too!” She said pinching my cheeks. ‘Damien gave you a kiss on the cheek… that’s rare for it to happen, it’s usually only me and Andrew he kisses.”

“My head hurts,” which it did. I hadn’t eaten anything all day, nor last night and I felt a dizzy spell come over me. “You hit hard.”

‘Well maybe if your weren’t blind.” She cackled evilly.

*Andrew’s POV*

“Dude! Your up, in line. Go order.” Damien said pushing towards the lady.

“Burger, please,” I took out 4 dollars and handed it to the lady. “Thanks.” We walked out of the cafeteria and out to the playground, we were far away from our spot and I was super hungry so I ripped open my burger and started to dig in.


“So what?” I asked savouring my burger.


“What about her?”

“You like her.” he said calmly looking towards the sky.

‘No I don’t…” He looked at me with a ‘are even trying to lie to me?’ face. “OK maybe I do.”

“She’s a nice girl. Even I like her,” He laughed. “I kissed her.”

“You what?!” I said spitting out my half chewed burger.

“On the cheek! It was totally innocent! Even ask Miranda!” She said shooting his hands up in the air. “You really like her.”

“Is it that obvious?” I said nervously.

“Well to me and Miranda it is, but Not to Belinda,” I sighed in relief. As we reached Belinda and Miranda, I was now fully aware how much I like her. “Come on Miranda I need to pee.”

“That’s gross. Go yourself,” I saw him make a wink. ’Oh! Pee! I got you!” They walked off with Miranda whispering last into my ear. Go for it! I sat next to her. She was rocking from how cold it was, her small body shook as I placed my jacket on her, she looked up.

“Oh no! Please you must be cold yourself - -” I put my lips softly against hers and for seconds felt like it was a hots summer day breaking out between us. She pulled away slowly looking into my eyes, she smiled and then pecked me on the lips as the bell for class had gone.

‘Aw! Love is in the air!” Miranda and Damien jumped out from behind a bush.