I have brothers

Chapter Twenty-Four

*Mikey’s POV*

Friday afternoon, I just picked up Belinda from school, she’s going to her friends house. I’m not too keen on letting her go, but I guess it’s normal for teenagers that age.

“As long as she doesn’t have sex and end up pregnant. I’m happy.” Gerard said sitting on the couch, turning on the TV. Bob was on the couch napping and Ray and Frank we’re in the kitchen arguing over the last cup of coffee, of course there is another can of coffee, but I hid it for my own personal entertainment.

“Mikey?” Belinda had come down the stairs and had her bag over her shoulder. Wearing a black Atreyu shirt and black skinny jeans with a shaggy old black and grey jacket. Her body had become smaller and smaller, honestly it didn’t look right, but maybe she’s just small boned?

“Hey Hon.” She gave an un easy smile and gave my a piece of paper. I looked down and it had a number on it. She shifted from side to side and then looked up at me.

“It’s the number of my friend’s place. Just in case or whatever… I’ll give them the house number. If that’s ok? I’m not sure cause your… My Chemical Romance and all and I don’t want - -”

“That’s fine.” I smiled, I think she was relived I cut her off. A knock came at the door. She went to go answer it. But before she did she turned to face me.

“Do you want to meet them?”

“Are they going to hurt me?”

“No - - I hope not. Joking, they won’t.” She started to lighten up which I was thankful for, but still not with Gerard. Maybe a little more time and everything will be a happy ever after! Dr. Phil moment much.

“Hey there lovely!” A boy came through the door, quite tall I might add. He bent down and gave Belinda a hug and saw another boy behind her.

“Hello beautiful,” He gave her a kiss on her forehead, about the same height as the first boy. “You ready to go?”

“Andrew, Damien, First I want you to meet my - my.”

“Her family,” I stepped up behind her and a shocked look came over Their faces. “I’m Michael, but call me Mikey. Nice to meet you both.” They both extended their arms at the same time, I shook one after another and then they seemed to relaxed.

“ I’m Andrew,” He had jet black hair and it was longish and had a side fringe, whilst the other boy. “And that’s my best friend, Damien. He doesn’t bite, only looks like he would.” I laughed and chit chatted some more with the boys. Gerard came around from the lounge along with Frank.

“Hi, I’m Frank.” He extended his arm but then went in for a hug to both of them. Gerard was standing next to me eyeing Andrew out. Maybe that was the boy who kissed Belinda.

“I best be going.” Belinda said hitching her bag onto her shoulder. “Bye Mikey, Frank… G - Gerard.”

I went up and bent down to be at her level, “Anything happens you give me a call, wether it be 12 midnight or 3 in the morning, alright?” She nodded and smiled, the bags under her eyes got bigger when she smiled, she had been losing a lot of sleep whilst having the re occurring nightmares. She wouldn’t tell anyone she was but whenever I went to check up on her, she was either awake, or moving around violently.

“Bye Mikey.” She went out the door, Leaving Gerard wide eyed.

*Andrew’s POV*

“Mikey Way! Mikey Way is you Family. No Way!” Damien shouted.

“Three Way’s actually.” She said getting into Damien’s Car.

“What do you mean Three Way’s?”

“it means she’s related to The Way brothers. She’s the third ‘Way’, Damien.”

“You’re their little sister?”

“Apparently so.” We were getting closer and closer to Miranda’s house and couldn’t wait to tell her the news. I looked in the mirror and saw Belinda looking out of her window, Her face was thin and her body was thinner than usual. Miranda was thin, but she was SKINny. If you catch my drift. We got to her house and took out of the bags, walking up to the front door you could hear Miranda and her brothers fighting over something, but mostly all you could hear was Miranda yelling those massive lungs of hers.

“Miranda, Miranda! Let down your hair! Or poke it through the key hole since you don’t have a second floor.”
Damien was contemplating on going through the back door when she opened it up.

“Hey guys, sorry bout that, George and Dion decided to act like a bunch of babbling, bumbling, band of BABOONS!” She yelled behind her back so that her brothers could hear it.

“Harry Potter fanatic ey?” Belinda said wearing a large grin.

“Guilty as charged.” She smiled and lead us in to the lounge room. “Um, ok well I’ll just do the last touches to my room and then I’ll be right out to lead you to the most wonderful part of this house!”

“We’ll be ready to Par-tay!” Damien said doing some sort of weird booty shaking dancing.

“If you know what’s best for you, you won’t ever do that again.” Belinda laughed. Her laugh was beautiful, those straight white teeth of hers, being near her makes the sun shine brighter, makes my life 5 times happier.

“Don’t you like the booty shaking moves?” Miranda’s eldest brother, George, came and sat right next to Belinda on the couch.

“No not necessarily.” She started to get uncomfortable, shifting around in her seat.

“She’s 15.”

“Oh that‘s alright, first time, I don‘t mind… just means that she‘s tighter.“ She jumped as he put his hand on her backside.

“Hands off.” I said about to grab the guy and castrate him but Damien pulled me back.

“I’m liking the accent, where you from sweet thang?” Miranda’s other brother came through the door sitting on the other side of Belinda.

“Australia.” She said shortly.

“I hear Australia’s the best place to find girl’s in swimsuits, care to give me a show?” He placed his hand on her thigh. Damien got up and sat on Dion’s lap.

“I’ll give you a show, and if you touch her one more time I’ll even add in the ever famous nut cracker.” He pushed Damien off and laughed as he mumbled a ‘fag’ towards Damien. I looked over to George,

“Damien’s not the only one who knows the nut cracker.” He got off the couch and left.

“I’ll see you later.” He whispered into her ear, she got off before him and went to stand behind me. Miranda came out.

“Your brothers are pricks.” Damien said getting off the floor.

“Did you just realise that? Your slower than I thought Damo.” She lead us to her room, and it was perfect. One… okay I’m not sure how to describe this lounge like thing. It’s on the floor and is very soft and it’s only made out of the material and fluffy stuff inside and it’s supported by the bed so we can lay back, and a TV and DVD player, the bed had been filled with extra pillows and blankets and the windows had been draped with black curtains. Okay if anyone knew how to make the best movie night, it was Miranda.

“Okay well first I have House of 100 Corps to watch.” We all cooed and sat down on a chair each. I sat next to Belinda, and Miranda next to her and Then Damien. The movie had very graphic scenes in which you would feel two jumps. One came from Belinda, and the second one came from Damien. Yes, what a pansy, so then Miranda and him had to swap seats cause he was shitting himself.

Of course by the time we watched 3 movies, we were all a little panicky, so we played ‘Spin the Bottle’ to get our minds off all the horrible mental pictures. Damien spined it first and it landed on me. Shit.

“I dare you to… to give Miranda a wedgie!” I looked over to Miranda. She gave Damien a dirty look “A dare is a dare, you have to abide by those laws.” I walked over to her and gave her a wedgie, she let out a scream and pulled it out straight away. Everyone went on to burst of laughter as I spined the bottle and it landed on Miranda.


“I dare you to kick Damien in the balls.” We all - - well Miranda, Belinda and myself started to piss ourselves laughing.

“Well I can’t cause you know - -”

“It’s a dare and you have to abide by those laws.” Belinda said matter of factually. Miranda stood up and put her shoe on.

“No! No shoes! That’s like torture for a gu - -” She slammed her foot into his crotch as he rolled around in pain, I held onto myself reminiscing in the pain he was feeling at the moment. “My turn.” he was winded the poor boy. And it landed on Belinda.

“I dare you to -” He paused and took a deep breath trying to put on a manly façade. “ I dare you to jump in the pool outside.”


“With all your clothes on.” She looked at me and then at Miranda.

“It’s like 5 degrees outside!”

“It’s a dare and you have to abide by those laws.” He said imitating her accent. She ran from the room and went outside we all followed close behind as she jumped into the pool and barely made a splash. George and Dion were outside in no time. She swan to the ladder and climbed up. She was soaking wet and was shivering.

“Wet tee shirt contest!” George said grabbing her hips and thrusting upon her.

“Let me go!” She screamed I ran over.

“Want me to let you go? Fine.” He pushed her into the pool.

“What the hell was that for?!” I said yelling in his face.

“George! What the? You moron!” Miranda said pushing him into the pool. We burst out laughing, but he started to swim and grabbed onto Belinda while she was trying to climb up the ladder. He grabbed her and took her to the deep end of the pool. “GEORGE!”

“Get off me!” She yelled splashing bucket loads in his face. She swung her arm but he grabbed her fist and started to move his other hand up her chest.

“GET OFF OF HER NOW!” I grabbed him by the neck causing him to let go as Damien reached out for her and was helping her out. I punched him in the face and he fell to the floor. “Time to see the nut cracker!” I kicked him him the balls and then Miranda took the reigns on this matter and yelled at him telling him off.

“Belinda!” I went up to her as Damien just pulled her out, I went to hug her but she stopped me.

“You - you’ll get get w - w - - wet.”

“I don’t care, are you alright?” I embraced her, she was shaking, I could hear her teeth chattering. I stood up and led her inside as Miranda had gotten her mother into the problem and they both started yelling at him… again, but this time louder.

AN - I have alot of silent subscribers, I'd like to hear from you! and sorry for the loong time wait of my update but, lack of comments and homewrok don't match. If i had more feedback, i wouldn't waste time on homework. hahaha.

Well yeah. Over and out for the this chapter. Belinda. xoxo