I have brothers

Chapter Twenty-Five.

Her body was limp as Damien and I ran into the room with Belinda in the middle of us, her feet barely touching the floor. Damien grabbed a towel from Miranda’s bathroom and wrapped it around her.

“Is she OK?” Miranda came through the door sitting in front of her, but her knees were up to her chest and her head was placed in her knees. She look like a puzzle. Honestly, the way that girl could bend.

“Belinda, honey, you alright?” She looked up and a crooked smiled was plastered on her face.

“I’m f - fine,” Was she really trying to play that past us? “I just need some clothes - - t - that aren’t dripping in chlorine.”

“Pyjama party?” Damien said hopefully.


*Belinda’s POV*

“Pyjama party?” Damien said with the biggest hopeful puppy dog eyes.

“Perfect.” I went to my bag and grabbed out anything that would keep me remotely warm.

“Girls inside, boys to the bathroom outside.” Miranda said opening the door.

“Aw but that’s not fair!! Means that we have to go past Dumb and Dumber!” Damien yelled.

When they left I went to the corner of her room and started to get dressed. I took off my Jumper and Shirt and was left in my bra, quickly I put on my long sleeve red top and my short sleeve black top. Followed by me trying very desperately to take my pants off that had become a layer of glue on me.

“Need any help?” I jumped and pulled my pants up. “I’m a girl you know… we have the same parts.”

“Yeah - Yeah I guess.” Same parts. Different sizes. Cuts and all on some.

“I’ll be back. Andrew and I have to get something.“ She left the room which gave me a clear path. I struggled and finally took them off, I went to go grab my pants when Damien walked in.

“Shit!” I tried to find something to cover up with but I tripped instead landing on the not so soft floor. He laughed his head off, and came over to me. “Stop! No what are you doing?”

“Belinda, relax.” I looked for my pants but couldn’t find them and I knew if I turned over he would see what was on my leg. He tried to help me up but I stayed on the floor, he grabbed my pants from somewhere and gave them to me, I quickly got up.

“Okay, I’m leaving.” He smiled and left the room. I got up off the floor rubbing the spot where my cut had slightly split open, I held a tissue on it and saw some tape at the other side of the room. I was tempted but when I checked the bleeding had stopped, sort of. I went to chuck the tissue

“My mum said I have to say sorry - What’s this? Having a little bit of fun? Nice undies, but they’re wet, let me help you Take them off.” He came over towards me but I made a dive for behind the bed, he followed and I could hear Dion laughing, He came over and pinned my arms down. I now see the reference to baboon.

I went to crawl but George grabbed me by my knee and hip and pulled me down. He held my arm on top of my head and could feel him now settling himself on top of me. I screamed, Where the hell was Damien!. I could feel him staring at me, I could feel that disgusting growing thing in his pants. As he bent down I could feel the hot breath of his against my neck, him kissing me on random spots. I’m too god damn young for this!

“Get off!” I yelled and protested, but my mouth got covered by Dion. George slowly moved up and down, breathing into my ear. He was making gross noises I could only resemble to moaning. I was about to cry. He stopped and look down at me.

“That was nice, maybe we can rendezvous sometime in the close future,” He planted a last kiss on my chest and then he got up to his knees bending down again. “One word about this, and your gone.” . I felt violated. I felt my hip and god did it hurt. He left the room and I finally put on my pants

*Andrew’s POV*

I was walking back with Miranda from the shed outside where they kept all of the spare blankets and towels and what not because of their lack of space in the house. I walked into the room and saw Belinda with Her pants just barely on.

“What happened?”

“N - Nothing.” She said. Miranda turned the lights down and got us ready for bed. Damien shortly after got into the room and into bed with Miranda, I shared the sofa like thing with Belinda, and I couldn’t help but put my arm over her, but when I did she jumped a mile. She grabbed on to her hip.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered into her ear. She shook her head and rolled over.

“Night Night Ladies and Faggot-men.” George came in through the door.

“George, get bent.” Miranda said chucking a pillow at him, he walked towards Belinda and myself, she rolled over to me, onto my arm and buried her head in my chest. He looked down at Belinda and sniggered to Dion, he made his way to the door and close it with a massive smash. I put my arm over her, but this time she didn’t roll over.

“Never leave me alone again, please.” She said into my chest. That was either the code talk for, I want to have sex or something’s seriously wrong. She got close to me so we were practically one, Her body curled up against mine and I guess this was a serious problem moment. She had stopped shaking and each moment I could feel her body relaxing into my arms until she was a dead weight, which wasn’t much at all. I fell asleep.

*Belinda’s POV*

I walked in through the front door, and saw Mikey and Gerard on the sofa. I walked over to them.

“I need to talk.” I said looking at Mikey, he looked up at me than smiled, he got off the sofa but not telling me to follow him but to go to the kitchen. I followed him and he poured himself a cup.

“Mikey, some boys sort of… well I don’t think rape is the word but they took advantage of me.” He looked up and smiled. He was smiling? I looked up at him.

“That’s great.” A scream was heard from the lounge, Mikey and I ran in. But there was no one there. Mikey walked off into another room. I saw Bob and Ray but when I tried to say hello to them they snubbed me off.

“I hope your happy.” Bob snapped.

“About what?” I was shocked. I haven’t done anything to them.

I went upstairs and saw Frank sitting outside Gerard’s room. He looked up at me with no emotion.

“Frank, I need to tell you something. I was molested. I’m freaked out and I - -”

“Everything, does not revolve around you!” A scream came from Gerard’s room. Frank and I stood up , the door wouldn’t budge open. I started to kick and scream but I couldn’t get in. finally we knocked the door down and Gerard was on the floor, head propped up against the wall, eye’s with not that spark that I used to see, his face was pale. Blood looked ten times redder. Frank grabbed his wrist.

“He’s dead. You killed him! I Hate you!”

“Belinda!” Andrew shook me awake as I shot up. “Belinda! Jesus Christ!” I could feel something running down my mouth. As Miranda came up next to me and put a moist towel on my mouth, blood. I ran my fingers over my mouth.

“I think maybe we should get you back home.” Andrew said, a voice of concern. Oh Sherlock homes I think your onto something. But I didn’t want to go home.

“But - -”

“Come on.” Andrew picked me up from the sofa and put me on the bed. I saw the clock that read 5 pm. Had I slept that long?

“Yeah, you slept that long, we tried to get you up but you scratched and bit us.” Damien showed me hid arm which had some teeth marks in it. I’m impressed. But shit, I’ve been losing sleep, and Gerard is 24-7 on my mind. I can’t live like this for much longer.

“I might walk home.” I said as Andrew was cleaning up my face. He looked into my eyes.

“I’ll walk you home.” He said with his arm around me.

“Andrew sweetie, your mother called and said if you could come home right now.” Miranda’s mother head popped through the door. “It sounded urgent, love. Oh and so did your mother Damien.” He smiled and nodded towards her and the bowed his head.

“I’m sorry Belinda. Damien and Myself have to go.”

“Why do I have to go?” Damien protested.

“Because You’re my ride and Your mom called as well.”

“Right.” He trailed off. Damien went over to Miranda and pulled her head in and rested forehead to forehead, he then planted a kiss on her lips as a goodbye, but shortly that goodbye kiss turned into a goodbye make out session. Andrew leant over.

“Did I say I’m sorry.” He said into my ear.

“I think you did.” He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. See what I mean by caring? He put his arm around me and placed his hand on my hip, a little sore but I dealt with it. Damien and Miranda finally stopped playing tonsil hockey.

“Okay, well I guess it’s time to go. Bye Belinda.” Damien came up to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and then he licked my cheek. Ew. I wiped it off and he went outside.

“See you guys later, alright?” Andrew said grabbing his jacket and running out the door. Miranda and I stood there then she came around and gave me a hug from the back.

“Ha. Ha. Ha. Now you have to put up with me walking you home - -”

“Miranda, honey, Cassandra’s outside, she’s taking you for today alright.”

“But mom!”

“No buts. She Needs you.” She made an exaggeration on ‘Need.’

“Oh, shit, okay. Belinda I’m gonna have to let you go.” She hugged me and grabbed her bag and left, slowly I was being left alone, even her mother had to do some shopping. I went to go out grabbing my bag and my jacket, I grabbed a piece of paper to write a thank you note for Miranda.

Hey Miranda,
Thanks for the night, despite it all I had a pretty good time. The movies we’re awesome and I took the first dip of the winter. Hopefully next time I won’t get so wet. Thank you again and see you on Monday alright.
Bye bye love.

I put the paper in her room and went to go out when George grabbed me.

“Deja flipping vu. Honestly can you piss off?” I said freeing myself from his grip.

“You know I can’t, your irresistible.” He said grabbing me again.

“Get lost, Poof.” He hit me across the face nearly sending me to the floor, he dragged me into his room and threw me on the bed.

“Now your going to do this, and your going to enjoy it, and if you don’t your going to make ME enjoy it. Got it?”

“Get off me.!” He sat on my legs, hip down. I struggled and started to hit him even harder.

“Dion! Need your help!” He came into the room not even two seconds later with some board shorts. “Grab her arms.” He demanded he sat with his leg spread on top of my head. George started to run his hands up my thigh then slowly creeping up to my shirt and under it, him sliding it off as he went. I screamed but who the hell was I kidding? NO ONE WAS HOME! He slid the shirt completely off and Dion pulled it off my arms.

“Your so fat. It’s disgusting.” even at 36 kilos I looked fat.

“Well then stop touching and looking at me you flipping perve!” He didn’t go down that easy. He creped up to my bra and un hooked it revealing my women parts. He looked up to Dion and gave him a high 5, those jerks. “GET OFF OF ME! MIRANDA! ANDREW! GERA- -” He planted a wet kiss on my lips making me choke on my own saliva who was know fraternising with his saliva. Kill me now.

He grabbed them with his hands and started to squeeze, extremely hard and it was hurting so much, basically like getting hit in the balls for a guy. He kissed my down my chest followed by his nails that landed on my nipple and scratched.

“SHIT!” I kneed him and somehow hurt his balls, big mistake on my behalf, he held my stomach down making any food that I had had in the past 24 hours want to seem to come out. He pulled off my pants and he started to move violently up and down on me, sliding his finger under the waistband of my undies, he pulled them down to my knees. He passed his finger passed from my belly button to my vagina he slid his fingers in quickly and that was really uncomfortable and - - SHIT! He pushed in harder, how can people find this pleasurable.

“Please stop! Please!” He slid in some more times, harder each time. He started to slow down. It felt like some one had shoved a blender into my insides. He heard him unbuckle his pants and pull them down, his underwear followed, I felt it go up my thigh slowly, he rubbed my sides until I felt him get hard. He slid it up my body and then near my mouth. He put it into my mouth only the tip when his phone rang. He got off me. And told Dion to let me go. I couldn’t feel anything, I was numb, and I wanted to die.

I looked outside and saw it was raining, and it would take me about an hour to get home. I got up reluctant to moving as every step hurt. I put on my bra and my tops and then my pants, I wanted to cry but god damn it those tears wouldn’t roll. I need to tell Gerard or Mikey. Frank even Bob or Ray, but I feel so embarrassed. I dragged myself out of the room and left the front door, rain falling so heavy but anything just to get away from this house.

I found it hard to believe but when I got home I wished for someone to be there with their arms opened. I knocked on the door when I finally arrived about 2 hours later, my walking was at turtle speed. I was in pain. I knocked again but nothing. I went over to the window and looked in, I saw all of the boys with their girlfriends or wives. I was out here in the rain and they were in there being cosy and comfortable having someone with their arms open. I walked back to the front door and sat outside it.

*Bob’s POV*

We we’re all sitting around the lounge room as we had just finished dinner and welcomed the girls back. Lyn-z was sitting on the couch with Gerard her legs on top of him, Mikey and Alicia we’re talking about something as her head was resting upon his shoulder, Frank and Jamia were in very odd sitting positions Frank kissing her every once in a while. And of course the people of the night, Ray and Krista, Ray told me he was going to propose to her today, he just had to find the right time.

I sat there alone, I didn’t have anyone at this certain time of my life, So I sat there alone. Looking at the clock it read 7:04 pm. It was getting late and Belinda was meant to be coming back tonight. I heard a knock at the door, but I thought it was just the wind. It knocked again, I looked over at the door but nothing. I was laughing at something that Frank had said and was know looking outside the window and saw Belinda, she went back to the door. I got up and wen to answer the door, she was sitting on the floor completely soaked, she looked up her make up smudged and her hair hanging in her face. She stood up and walked in front of me.

She didn’t move and nor did I. She looked at me with the saddest eyes I have ever seen, I put my hand out and she took it and grabbed onto it for dear life. And then took her shoes off so she wouldn’t wet the floor that much.

“You alright, Belinda?” I said putting my hand on her back and leading her to everyone.

“Belinda!!” Frank jumped from his seat and grabbed her, pushing her towards the girls.

“Jamia, Lyn-z, Alicia and Krista. May I present the littlest Way. Belinda.” The girls all smiled and said their hello’s. Mikey grabbed a blanket and put it around Belinda leading her closer to Alicia.

“Belinda, this wonderful woman here is my wife Alicia.” Belinda was shivering, and then her attention got grabbed when Lyn-z spoke up.

“Hello sweetie, I’m Lyn-z… Gerard’s wife. Nice to meet you.” She sat down next to me and got closer than usual, she looked up at me, she was short.

“Belinda, tell me what’s wrong.”


“Come on, something’s wrong.” She look up at me again, her eyes red and her face worn out, she looked tired.

“When I went to my friends house her brothers - -”

“Krista, will you marry me?” Ray said cutting Belinda off, everyone exploded into shrieks of congratulations and hugs and kisses. I may not be a genius, but something was wrong with Belinda, I reckon she’s got some sort of disorder, and I’m not saying that in a bad way, it’s just, she’s losing weight, becoming very down again. I’m worried for her, and I fear that she’ll drive away from us because of Gerard, he never gives her attention.
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Hey Sorry it's so long but i'm not gonna be on for a week, I want to wish you guys a happy holidays!

Next update will be next saturday night!
Hopefully comments will rise cause i feel like i'm in a drought.

Love you all!

Belinda. xx