I have brothers

Chapter Twenty-Seven

*Gerard’s POV*

“Mr. Gerard way?”
“This is he.”
“We have some news to report for your family.”
When I heard those few words hit my ears, I never knew how close I was to becoming an orphan.
“There has been a misfortune,”
“A misfortune?” He’s going to have to spill it some time.
“Your parents have been involved in a car accident, now it - -”
“Are they - - dead?” Please say no for the love of god please say no.
“No, the accident wasn’t fatal but their in hospital, both in intensive care, You father I presume is in a coma.”
“What hospital?”

I hung up the phone hearing all of the details a son really doesn’t want to hear. I mean what do I do now? Ray and Krista are down stairs celebrating everyone is in a happy mood, Mikey’s gonna have a heart attack on me when I tell him and this will be the first time… first time Belinda will meet her parents. How’s this gonna go? I got off my bed and started to grab all my shit, to think about it I look like that Tasmanian devil - -Gerard! Stop thinking so happy at a time like this!

I ran to the stairs and nearly tripped on my way down, keeping my balance I came to a quick pace rather than a run so not to freak everyone out. I walked over to Mikey.

“You alright Gee?” He still had a smile plastered on his face.

“Mom and Dad.” My voice was flat, emotion wasn’t an option at this time.

“They call?” The room was still chatty and all but there was a sudden silence as the next words slipped my lips and filled the room with an awkward silence.

“Their in hospital.” That sparkle in his eyes was gone.

“Hos -Hospital?”

“We got to go. Now.” I grabbed my car keys and went to head out the door.

“Well I’ll go.” Ray said letting go of Krista and grabbing his jacket.

“No man, you should stay with Krista and what not, I’ll go, Mikey and I.”

“If you even think about leaving without me, you got problems.” Frank said coming over to me and putting his and on my shoulder. No wonder why I love him so much. No wonder why I love My Chemical Romance.

“Bob. I’ll go get him.” Frank ran up the stairs only to leave me with my half devastated little brother and a room full of concerned faces and bitter sweet melodies that would fill my head from my very first birthday to the first lullaby I ever heard. Bob and Belinda came down the stairs. Lyn-Z offered to take the girls in her car and Belinda went with them.

I got into the drivers seat and headed out of the driveway. My mom and Dad are in the hospital.

“Holy Shit! Dads in a coma!” I yelled in the car scaring the living shit out of every living soul within a 50 mile radius.

“Dads in a coma?!”

“I can’t deal with this now! I’ve got so much shit on my plate! And Belinda’s going to meet mom!”

“What’s wrong with her meeting your mom?” Frank asked.

“She told me off for abandoning her when I didn‘t , so what will happen when she meets the people who actually did ‘abandon’ her?”

“Maybe we should tell the girls to drive back home with her?” Mikey suggested with a questioned tone.

“It’s her mother.” Bob said chiming in from the back.

“Yeah, mom’s in a really fragile moment, she’s been in a frikken accident, I don’t think Belinda’s hissy fit will do her any good.”

“Can you blame her if she chucks a hissy fit?” Retorting to my very thought and planned out response.

“Yes I can, Bob. Mom’s going through a hard time and so is dad and Mikey and myself, so yeah I can blame her, and I have reason to do so.”

“You know your not the only one with problems, in fact just as it’s your mom in there. It’s her mom and dad too. Except her mom and dad, left her.”

“Bob! Don’t own my ass right at this moment alright. Just - -”

“Teen girls and their problems, hmm, I can think of one girl who’s having them.”

“SHUT UP BOB!” Everything in the car fell silent, I could feel 4 pairs of eyes on me, even the music had seemed to go out of tune and turned off. I could see Bob from my review mirror, he was looking out the window, I could only remember one time I have ever seen Bob with that look when his sister was diagnosed with ano - -

“Gerard! Hospital!” I was in the car park without me even knowing. I parked at the first site I saw, even if it did mean ripping someone else out of their parking space. I locked the car and ran into the hospital, a young woman was at the desk, looking like she didn’t want to be there at all, but work is work it puts the food on the table and pays the bills.

“Hi I’m looking for my parents - -”

“Gerard Way? I- I.” I grabbed a piece of paper and quickly scribbled down my signature and handed it to her. Her face was brightened up at least 10 shades brighter. If only someone could come write their name on a piece of paper and I’d be happy like jolly Harry. But that wasn’t tonight, or maybe even for a long time.

“Can I please see my parents?”

“I um, I can’t let you in cause their taking blood test from you parents, they should be done in a little while, if you want to wait in the waiting room or here - -” She kept on talking, talking was what I needed but all I wanted was the digits of a room, not a great explanation of where I want to wait. I had an idea.

“Hey Mikey.”

“M-Mikey’s here?” Her voice gasped as my little brother came to the table, his face in a twisted smile as if not to let know that he was shitting himself; Just like his older brother was.

“Give her your autograph.” I mumbled.


“Give her your Autograph.

“My what?”

“Write your damn name down on a flipping piece of paper!” I lost it and believe me, I let it show. He signed the paper and apologized for my ‘behaviour’ and started to sweet talk her until she spilt the number of the room in which we both sped off leaving smoke behind us as we went. Room 243. We took about one hundred lefts and rights before we wound up outside of that door. outside the door that would reveal something I would hate to see. Mikey opened the door and we saw mom and dad on the bed, mom was watching the ceiling and dad was dead still. We both ran up to mom and gave her a hug, she started to cry into our shoulders whispering to us about that she thought we weren’t going to come and how dad wasn’t going to come out of the coma.

“Mom, what happened?”

“Your f-father and I were in the car when someone on the other side of the road s-s-swerved and t-then dad d-d-didn’t have t-time to react s-s-so he crashed into us.”

“Aw, mom.” We both leaned in again. I heard a knock at the door and saw Frank, standing there. He looked up at me, an awkward sort of worried look covered his face.

“I know this isn’t the best time, and I’m not going to come in… but I was talking to Bob- -”

“Frank, I feel really bad for what I said, it’s just - -”

“I know, I know… but we were talking about your sister… maybe warn you to give you time to tell your mom about her or something.”

“Oh, alright… thanks Frank.” He leaned in and gave me a hug. walking back down the corridor and seeing the flock of familiar faces not even 100 meters away. I walked back over to mom and Mikey.


“Yes honey.” Her voice was soft as if she were about to burst out into tears, here it goes.

“Mikey and I have - have something new in our lives.”

“What would that be Hon? Are you both alright??” She said panicked and grabbing Mikey’s arm.

“Something, big and important.” Mikey gave me a look and after having about a 30 second silence he caught onto what I was about to tell her.

“Mom, we have a little sister.” Her face was shocked, I honestly meant to tell her when Belinda came but they were away and just got back.

“Little sister?”

“Yeah… Belinda, she’s 15.” She acted surprised.

“Did you adopt her --”

“You knew about her mom.” She looked down at her hands and started to fidget. “If you tell me you never knew about her, I’ll believe you, mom.”

“I never knew about her, never - -”

“Before you finish that sentence, you should know she looks exactly like Mikey and Myself, you should know she’s accident prone like Mikey, and that she has my nose and - -”

“Okay. I’m sorry. I did know, but it was for the best.”

“Why mom, why? I mean, When? We would have noticed you were pregnant for nine months! I would have been 15 and Mikey would have been 12, I wasn’t a kid, I would of known.”

“Remember when,” She sighed as if we were anticipating long story. “When Dad and I sent you over to your uncle’s over for a year, so you could spend time with your family and what not? Well that was when I found out I was pregnant. We were tight for money and I knew we could never afford another child. So while you and your brother we’re gone I had - - oh what did I call her?”

“Belinda.” Mikey said not losing eye contact with mom.

“Belinda… is that what I called her? Yes, maybe, I don‘t know, but once I had her we - - then we - I gave her away to the adoption centre.”

“You never mentioned a baby, you didn’t even seem upset.”

“I wasn’t attached to her ,Gerard honey, I could never of given you or Mikey away.”

“She was still your child, she was the exact same thing as what Mikey and I were, I could of Helped bring her up mom, I could of and I would of… I’m not even close to her now and I hate it, because every time I look at her I feel horrible for not saving her from what she’s been through. Did you know that she lived in Australia until she was 7? Or that she has amazing blue eyes? Or that she doesn’t sound American?”

“Gerard this isn’t the best time right now.” I looked over at the door and went to walk over to it, I opened it up and went down the hallway, I saw Belinda sitting in between Bob and Frank, not talking looking like she was about to fall asleep, the same look me and Mikey get. I stopped in front of them.

“Belinda, can you please come with me?” She didn’t even look up, like she was afraid, Frank put an arm around her and Bob put his hand on her knee, she jumped a little and then looked over at him.

“Frank and I will be out here if you need us alright?” She nodded and finally got up standing semi next to me semi behind me, I started to walk to the door and I stopped her right behind me.

“Okay, umm, before we go in I just want to fill you in, Your about to meet your mom and dad, my - - our dad is in a coma but mom’s up and we just informed her about you. Alright, so are you ready?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Longest, Shittiest Thing I have ever written.

Sorry if any of your eyes are burning.

Thanks to all those Supercalafragalisticexpialawesome People commenting =]