I have brothers

Chapter Twenty-Three

*Mikey’s POV*

I was sitting on the chair next to Belinda, I hadn’t gone out of her room ever since Gerard and Jason found her vomiting, then when she came to the bed, she fell asleep… or maybe she passed out, all I know is that she’s been asleep for nearly all day, I looked over to the clock that read 3 am. Oh God.

“Mikey?” I heard Frank from the door.

“Yeah? What’s up?” I pulled my back straight, not letting him know I was tired and could fall asleep at any second.

“We gotta take Jason back.”

“Oh okay… how’d he get here? “

“Took the bus… I don’t trust the bus this late - - well early in the morning.”

“Okay, do you want me to go?”

“Nah it’s cool, you stay here, I’ll take him… I’ll take Gerard.”

“Alright, see you in a bit.” He shut the door with the last of his grins imprinted in my head, I looked back over, she started to move around. Maybe adjusting herself, or waking up. I saw the car pull out of the driveway and head down the street. Bob and Ray had said about staying over tonight, she started to move around again, in hopes that she would wake up… but instead she was starting to sweat, and move around violently.

“Belinda?” I went to go grab her arm but she done a sharp move as I saw her chest move rapidly and heard her breathing going louder and louder, trickles of sweat started to run down her face. “Belinda? Belinda!”

“DON’T DIE!” She shot up panting as if she had just ran a 45 kilometre marathon. Her eyes were blood shot and she looked panic stricken.

“Belinda? You alright?” I put my arm around her shoulder but her panting got stronger and stronger. She took my hand off and twisted around, she stood up off the bed but when she took some steps she fell to the floor with a thump. I ran over to her, it hurt me to see the boys in pain or hurt, but seeing her was a whole different level.

“Belinda. What happened?” She laid on the floor, her body was limp but she wouldn’t let me help her up. I tried again by grabbing hold of her arm and waist, but it was as if she wanted to be on the floor, away from everything. “Belinda… please, let me help you.”

“No.” She was on the floor… and I was on the floor. I sat there. Silence was upon us as she moved her head and looked up towards me. This girl hadn’t shed any tears since I met her… I mean, not even when Her and Gerard had their first fight. When she saw Jason on the floor. Nothing. Even I cry, when I see Gerard hurt especially.

Maybe she needed help. Not as in, my help but like psychiatrist help. As much as I hated to think it, it’s probably the best thing for her, she’s been acting quite strange and I don’t know how long it’s been since we’ve gone to the shops to get coffee or food and Belinda’s been wearing the same clothes over and over again.

“Did you have a bad dream?” She looked up at me and just starred. “Sorry that was a stupid question… you usually get asked that when your 5 years - -”


“Yes what?” She was having a bad dream?

“Bad. Dreams.” Her voice was soft and slow. I reached down and rubbed my hand up and down her back.

“I don’t need pity.” She sat up using all her force.

“What makes you think I’m giving you pity?”

“I’m on the floor, I was FOUND on the floor of the bathroom vomiting, I’m a socially weird kid, I’m not one to fit in with my ‘brothers’ or their friends.” She stopped and looked down whispering. “My perfect brothers.”

“We’re not perfect,” She looked up shocked that I heard her. “I’m not one to give pity, and Frank, Bob and Ray love you as if you were their own sister.” I snapped. She looked over to me and smiled.

“That’s what I expect.” She got off the floor and moved to the bathroom. SHIT! Mikey you flipping moron! You can’t snap at her. I walked to my room and saw Bob and Ray passed out on it…. I thought about getting in the middle of it, but instead I went downstairs. I made myself the remaining of the coffee and went to start the last bottle of instant coffee, but decided to wait for Gerard and Frank.

“Mikes,” Frank came through the door followed by a very concerned Gerard. I started the coffee and went to sit on the couch where Frank and Gerard had already made themselves comfortable. I sat in the middle of them both. Gerard put his arm around me and I laid on his shoulder as if already knowing what was up.

“Movie?” Frank said making the first attempt of a conversation. I smiled and nodded, I got up and walked over for the coffee but Frank jumped in front of me and went to grab it all. I sat back down next to Gerard.

“So, what’s up?”

“Belinda. She woke up.”

“She alright?” He looked down at me, I couldn’t help but smile. That girl was a pain in the ass but Gerard still cared about her so much. Don’t get me wrong so do I… but Belinda doesn’t really talk to him.

“Yeah, she had a nightmare.” He looked slightly confused.

“About what?”

“Not sure she didn’t tell me, though I sort of snapped at her and when I did she said ‘That’s what I expected’ What ever that means.”

“Girls are so frikken hard to understand. Honestly. Oh did I tell you Alicia called?”

“No! When?” I hadn’t seen her for such a long time as all the ‘Chemical’ Girls went on a holiday together to something or rather.

“Yeah she called yesterday and all the girls are coming over next Saturday.”

“Saturday’s don’t have the best track record.”

‘Well at least they’ll meet Belinda… Wait did we tell them about her?”

Frank burst out laughing, “It’s been a month and how long and you haven’t told them about her?”

“Wow, we are so in the shit.”

“Correction you are so in the shit. You’re the only one that’s talked to them in this period of time.” Frank said pointing the finger towards Gerard.

*Belinda’s POV*

Mikey had just snapped at me. To be completely honest it was what I was expecting sooner or later. The bathroom was dark, I could only imagine the ungodly hour it was most probably in the morning. I went over to the scale. I stepped on it slowly closing my eyes, I looked back down. ‘36’ Wow, In all that vomiting and not eating I had only lost 5 kg. Only. That was disgusting. I looked back down and started to ponder.

36 is half way to 72. 36 is a quarter of the way to 144. In other words times me by four and you have 144 kg. I stepped back down and looked in the mirror, my face hadn’t changed that much except for my cheek bones that stood out more, and my legs were thinner. Thank Goodness.

Monday morning came, all I can say was that yesterday was very. Peaceful, there was no noise, they were all home, but all I could hear was the TV and them chit chatting quietly, Frank and Ray and Bob all came up to say something and give me food. But I also had another dream like I did on Saturday night. One that is making me lose sleep. I walked over to the guys that were all sitting at our lunch spot.

“You alright?” Damien got up and moved over so I could sit down. I sat next to him and simply replied with a nod. Miranda was texting on her phone. Andrew still wasn’t here yet, we talked for a while and they informed me on my supply list for the sleep over. They even gave me a hand written list.

“Okay so on the night you have to bring all of that. It’s necessary. “

- Clothes for 3 days.
- Pillow.
- Toothbrush.
- Pyjamas.
- Cute Underwear.

“Cute underwear?” I looked up from my list.

“Well apart from Damien writing the list… strip charades may take place. Or you might end up like that for a dare. Or you might be forced.” Miranda started to ramble on about all the ways that you might end up in your underwear. Funny how many scenarios she came up with. My personal favourite was, ‘Or Damien might miraculously hypnotize you and then you’ll take your clothes off and end up only in your bra and undies, or we might steal your clothes.’

- Socks.
- Skittles.
- Yourself.

“Loved the list.” I placed it into my bag and saw Andrew approaching us. I smiled as he came over and flashed me a cheesy grin.

“You ready for Friday lovely?” He said sitting down next to me.


“You give her the list?” He said looking over to damien who was pigging out on some sort of three layer sandwich.

“Yef, I Gav erh de lyt.” He said sending ham and some other sort of…. Well something that resembled food onto Miranda.

“Ew! Your pig!”

“You put cute undies on the list?” Andrew said wide eyed.

“Yeah, oh and bras.” He said swallowing. Thank goodness.

AN: Sorry for how long it took! Exams been a reali pain in the ass lately.