I have brothers

Chapter Twenty

*Frank’s POV*

I was driving down the roads to Belinda’s High school, I would let her go on the bus and train and what not, but I feel safer if I do it myself and Mikey and Gerard agreed. Gerard was sitting next to me in the passenger seat. I double parked until a man drove away leaving me a perfect spot to park in. I watched all the kids flee out of school as it hit 3 pm.

“I still can’t believe we’re going on tour,” I blurted out. “I’m damn so excited!” I punched the air in front of me, maybe practicing for the tryouts for Rocky Balboa 7, Rocky and His Grandson. I laughed at my own joke. I saw Belinda walk out in front of school with two boys and a girl, they were all taller than her. She gave the girl and kiss on the cheek and hugged one of the boys, she stood on the path way a little longer and then the boy reached down and kissed her on the lips. What the Hell?

“What was that?!” Gerard screamed in the car, getting closer to the front window getting a better look. “Did you see that?” He asked me grabbing onto my arm.

“Yeah,” He looked at me like I had just murdered someone. “What did you expect Gee, she’s in high school the time for hormones - -”

“Not a time for a Physical education Lesson Frankie, I just want to know what that boy is doing kissing My little sister!” I lowered my head, I could feel my shoulders moving up and down as I was trying to contain my laughter in. She moved over to the car slowly she opened up the back door and climbed in.

“How was school?” I immediately asked.

“Fine, Thanks.” She said politely and continued looking out the window. In no time at all we were at home, Mikey was talking to Robert over the phone about something or rather and Ray and Bob were on the couch watching Happy Tree Friends. Gerard went over to the kitchen and gabbed a beer out of the fridge, he opened it and started to chug it down, not even stopping to take some air in. Mikey hung up the phone happy to announce that they were going on the tour bus instead of going on planes. I personally preferred the bus, cause you get more time to sleep and on the plane they don’t let you make your own coffee.

“She kissed a boy!” Gerard whispered quite loudly to Mikey.

“Well at least she wasn’t kissing a girl?” He asked confused about his response.

“Mikey!” He stared at Mikey. With a certain look on his face.

“No way! No way! I am not going to give her the talk.” Mikey pulled his hands in the air.

“Well I don’t want to give it to her!” He retaliated. I stood there watching them fight like cat and dog over who should talk to her, about… life? I guess you could call it that. “Ray! Bob! Go talk to her!”

“As much as we love her… it’s the Big Brothers duty to give her the talk.” Ray said looking over.

“My dad gave me the talk,” Bob said starring blankly into space. “It’s gonna be a little weird for a man to give a young girl the ‘talk’ you know.” Bob stated.

“I’ll do it.” I said flatly.

“Huh?” Gerard and Mikey asked at the same time.

“Well… none of you guys are up to it, and I love her as if she were my own Flesh and Blood, so I’ll do it.” This would give me a chance to talk about the cuts… and maybe why she’s not been eating lately. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. I popped my head through, her room was a mess, magazines lying all over the floor, I looked down and saw pictures of models and young girls, She was sitting at the window sill. I sat next to her.

“Hello.” I said getting myself comfortable. She smiled at me and then looked back outside, every time I walked into this room she would stare out of her window, I looked out and saw the sky turning into a deep shade of magenta and orange, I don’t blame her for always looking out the window, it was beautiful.

“Jason and I always used to watched the sunset,” She didn’t lose eye contact with the falling star as she counted backwards from 10. ‘”10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.” The sun has set and now it was quite dark. I was trying to find the right words to talk to her with. But I couldn’t think of anything.

“Gerard’s sort of freaked out… he saw you kissing that boy,” Her eyes widen in shock. “No don’t worry he won’t kill you… it’s just I’m meant to have ‘The Talk’ with yo, you know?”

“The Talk?” She asked looking at me, not blinking.

“Yeah, like any problems your having, or anything you want to talk about, anything at all?” She looked away and thought for a while.

“I’m good thanks.”

“I don’t want you to say that cause you don’t want to bother me,” I said placing my hand on her arm. “Can I know why?” I wasn’t sure if they were they right words or if this was the right time, but all I knew was that she was here, and she was the first thing on my mind right at this moment, and that’s all that matters right now.

“Just stuff.” She said looking back out of the window, now starring at the moon.

“Have you done anything else to yourself?” She looked down at the floor and replied trying not to look me I the eye.

“No.” I can see now why kids don’t rely on their parents, they always have to have awkward conversations. At least if she was a boy this would be 10 times easier, I could talk about Girls, and you know boy stuff, wet dreams, shaving and puberty, voice cracking, but I couldn’t find the words in me to talk about what I could imagine a mother or older sister would talk about to her younger sister like, periods and pregnancy and bra sizes and all that.

“Hey how about if Jason came over on Saturday?” She looked up with a smile on her face. “yeah, bring him over we can have fun ey? He can meet your family. Unless he’s a teenie, then I shall be forced to hide in a closet.” She laughed slightly as she got off the window sill and moved to her bed “I‘ll give him a call okay?”, I followed d close behind. There was a magazine on her bed which she picked up and admired, I looked over to see a beautiful, skinny girl in the picture, “Are all the magazines a girl thing?”

“ Guess you could call it that.” Girls… media… skinny… anorexia? No she’s already as skinny as a twig, she doesn’t need to lose weight, if anything she needed to put on weight. I poked her stomach as she jumped back.

“You need to put on some weight.” I said starring at her stomach, she pulled her keens up and gave an uneasy smile, she shoved the magazine off the bed. Having Belinda was like having an extension to the family. I would be known as Uncle Frankie. The favourite uncle, I smiled and then thought of the first night I saw her. She looked like an average teen, the all black clothing and what not, you’d think that she was just a rocker, or ‘emo’ as some people put it these days, but after getting to know her. It’s something different you feel, and since I’m helping bring her, I feel like another brotherly figure.

“You excited about going on tour?” I asked, she smiled.

“Yeah, I guess it’ll be cool… we - - we don’t have to catch any planes do we?” Her face turned to worry.

“No, where taking the bus,” She sighed I’m guessing in relief. “ You scared of planes?”

“No - No. Yeah. NO?” She shook her head out of confusion. “No.” She looked back down and pulled her shirt down and pulled her jeans up. Ok… so the talk, the talk. How to start the talk.

“So… I’m not really good at ‘The Talk’ am I?” She smiled and then looked away. “Um… well I can’t exactly talk to you about periods… or pads or stuff… but… no I can’t talk about breast and bras either.” I was failing horrible but I was trying, god knew I was trying.

“Your doing good, if you wanted to know.” He voice croaked.

“Thanks!” I leant over to hug her but she froze, as my arms went around her she went stiff as a plank, cold as ice. I let go of her. “Was that weird?” I wasn’t really sure if that was too open, I hug Gerard and Mikey all the time… even Bob and Ray, and I actually turn away hugs from fans because I fear for my breathing. But, I’m family…. “Why - - Why can’t you open up with us, why can’t you open up with… me?”

“I just don’t - -”

“You just don’t what? You know I love you,” Her face was now blushing and was the sort of face you see from a girl when you’ve just asked her to be your girlfriend and they jump all over you kissing you and hugging you.

“I just don’t want to be hurt.” She said.

“What do you mean you don’t want to be hurt?” My voice was soft, inviting if you will.

“Frank, I lived without family for my whole life… I don’t want to be abandoned again.”

“You know I would never abandon you.”

“Family is never meant to abandon you, but there I was for 15 years, I don’t want to risk getting too -”

“Too what?” I was eager to know what she would say next.

“Too close to someone that has the possibility of my love.” I realised that her being an orphan for her life made a real impression on her. I mean it should on everyone, but to be afraid of love… that’s deep.
The light from her room popped and everything went completely dark only leaving the outline and shine of here eyes visible to me.

“I promise I won’t abandon you,” I heard her try not to breathe to loud when your about to cry. “And I never will.” I got off from the bed. I pulled the sheets up and made my way slowly out of her room. I shut the door and made my way down the stairs. Gerard and Mikey ran up to me.

“Did you talk to her?”

“What did she say?”

“Is she alright?”

“She have any problems?”

“What about the boy she kissed?”

“She kissed a boy?”


“When did this happen?”

“I told you Mikey! Today after school!”

“What! Who was this boy?”

“I don’t know which gives me reason to be talking to Frank!”

“So did she say anything?” They both choired in unison.

“Jason’s coming over on Saturday.” Gerard gave

AN - sorry for lack of entertanment... next chapter something happens.