I have brothers

Chapter Twenty-One

Andrew’s POV

“Stop it!” The boy in front of us yelled as Damien kept on throwing bits of paper at his head. I laughed silently trying not to attract attention by the teacher. Only a few days ago, I had kissed Belinda for the first time, I’ve known her for over a month… I like her, very much. Oh gosh I sound like a damn 60 year old. Okay make it sound young. She’s hot? No that’s just stupid.

“Dude! Bell in three! Two! One!” He jumped out of chair and ran out of the room dragging me along. “Bye Sir! I love you!” He blew a kiss towards the teacher as he started to ravel on about being homophobic. Gaytard much? We walked down the hall way and saw Miranda walk out of her room, he started to run and landed on her back she nearly fell forward but he grabbed onto her as if they were in a ballroom dance. She giggled and placed a kiss on his lips. She walked up to me and gave me a hug as we all went back to our lunch spot.

“TGIF!” Damien screamed out loud, Miranda scoffed on her sandwich sending cheese everywhere. “Hey, where’s Belinda?”

“Don’t know…” I looked around studying people seeing if they were Belinda. Nothing yet, I saw a small figure start walking towards us, it was her, looking forward trying to act calm and collected I made a joke to Damien to break my being scared shitless, and letting it be shown. She sat down next to Miranda and pulled her knees up, pulling her top over her knees.

“Hello pretty lady.” Damien said with an exotic voice. She looked up confused and then took him as he came. I pulled out my sandwich and juice popper and started to eat. Star Trek, The Simpsons, Happy Tree Friends and George Bush were some of the topics that came up and of course always ending up around toilet jokes. I popped my juice open and started to drink. Belinda hadn’t eaten or drank anything all lunch… or from what I new all day, she never eats at school. I got up and sat next to her as it was still cold and getting close to her for ‘body warmth’ was just an excuse for me to be able to be right next to her. Damien followed my lead and sat next to Miranda.

“So…” She looked up at me, I had to say she was quite short.

“Hey Linda,” Miranda interrupted me. “Every couple of months we have a movie night, you know, friends, movie, pop corn, sleeping… well sleeping is a sometime but yeah, do you want to come over? I… We would love to have you.”

“Um… I have to ask my Brothers - - I mean, I’ll ask my family. But other than that I’d love too.”

“Oh Crap!! Jason we forgot Ms. Hallo wanted our report like now!” I’d forgotten as well, we were in deep shit if we didn’t get it to her today. I grabbed the paper from my bag and helped Miranda up. We walked away making our way through the playground dodging footballs from jocks and war craft things from the nerds.

“I’m so happy for you!” She said hugging me.

“Why would that be darling?” I wasn’t sure if she was talking about my paper, because it’s the first one that I’ve actually finished only one week late this year.

“Belinda! You now have someone to cuddle up with! I used to hate when Damien and I would kiss and hug and what not and you didn’t have someone to do that with! Now you can!” She hugged me again. I knocked on the door and Mrs. Hallo came out, A short, stumpy bad tempered woman standing there with chicken noodle soup hanging off her mouth. Ew. I gave her my paper and she slammed the door back in my face. “Well that went well,” She started to laugh.

It was now Time for assembly so on the way back to the group we picked up all our stuff and headed for the corridors, We all miraculously had our lockers next to each other. Fancy that, I saw Cheryl and Joanna walk up to us, She stared at Belinda and then back at me.

“Hey Jason.” Cheryl grinned at me getting closer.

“What’s wrong Cheryl Slut intuition kicking in?” Miranda said shutting her locker door.

“Whatever, listen Jason, Well like homecoming is coming soon and I was totally wondering if you’d like to go with… Me.” Her hyena like laugh made me cringe.

“Homecoming’s over 3 months away.” Damien put in as he finished his lunch.

“I’m sorry I don’t speak Emo,” He put his hand to his heart and put on hurt face. “Whatever… So I was wondering if you were going with anyone?”

“Well I haven’t exactly started looking yet.”

“Well you know, I’ve known you for 5 years and I was like totally thinking if you wanted me to be your girlfriend, We’d totally be the Hawtest couple…” She looked down at Belinda. “Unless your seeing some one.”

Joanna let out a snort “Yeah right!” They both squealed.

“So you wanna be like an item?” She placed her hand on my shoulder and moved it along my chest. I moved away slowly giving her my cheesy grin.

“Actually… I have someone,” I wrapped my arms around Belinda’s waist as she placed hers on top. She seemed a little stiff but I guess it was only a couple of days into this. “So I guess you’ll have to find someone else to go to homecoming,” She just got rejected. “Rejection hurts, ey?” She walked over to Damien.

“Get away from him Skank.” Miranda step in front of him as he kissed her neck.

“Did I just get rejected twice?!?” She said throwing a tantrum.

“Too bad you can’t speak ‘emo’ you might of gotten a clue just a smidge earlier.” I love Miranda.

She left with the annoying noise of her high heels hitting the floor. I still had my arms wrapped around her, and the truth was, was that I didn’t want to let go, I could feel her stomach muscles working a mile a minute trying to suck in, I could feel her ribs.

“You alright?” I asked leaning my head on her shoulder, even though I had to bend quite a little to reach.

“Yeah. I’m good.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek, I felt her tighten and could feel her temperature rise.

*Belinda’s POV*

I had gotten home, safely with Ray and Bob when they picked me up from school yesterday. Andrew really liked me, but you saw the way he looked at Cheryl, She’s so much damn skinner than you! ARGH! I’m talking to myself! I went to the scale. It read ‘39.’ 39 kilos… ok not bad, but I still need to lose more. I went downstairs to see Mikey on the couch. He smiled and patted the seat next to him, I sat down next to him awkwardly. He was watching channel E doing the rounds of rockers. Number Two are the ever famous My Chemical Romance! With the spunky couple of Gerard and Frank and who could forget our inconspicuous Mikey Way. He looked over to me with a drowned look on his face.

“These people are idiots! Do they not remember My Chemical Romance is a five man band… not three?” He said throwing his hands up in the air and mimicked her voice as she started to explain their albums and making faces and girl voices to all the girls explaining how ‘Hawt’ they were.

And now to our number One! Green Day! The next ‘it’ thing to revolutionise the world! I wondered why they were using such long complicated words with rock stars, they should use words like, ‘Awesome’ and ‘Static’ and words that make sense to me most importantly. I loved Green Day, my favourite band.

The door bell rang. It was Jason! I ran up to the door and opened it up, he was standing there smiling at me. I jumped on him as he caught me, I hugged him so incredibly hard I thought I would of broken his bones. He carried me in and set me on the floor. I hugged him again I just couldn’t get over the fact he was here.

“How are you?” I said still wrapped around him.

“I’m good, monkey. How bout you?”

“Well I’m good and I want you to meet my -” I stopped.

“Family?” I smiled and led him to the lounge room. Mikey was still on the couch.

“Mikey this is my Best friend, as you know, Jason.”

“Oh hey! How are you? Nice to see you again!” He gave him a hug. How sweet.

“How does he know me?” He whispered in my ear.

“When you… had that thing, they helped me clean you up and stuff.”

“Oh sorry man!” Jason said looking over at Mikey.

“No problem! Don’t worry about it.” He said laughing it off.

“Breakfast!” Ray called from the kitchen. Mikey got up talking to Jason, he was amazed to be talking to his favourite band! We all sat at the table, having Cereal and toast. I sat next to Jason on one side and Mikey on the other with Gerard in front of me.

“Um… my friends invited me over for a movie night, I was wondering if I could go.” I said in barely a whisper, I thought no one would of heard me. And with Jason here he couldn’t yell.

“To the house of the boy who kissed you?” Gerard looked at me wearing me out by his staring.

“No, but he’s gonna be there.” He leaned back in his chair.

“I have to have the address, phone number, dates, transport and I need to know the parents and also who’s going to be there - -”

“He means yes.” Frank said covering his mouth. Thank you Frank.

“Belinda! Eat!” Bob yelled shoving food into my mouth.

“I’m not hungry.” I said swallowing, that felt sickening. I felt like throwing up. I had to leave. “I’ll be back…” I got up and walked to the bathroom.

*Jason’s POV*

“I’m not hungry.” She got up and went upstairs. “I’ll be back…” She got up and walked upstairs. There was something different about her, she seemed… skinnier and ate a lot less. I looked around at all the boys, I always said she reminded me of the Way brothers, but I never thought this would happen. I saw Gerard keeping an eye on the staircase.

“Have you noticed anything different around Belinda?” Gerard said looking at me listening closely.

“She’s not eating… and a lot skinnier, I mean she was always thin but…”

“But what?” He stared at me as if I had the meaning of life or something.

“She’s changed.” Gerard got out of his chair and grabbed me by the arm, He took me down a hall to another room, It was full of momentum, all family stuff, but it also looked like a computer room.

“There’s something wrong with her isn’t there.” He looked at me, I didn’t want to worry him, but I knew there was something wrong.

“Yeah…You can just see it in her face… can‘t you?”

“I don’t know anymore! I’m talking to a 16 year old! - -”

“17 actually.”

“A 17 year old and I feel like such a loser cause I’m sitting here about to rip my hair out with one last plead that someone gives me clues or pointers! I love her God Damn it! But I can’t frikken get through to her! And I don’t know what to do!” He stopped and took a breath in. I put my arm around him, knowing Belinda was kind of hard to get through to, I pat his back also thinking that I couldn’t believe I was giving The Gerard Way advice! I felt sorry for him, he look genuine, like a real brother, like someone who cared. “Please, tell me what I can do?”

“Talk. Talk to her, embrace her.” Slowly those words made sense to him.

“Embrace as in?” He had tears in his eyes.

“Make her, you. Hug her, and pull her into yourself as if she was the most important thing in your life, tell her that you love her. If need be, never let go, even if she protest, find out what’s wrong with her, even if she is determined not to tell you. If she runs away.. go after her and never give up. And if she builds up walls, break them down to get to her.”

“How… how do you know that?”

“She’s like family to me, the things I’ve been through with her.”

“What kind of things?” He looked at me quizzically. I wasn’t sure if I was meant to tell.

“You know, teenage stuff.”

*Gerard’s POV*

“How… how do you know that?”

“She’s like family to me, the things I’ve been through with her.”

“What kind of things?” I was sort of scared of the response.

“You know, teenage stuff.”

“Has she ever smoked?”


“Ever drank?”

“Um… Ye - -No.”

“Ever had sex?”

“What? Not that I know of! I hope not! I’d chop that boy’s sorry balls off if he did.”

“Glad we’re on the same page, Has she ever…”

“Ever?” I knew he knew what I was about to ask, but acting dumb made it harder for me.

I lowered my voice. “Cut?” His face grew a shocked look on his face as he looked down trying not to look me in the eye, I couldn’t believe he was hesitating… or maybe he’s just having flashbacks about what Mikey told me. Or - -

“I can’t say.” He simply confirmed.

“So she has?”

“My lips are sealed.” Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Yes Gerard that’s what’s in your head.

“Let’s go talk to her.” he said getting up and walking to the door. He looked around in circles not knowing which way to go. I grabbed his arm and pulled him upstairs, we made our way over to her bedroom, he opened up the door, but no one was there, not under the bed, not in the closet… no where in sight.

“Is this her room?” He said looking around. Magazines littered the floor and the bed was unmade, The window was open letting in a cold breeze, Maybe she went to the bathroom, as we headed over we started to make small talk, I knocked n the door… no reply, then he started to knock even louder, we opened up the door.

Oh My God.

AN: Sorry it's so damn long but i'm tryna put all the boring bits together so you get enough info so you won't miss out and so you'll understand the next chapters =[ Sorry for the lack of entertainment AGAIN.